I was reading a thread and I noticed that somebody’s post was flagged in a very short time, when I read the post that had been flagged I personally could not see any reason why anybody would do this as the post did not break any of the forum rules.
So it could be one character flagging on a number of alts, or it could be a few who have discussed and decided to mass flag to cause problems or to annoy a particular poster.
I always thought the forums were for discussion, debate, general chat about the game etcetera. We all have our own favourite posters or less favourite posters, but if someone you don’t like posts this shouldn’t be the excuse to flag if no rules are broken. This ‘forum bullying’ isn’t helpful to anyone.
Could it have been a replication of another active thread?
Just voicing an unpopular opinion will get someone mass-flagged within a few minutes…
Was the post an “unpopular opinion”?
No it was a new thread with lots of posts, just one person mass flagged.
You can’t see who reported it, so you can’t know it was one person.
I agree Saeryn but it was not the original OP just a poster who made a comment on the thread. The comment didn’t break any rules.
But just because you couldn’t find any, does that mean there wasn’t a reason? 
More context about the actual thread would have been nice tbh.
I know that is why I said is it one flagging on alts, or a group mass flagging.
So it couldn’t just be that a lot of people didn’t like it? How about you link the post you are talking about.
Edit: from what I remember about 10-11 reports are needed to hide a post.
It could be people seeing the post as trolling or baiting. It is difficult to say why people flag because what one person sees as a personal insult you might not, if the post hasn’t broken rules in the eyes of blizzard it will be unflagged though, that happens fairly often.
It’s a bit futile to alt flag as the moderators can see that and will actually ban you for it so I don’t think that happens as often as people think anymore (was confirmed by a blue post a little while ago)
4 flags to hide a post.
Cant remember where i read that but if i remember correctly i think a blue posted it somewhere in CS or on US CS
I might be wrong
I’m pretty sure I have seen 8 or 9 and the post is still visible.
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Here’s a SFA post on US explaining some of the flag abuse stuff
(doesn’t mention the amount of flags needed, just thought is might help contribute to the thread)
I just tried to report one of my own posts as spam using alts, and I got up to 13 and it wasn’t hidden.
It may look odd when someone comes to look at the report.
Edit: It did work as I got the report message and now it’s hidden. It was just delayed.
“When a single post or individual receives a lot of reports, it goes to our Moderation team for review while hiding the post once a certain threshold is reached.”
It doesn’t actually say how many, but yes it will look odd when someone comes to look at the report 
I was more wondering when a flag does go to the Moderator Team if there is actually a way to see if it is the same few who have maybe discussed and decided to mass flag just to cause problems for the poster.
Or it may be that I am completely wrong and this isn’t happening and the few I have seen are just on the basis of an unpopular opinion as Saeryn said or the post is seen as trolling or baiting as Nefaryas said.
It just seems to be happening fairly regularly on a number of threads I have seen and of course this is just my opinion, but a lot of it seems to be based on the popularity of the poster rather than what they post.
The blue post confirmed that the moderation team can see if the flags have come from alts on the same account. The sooner they can implement account wide flagging the better though.
I agree 
Apologies, I don’t think I explained myself very well earlier, but what I was trying to say is I was wondering if the Moderator Team look at who actually mass flags (not on alts) but rather groups. So if the same group of players are mass flagging individuals on a regular basis, without the poster actually breaking the rules, would this be something the Moderation Team could track? Or do they just decide on individual posts?
If they don’t track then it’s open to abuse, again I will say it’s just my personal view, but there does seem to be an element of ‘forum bullying’.
Well, I suppose but it might be a tough one to track because the shear amount of flags and reports to get through so they would have to know what to look out for.
That’s where an individual who feels targeted needs to take some action and contact the team and (pardon the pun) flag the abuse.
It could just be coincidence too, someone who is known for been a bit… baity, will get flagged a lot. Not all their posts are being flagged just ones that are perhaps a bit too close to crossing the line.
happens a lot. blizzard should show you the names of the people who flagged you, why and also limit the number of flags per account/ip address to one.