[MM+] - SURVEY - Key depletion must be removed

Pugs would be less toxic of the key depletion would be removed. Those people who vouch for not removing the depletion penalty, are obviously playing in premades.

i am sorry i had to laugh at that typo.

There is so many friendly and fun communities out there that are running 24/7 with keys ranging from 2 to 20 that there is no need to pug at all.

List that Puny made

People who pug bring the problem and risks to themselves


I put up a +15 algethar in LFG yesterday.

Things looked to be going well until the pug warlock decided he’s gonna nuke the tree boss instead of the ancient branch. Then we died to burst forth + dot tick. 1.7 million damage. I didn’t even try to survive it when I noticed the ancient branch wasn’t dying, we were going to wipe sooner or later if he ignores it.

My friend left first. Maybe I go again tomorrow if he wants to try it on +14 but otherwise I’m just gonna level or gear an alt or something, this week is tilting beyond belief with bolstering.


And you have a third-rate deck.

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Reported and flagged.

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For what exactly? she has not said anything bad compared to you who slated others in another thread without knowing all the facts.

You do realise targeting someone from other threads is actually Against TOS? enjoy the report I’ve also not been back on it since I last went on it.

Also you don’t understand sarcasm slow clap

You just can not admit you were wrong about m+ being different and calling 10s a joke and they say you havent been on when you have made plenty of posts since but anyway flag all you want i havent broken ToS as that is ingame and CoC is for forums. Welcome to mute and ignore.

No I just don’t care nor did you read everything I said yet again continue to spam me if you like you’re just some dude hiding on a classic alt and hardly know the basics of TOS so anything you say is pretty much unwarranted nor important.

Also thanks for the mute and ignore you’re super weird. No doubt you’ll unmute me and continue it again because you’re that predictable.

ToS is for in game problems

CoC is for forums

you really need to learn to fact.

Still didn’t mute me someone is mad.

well I guess in the age of Participation Awards and celebration of mediocrity in practically every developed country (except far-eastern regions, they are lucky to still have hardworking and ambitious success-driven population), this post comes as no surprise.

Why just not add a RE-START option while we’re at it?


Hey you are the one who is throwing about the flags and reports but yep i leave you to deal with your anger , you seem to have a lot of it as you lash out at everyone who deals with facts now my last reply to you :slight_smile: good night and have fun :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t read ur comment but you’re super weird that you need to follow me on every single topic and proved me correct stay mad.

If only we could come up with a non-binary solution for this very complex problem… :thinking:

After 10 seconds of consideration: how about we allow keys to hold charges with a reasonable timer to prevent people spamming the same key or abusing the system? :thinking:

Wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds - where a key doesn’t get griefed by others, but also the keyholder can’t grief the party or get unlimited attempts at his run? :thinking:

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I never used my own key, just join any group.

The solutions to your problems are out there and well documented.

Trouble is its in your hands to fix and you want blizz to magic it for you.

Finally, i doubt 1 in 10 will read that disjointed rant - its jist the same old ‘waa my key got depleted’ using 1000 more words than needed.

While to be frank I haven’t read all your post (since I kind of got tired of the arguments), I want to applaud the use of polling in this scenario.

At least we can get some data, even if it is from a small sample. Maybe also edit and put a link at the start of your post? (since I presume it is something for people to see, and its way easier to notice at the start)

“Non heroic”, yeah kinda stupid (german person speaking)

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I wonder why people would regularly bring up a topic blizz refuse to address :face_with_monocle: