Modern retail zones, aquarel painting. Please stop

why such hate against daycare whelp? I did it and im happy to have new pets.

and still you are here. when i had enough of this game i took a hiatus (4 years in pandaria\wod and 1 year in 2023). decide with your wallet.

Downgrade the grapichs and make it more classic please? They are too good for me who is used to classic?

What you have against Aquarrel or whatever paintings anyway? It looks better than a constant fog would do.

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I actually feel the rotations for many specs are more clunky than they’ve ever been before. Too many similar, almost identical abilities for the same spec, too many similar CDs for the same spec, too many conditional abilities. For some specs I need more keybindings than in any other game I’ve played.

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You only need a pair of eyes to see how great this looks, while also keeping the game running on lower end rigs. It’s insane that they are able to do it honestly.

I don’t understand how people are actually complaining about the GFX direction of a game that’s 20 years old, that still manages to make zones look beautiful, while not making them look dated.

The example you gave was kinda comical also. Are you saying you want your entire screen engulfed in fog so you can’t see anything? Very odd.

Blame the casuals and solo players for that because they were too lazy to adapt to reality, so reality had to be changed to their liking.

I dont like Bastion, my eyes hurt. xD

Because we are the majority?

Yeah, i love the cartoony style wow have always had. But the newer art-style feels somewhat off, least color wise.

Hard to tell exactly when the shift was but think it at least started with Legion when it was clear the D3 art director was working on wow and especially the legion structures.

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A majority that wasn’t the intended target audience at first, just saying.

true. 100% true. and i wasnt a solo player at first. but now game is changed…
unfortunately? yes definitely.

Well, that’s a bit silly. Gaming is MUCH MUCH MUCH more generally/socially accepted as a hobby than it was 20 years ago, so of course the overal gaming playerbase has become much more varied.

Blizzard now wants to appeal to as many people as possible for that reason alone.


WoW was far, far more casual than its contemporaries when it went live. The fact they had to slap MC together in a short time and quite late in development shows they cared about other things first. ‘Raid or die’ was definitely not a big thing yet.


I love Retail. I’m not blown away by Classic.

Worst thing they could do is kill Retail by making it Classic. Classic has several variations. They can’t have Retail as well.


Well, Last expansion it was:
Please stop, making wow zones using only the colourscheme of mud. No more brown on brown - Give us vibrant colours!

Blizz gives colours: Please stop, making wow retail look like an aquarel painting.



Another day goes by, another post created about something with classic comparison in essence.

In fashion similar to what folks say over at Classic section, this is forum for Retail, Classic is over there ----->

I am starting to understand people who can’t chill on those kinds of posts. At this stage I would be voting for event where all major lore characters wore pink friendship is magic outfits at least 10 days a month while throwing free cookies into the air, while Tyrande and Calia Menethil hold monthly cooking event together at new Night Elf town. Just to make sure anything that is Classic enjoyer stays as far away from Retail as possible.

I saw what is going on in SoD therefore I also propose plushies as new potential hunter pets just to make sure “old warcraft feeling we grew up with” crowd run away with disgust.


Not really sure what you mean, SL was very vibrant, some said that was the problem.

Bastion was insanely gorgeous imo with the blue/turquoise, white, yellow. I still have that breath of fresh air feeling regarding it, so I suppose it’s a personal taste thing.

Maldraxxus was imho the worst zone visually, story wise one of if not the best, but I just disliked the visual part of it, it was a very big switch going from bastion to maldraxxus but I know some people thought it was their favourite zones, not to mention the dungeons were great.

Ardenweald was beautiful shades of green dark blues to lend to the dreamy atmosphere that made me just want to walk around for an hour before heading to bed as the music incentifies dreams and going to sleep, not that it made me want to go to sleep, it just relaxed me to a degree.

And finally Revendreth, holy moly, this zone for me was the best, and thats saying alot, purely visually it starts off black and muddy, but that was the charm, it wasn’t as openly gross with it atmosphere as lets say maldraxxus but it wasnt as bright and cheerfull as bastion, and the npcs, the vibes you got off of your basic experience were so awesome. And to top it off when things did get heated like in Castle Nathria, the dark red was so beautiful it and alive and passionate. And that’s just the visuals, the actual SMALLER STORIES(we don’t talk about overarching SL story, lest we summon the bad juju) were so great and I love everything about that zone.

Overall I found the art direction for every zone was great, you saw the vision they wanted, and yes if you were in one zone for too long it became drab and you got bored/used to it, but if you went inbetween them the change of atmosphere, for me atleast was always refreshing, from the music to the colours I have no complaints about SL.

yes but after that we had Korthia. The worst zone ingame with maw and antoran wastes.
Regarding the starter zones its weird but i disliked ardenweald… it wasnt imho so beautiful like the other “naturelike” zones (grizzly hills, feralas), maybe the blue palette was too strong.
I agree about revendreth.

Objectively speaking they were fine. But subjectively I hated the aesthetic they went for. I get it: It’s supposed to be 4 realms within the Afterlife, but man… I just didn’t like it at all. Two zones had parts that I thought were okay: Ardenweald and Revendreth. But overal, I just didn’t vibe with those zones at all.
And then of course there was the promise of ‘something different’, ‘something more uplifting’ and we got Zereth Mortis. With ‘digital monsters’. Come on!!! That was (subjectively) even worse than the original zones (and definitely the least WoW-like of them all)!

The worst perpetrator though was the Maw. To me that zone has zero redeeming factors. Literally zero.

I enjoyed the change of landscapes for SL, but I was ready to come back to Azeroth. DF delivered on that front. I personally love the increased view distance and the way they make it shapes in the distance, it would be strange if you could clearly see everything even if it was far far away. Everything in my vicinity is clear and crips.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz boring