[MM+] - SURVEY - Key depletion must be removed

Greetings everyone,

I know that’s almost a running gag subject of many debates but we need to talk again and again.

In general I’m not against punishement when you lose, fail something, etc.

But for God sake why, when I did nothing wrong, coming with my key, playing in a dungeon.
Everything is fine until someone start to fail and die without ruining the timer but people start to be rude in the group and…
I m there… saying nothing but “calm down people its okay… its okay… just continue…” cuddling my key… thinking “dont worry beloved key… its okay… you re not gonna be… dep…”

Someone leaves the party

noo… nooo… :cry: why … why… its about 25 minute of playing for… nothing… I did nothing wrong… I did my job… my part…

Alright people that’s kind of situation happen to many people thats not a big new.

what about me : I m a healer so as many healers and tanks I dont need to use my own key in fact… just coming in 4/5 groups and start the dungeon. But I dont like to think selfishly but I prefer do it globaly.

The Key is litteraly the passport for people who play DPS.

Don’t use your own key mean = wait for 45-1h hour to be grouped and maybe… fail the key 5min after starting the dungeon.

The key is litteraly you own right to PLAY, let be honest.

I only play healer but the other day I grouped with a friend and He started to queue for mm+.

45 min after I was asking to my friend “Haem… is that always… like… that?”

" - what do you mean pal’ ?"
" I mean… the queue… its about 45 min now…"
" - yes friend… thats litteraly my routine…"
" Hmmm okay… and you also know that even after 45 min and be grouped you can … fail the key after 5min… and make you requeue again for… 45min?"
" - yes… I … know :cry: "

I dont play DPS and I can be grouped litteraly in 5min like other healer and better : tanks.
but WE play together to this game so we need to be unified in this problem.

Sometimes I use my key to propose my group to help other and I dont want to be a parasite who take only benefits from other and proposing nothing. But OMG that’s not possible to be PUNISHED like that. That’s not acceptable.

This is the 1st and main reason that key depletin must be removed. Who wants, during the week especially, to waste time like that in queues and probably for nothing.

. . .


People want to PUSH, depending of role.

You have already time every 14 keys, fortify and tyrannic.

For which damn reason, added to the frustration of failed, wasted time, I need to be depleted and go back to 13-14 keys if I DONT NEED TO DO 13-14 KEYS for RIO UPGRADE.

Laste weeks/days I had typical situations like that :

Proposing my key, starting the dungeon. someone fail on something “important” after 5min of playing : Leave, key is rigged its over.

Then here we go I had a 15 key know its 14… okay okay…

Creating another group… again someone leave because of ragequit or fail someting after 5min.

in 10-15 minute I got 2 times depleted and I did nothing wrong… WHY I need to do 13 key for other mistake especially if there are 1 month I already clean all 13-14 keys. WHY.

So whats happen to people like me in our brains ? “INJUSTICE” “DOUBLE-TRIPLE PUNISHMENT” “I DID NOTHING WRONG… WHY…”

  1. alt f4
  2. Stop using own key and just wait for other’s keys.

This not a well system, that’s very TOXIC.

Blizzard need to REMOVE key depletion and let manual key depletion with NPC.
Thanks for reading, let be free to comment, add situations and opinions and stuff.

Do not forget to be nice and gentlemen/women and gentlelves or gentleanimals

Survey : https://strawpoll.com/PbZqboDzKyN


Hello you , yes this is so franstration ! If the group wants to disband , and leave you before the evil boss you hate and want to kill has died . Especial , if you can not enter in to the Q AGAIN !because the boos is not a required . I think now , they are smart . Now they introduce the follower to enjoy the dungeon with , I say , allow this for every thing in the game to remove problem of StinkPeople . Introduce the follower raid as well , and provide CompetitiveGears to make the carry sale cry to their mommy about BooHoo no job !


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I wont lie I didn’t read any of that but I want you to know that you’re a second rate dualist.

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Another of these topics?..

Well I am too tired to repeat the same old stuff already discused in other topics so will sit back and watch the show instead.

:popcorn: :seat:


I’m more curious why it’s MM+

Is that a language thing? We just call it M+.

It’s like when the Germans list their Normal runs as Nhc and I’m like is it N Normal or Hc Heroic? Why is it all the letters xD


i think its Mythic Mode +

like HM : Heroic Mode

NM : Normal Mode

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Puny always asking the correct questions!


The correct way would be mythic + mode


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I think removing key depletion comes with it’s own problems. You will start a key, the keyholder wont like how the first pull went or the third pull or whatever, and disband and start over with another group. It will just make getting a key done even more painful.

It is fantastic for anyone who plays in a group with friends because you an just go oh, lets just start over and do it again. When pushing scores you’ll just get limitless tries at whatever key.

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Maybe but by definition, the key holder is the key… owner.

Its more fair than see your key being depleted because of others… by… just leaving the group after 5min

It is fantastic for anyone who plays in a group with friends because you an just go oh, lets just start over and do it again. When pushing scores you’ll just get limitless tries at whatever key.

fail the run and then fail the time you spent its enough for punishment.

There is no reason to punish people and make them having obligation to do the same dungeon -1 key , Why? non sense. Spending another 30min in a dungeon you already timed and another 30min to retry your former key. (if you timed the -1)


Yes,i think it should go away. I never pug with my key for fear of bricking it. It’s that oppressive. I am sure that if not for it, many more would list their keys.
I am sure i read/heard somewhere that they had a plan to change how it worked but wasn’t ready yet.
We’ll see.

I think it’s just creating other issues, not solving anything. It does not improve the experience it just shifts where the problems lie.

You’re also going to end up with people spending hours and hours just doing one key. If a keyholder is determined to keep disbanding until he gets something timed. It’s just wasting everyone’s time constantly.

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Hey nobody “forced you” to put your key on the table in front of 4 random strangers who wouldn’t care less about you.

Thats the price of pugging. Get guild/friends/community if you want some camaraderie and teamwork

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The price with the actual system, it can be changed.

Hey nobody “forced you” to put your key on the table in front of 4 random strangers who wouldn’t care less about you.

You re right, I m not forced. In fact i can join instantly any group as a healer without using my key.

Sorry Lynlia to think for others like Dps people. I also for people who can’t, dont succes, to have in game friend etc.

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By the way if you want to quote people highlight the part of their text you want to quote and you should see a popup box appear with choices

Puny already explained the issue regarding “unlimited tries” keystone. People will keep restarting it endlessly if they see somebody with a hint of being “subpar”. And its naive to think that people wont do it. People are already doing it now. With the meta, asking for exaggerated high requirements in ilevel/score. They want the perfect run and nothing else will do.
It will not make the m+ scene more enjoyable. As Puny said before. It will just shift the problem in a different angle or trade 1 issue for another.

I pug with my tankadin as well…but thats besides the point. Pugs are random folks who joined your key for their own benefit(they want it for score, want it for vault or farming an item/crests). They are not here to make me happy and upgrade my key

I got no problems with that cause I fully understand their motivation and their logic. Problems arise when you expect a “guild-like sportsmanship” from “4 random strangers on the in-game web”.

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Key depletion or not you can guarantee the same level of complaints will happen from players.

Instead of depletion they could just make all keys up to X number, X being the level after the highest completed key (or higher depending on on if you +2/3 it) this way you don’t need to rerun a lower key to get it back but you can also decide to do a slightly lower key without having to go to a stupid NPC to lower it.