Modern retail zones, aquarel painting. Please stop

I’d love that. I’ve noticed if I play with inky potions for a long stretch it triggers migraines but I do love the option of having dark nights, it’s very immersive. A toggle would solve it all.


WoW in general was always well known for having a painting/cartoon style graphics. More realistic graphics akin to RDR and similar games would just not work for this game.

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Of course people care. I care. I just disagree with your taste.
I like how the zones look overal.

You’re blaming ‘people not doing world content’ on ‘the graphics’?
Oh boy. :sweat_smile:


This effect was caused by two overlapping events but it was so good atmospherically.


I always carry a stack of Inky Black potion around with me. If I want an actual night experience, I use one.


Yes, but! There has been a rather consistent style regarding colour and contrast usage, even if the appearance was massively different. They veered away from that with DF. I understand to some this is entirely irrelevant, or even an improvement. For me it’s a shift away from something which I particularly enjoyed about WoW :slight_smile: Luckily it can be tweaked, but I never felt that need to fiddle before.

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Oddily the above image of the zone annoys me when I am there. Might be an visual problem for me but I cannot work out where I am flying and often end up in mountains etc. One of the reasons I avoid that zone at night or early morning if I am on.

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It was night and the Fyrakk event was up in the zone, I think also dreamsurge but for me it was fantastic. It felt like night. I totally appreciate not everyone likes their nights so dark, so settings would really cover that IMO.

I mean… I can admit that even Shadowlands had well designed stuff, it just wasn’t to my taste. And that’s basically what OP is arguing about here: Taste.

If someone isn’t a fan of the ‘painterly’ aesthetic, I fear that WoW is the wrong game to be playing.

I agree… Storms in the Ohn’ahran Plains can make parts of that zone REALLY dark when combined with nighttime mode or such things. At least with Inky Black potion, lightsources become actual lightsources; they emit light. With the above that isn’t the case; everything is just dark.

For once I actually agree with Punyelf. The environmental detail add a more realistic feeling to the game because in the past, when in the forest dark of night and it was raining etc… I’d enter Stormwind and it’s all sunny…

Haha, stop.

Go back to classic.

I’m not sure what do you mean by that, reading the comments it makes me think you mean the aerial perspective, which is the effect of fading distant layers to simulate distance, or if you mean the monochromatic filter on top of the graphics, or the oil painting style of the texture, but I don’t really see the aquarel you mean. It’s probably just me not understanding though. Regardless, if it concerns either the filter or the view distance, I think there are options to optimise it, whereas for texture there’s pretty much nothing you can do about.

I love the style though, it’s one of the reasons I specifically play wow and not something else.

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I don’t mean to alarm you but your avatar looks VERY scary atm


For me the last time the game world felt like a world was MOP. After that it started to become a maze with high mob density and tricky navigation.
Saying that I can’t really discuss DF zones with any conviction. My pc is old so the graphics settings are low. My eyesight is getting worse recently (I’m not sure I’ll manage TWW).

All I can say is my experience wasn’t great due to Dragonriding landing me on mountains and hills all the time which was frustrating. Ground travel wasn’t practical either given the distances.
I get around reasonably well with oldschool flying. If this is available early in TWW this might persuade me to try it. I don’t want to do another year of just Dragon riding in more terain designed for Dragonriding.


Wrong ^^ Simple Truth :wink:

No, it’s an opinion.


If you don’t like stylized graphics, don’t play a game with stylized graphics. It is that simple.

Everything must fit the new cute and childish style of today’s Warcraft, now go and do whelp daycare quests.


The worst they did, outside of the graphics, was allowing to buy everything, so you don’t need to play anymore.

Why do we play an mmo? For social contact, to level, to grind gold, to upgrade character gear, for fun. Social contact is removed with LGF tool, leveling is removed with level boost, grinding gold is removed by the token, farm gear is removed with a full epic raid-ready upgrade boost purchase, and all those combined, removed the wow gaming experience basically.

There is nothing left to do. Just spend some dollars, and you completed the game basically. That’s the main downfall of retail in my opinion. This is why classic has players and retail don’t. With classic you still have to actually play to get something, even tho that version is narrowed down lots from the full game. And yeah, it’s not the best epics available for purchase, but most players settle for a lot less when it comes to gear.

It goes a lot further than basic micro transactions, because in a 1st person shooter, you still have a game left to play, even with micro transaction. The micro transactions in wow retail, basically complete most of the game’s purpose if you are not a lore interested player.