MM is my most played and loved spec in wow.
I hate lone wolf so much that this talent alone made me not play sometimes. Now it’s gone but mm loses pet choice ? And gets all the time a eagle ? Srsly ? Wtf ist this man…
We legit now are Shadow priest with tentacles, without pet choice or pet. How on earth we can go so crazy backwards?
blizzard… no hate but.your hunter Devs made some bad decisions in the recent time.
A shadow priest a least can take a beating, a hunter without a pet cannot.
I guess MM died as a leveling and open world spec pretty much. Unless there is some new stuff coming that will resolve that issue.
I am not against the change to MM. It might play really good. The soloing ability though might be dead.
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I mean if people likes it…it is what it is…but it’s probably a deal-breaker for me…
Srsly idk where these hunter Dev gets his ideas, especially style/immersion, sure it’s not warcraft.
And it makes no sense imo. We could have pet + these eagle passives. We could have a better version of lone wolf baseline. They could let us decide do we want to play pet or not without significant difference …NO the dev decides no pets at all even if you want.
The current playstyle with pet we have is bad because it is easy for our pet to die to melee cleaves (players and mobs) and then we cant use hero, sac, masters call etc. If it dies, we have to spend some time to revive it back and that makes us lose damage output and also be susceptible to incoming damage since we have to stand still to revive it.
The new pet is way better. It will be flying most of the time so it will be hard for players and mobs to kill it.
Harder to kill = easier for us to use hero, sac, masters call etc.
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Probably the best decision they have made in a LONG time, and tbh was majorly overdue. Why would anyone complain about this? Also isn’t it optional?
More people have been crying out for something like this than not.
Also at least in PvP, the pet is a HUGE disadvantage overall. No stun, defense, freedom, camo, MS etc etc if that pet is CC’d or taking damage. Imagine not being to camo while out of combat because your pet still has some random DoT on it. This was looooooooong overdue.
I don’t mind. I actually really liked Lone Wolf, not a huge fan of having to micromanage a pet now, which is permanently dead or CCed in PvP.
You have two other specs that are more pet oriented…
MM without pet is nice. Leveling was fun.
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If implemented correctly, I think this might be one of their best ideas regarding MM hunter, both from perspetive of playstyle and fantasy.
In any competitive PvE content MM does not need a pet. In fact, not having to deal with pet UI is why many of us play MM hunter in the first place. The current exceptions are delves, but with option of Brann as a tank, we probably won’t need a pet even in delves.
In PvP pet is brought because of mandatory utility it brings. if we gonna have all of that utility without pet, even better.
Unlike SV or BM, MM hunter’s abilities and talents have literally zero interaction with his pets for YEARS, I genuinely do not understand those people who are so against this eagle idea.
I’m really glad they are finally adressing the problem, this has been on my mind since forever and I don’t even play MM (until very recently at least). But why does it have to be an eagle? That bothers me a lot. There better be a ton of glyph options to change this animal.
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There is one MAJOR problem with this whole redesign which is a massive cost to pay and that is the 0.5 increase to AiS cast time. Just this one change alone almost nullifies ALL the chages made. They should have doubled down on the changes and gave us either instant aimed during rapid fire, or bring back aspect of the fox and made AiS castable while moving (for a short duration of time).
Making AiS 0.5 seconds slower is a GUT PUNCH after reading all them changes.
EDIT: Ohoh ohoh ohohoohohoh
They gave us aspect of the fox in the form of a cheetah pvp talent! Gonna need to cut that CD down though.
I absolutely HATE this change.
I have no issues with the talent changes in general, things evolve and change, but I’ve literally played MM for 20 years now, and -
- I want my pet. I’ve had him for 20 years. (Yeah, I put him away a lot of the time, but he’s good to have around for some solo stuff.)
- I don’t want a stupid Eagle. Seriously could they have picked a more rubbish animal? I hate the fact i’m forced to have something out AND that it’s awful and doesn’t fit my character at all
Literally so stupid
I hate these changes. I want my pet when I’m doing solo stuff and PvP.
I don’t mind to have the eagle in raid or m+ but I want my pet the rest of the time.
Who’s making these stupid decisions?
I’m gonna unsub.
Good luck all and merry crimbo peeps.
Brother, you haven’t read the patch notes carefully.
There will be so many modifiers to the cast time of aimed shot it’s not even funny
If you do your rotation correctly and consume streamline stacks, it will be faster than on live
I saw now, but on top of that we will have aimed castable while moving… Peak changes tbh!!!
And finally, FINALLY, I can master’s call when I feel like, because my pet isn’t out of range or in CC and use all my other utility without that clunky slow moving, easily dying BURDEN of a pet. Imagine having to use it ONLY for utility, thank tuck it has gone…
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I also can’t wait to remove like 12 keybinds just for the pet
call pet, mend pet, dismiss pet, pet move, pet attack, pet passive, petfollow, pet feign death, pet taunt
Good riddance
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Isn’t the talent optional? I mean, I too would play with pet in open world / delves just to have a tank. And at that point, i’m not really concerned about being optimal on my hunter.
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No , its not optional , the pets are gone for MM.So no more soloing high tier delves…
And to mock us even more , they are adding Glided Crests to T11 delves.Which MM wont be able to do anymore…
“Hunters are in large part defined by their pets and their greater relationship with the natural world of Azeroth and beyond.”
"In Undermine(d), Marksmanship Hunters are losing access to “traditional” pets, like Survival and Beast Mastery "
This legit sounds like it’s written by two different people! How can someone say Hunters are defined by their pets (totally true!!!) and then just force one spec to get stuck with a spell which might proc and summon…something! What’s the difference between this and the “Sentinel Owl”? How much did that define a hunter? For the love of whatever you believe in, this sounds almost identical as the Sentinel Owl, or no tbh the Sentinel Owl was more class defining!
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i get you bois but still i think we could have all of this and still a pet if someone wants a pet. Lone wolf was implemented because there people who likes to play without pet. idk why they take away this decision. I will try it but even if i like it, what i said stays imo. no reason to take away pets for every mm player
The Lone Wolf players didn’t have “lust” so they had to call the pet then use the lust and then dismiss it or keep it but miss the damage Lone Wolf gave them. So yeah their brilliant idea was this… it’s an insult not a solution.