[MM+] - SURVEY - Key depletion must be removed

They are not refusing to address it. It is designed that way to prevent other issues.
If the key doesnt deplete then i can just boot out people if i dont think they are doing a good job. Or i can just leave my key and find better players.

This is an interesting idea but further thought would need to be put into it.
I havent seen a considerable number of people leaving my keys in DF, maybe one or two over the whole expansion but nothing that leads me personally to think there is an issue. On the whole if someone in my key isnt performing we just carry on and finish it.
If this would have been available to me during these “carry” keys i would probably have kicked the person and started again until my key ran out.

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Im not going to read the whole post…

But based on the title, the answer is NO. Key depletion should stay.

But at the same time keys should have charges or be allowed to upgrade them with currency. To give 2nd chances.

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When you are doing +15’s you might want to consider joining some communities and add people to your friendlist. This way other people are not depleting your key but the group is depleting a key. M+ is group content. Play together.


I know I should read everyone’s else posts before replying, but I’ll be entirely selfish and jump straight to my opinion:

If keys don’t deplete, then you solve one problem and you introduce another: Infinite tries until you get every pull right. There needs to be a deterrent to abandoning a run.

My suggestion in another thread was to indeed remove key depletion and have the system keep the player “hostages” by taking part of their gold and returning it when the dungeon is complete or if the timer expires. The amount of gold would be higher for higher keys (for example 1000g per level), and if a player did not have this gold then they cannot participate in the run. Of course that introduces other problems:

  • What if a player is removed forcibly and not on their own will? Do they get their gold back? Do they lose it? This opens up griefing and would require additional rules.
  • What if the servers crash or go down for whatever reason?
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Groups just duck up the first big pull with every cooldown committed and want to walk out. On the great push you see that all the time happening. 1 mistake and you have to walk out. No group wants to be taken hostage in the dungeon till the timer runs out.

Just give a key 2 or 3 charges and done. Don’t overcomplicated the keysystem please.

And that’s better then only the lead getting screwed if something goes wrong? :face_with_monocle::joy:

Surely this would be affected by gambling laws especially as you can buy tokens?

Thanks for the clarification.

The Germans love to use more words than necessary :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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They already adressed it a while back that they wont police player made groups.

Now these topics are nothing more than people venting. Like those “i got votekicked from a group. Not FaIR!!”. Obviosly nobody is going to remove the vote kick system but some people still need a place to “cry it out” and the blizzard complaint platform…aka blizzard forums suits the bill perfectly.

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I think i m gonna play as usual, every wednesday grabing my key from the vault and just delete it and just queue in other groups. I dont care i can tag in 5min…

I really hate to think like that but i m out to see my key be griefed like that so many time

This system is rigged and punish the key holder, especially when the key holder did nothing wrong.

Do random HC dungs if you don’t want depletion

Sometimes its the keyholder that bricks their key.

You are basically saying you never brick a key, while everyone does. Professionals are even bricking keys by making mistakes.

Hold on there :smile: while i appreciate the idea, we were just having a play on words so to speak

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why use 10 words, when 100 will do? =)

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Number of people leaving is debatable, but I think most would agree it is a problem worth solving, and it does increase in significance beyond the +10 keys.

A bigger problem is the number of keys simply not being done, since keyholders are metaslaving or waiting to cherrypick only players better than themselves, etc.

Imagine a world where a keyholder wouldn’t have to sit on their key but could take a chance on a pug and if it doesn’t work out… they can wait for the key to recharge to try again or choose to have it go lower if they want to go the old route of upgrading it.

I’d wager that we would have an order of magnitude more keys being ran across the spectrum if the key system wasn’t “one and done” as it currently is.

Except if you wanted to do the key again on the same level, it wouldn’t be off cooldown instantly - you could only go again using the old route of having the key downgraded.

UNLESS you still had weekly charges left, and I highly doubt you would use one of those on a key you could still time, even ignoring the fact that you would have to remake the grp and waste potentially more time than an underperforming dps would have cost you.

Unfortunately there is no way to prove if this is an issue or not because we dont know how many of these there are.
Also i dont really see “metaslaving” or cherry picking dps as a problem. People do this to give themselves the best chance to complete or time a key. Its up to them if thats what they want to do.

I’ve done thousands of keys now across most seasons starting in Legion, and I can tell you it IS a problem, since despite being aware of this issue I have myself done exactly what I am describing.

It is a problem if system design is incentivizing them to act this way.

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