Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

Hello gamers…

Following discussions I’ve had with several friends (as well as brief chatter with a few individuals in trade chat), I felt the urge to make my first thread here; a thread concerning the Mogu, the Rajani and - you guessed it - allied races. The primary goal of this thread is to familiarise myself with the opinion of other players on this topic and gauge the actual interest of this possibility.

Whilst some have disagreed with me - and that’s okay - I’m of the belief that the Mogu will soon be available to us as an allied race. The Rajani, as we know, are a newfound Mogu clan - and the first one friendly to us - that consist of Mogu in service to Ra-den. I think this for a few reasons, those of which I’ll share:

1: The Rajani, as cool as they are (in my opinion, at least), weren’t inherently necessary. Blizzard could have very easily had us assist the Shado-Pan, what remains of the Golden Lotus, or merely the denizens of the Vale. A clan of friendly Mogu - something that hasn’t been seen until now - doesn’t appear to have necessarily been integral to the story currently unfolding in Pandaria. There are other ways in which the hero could have ultimately stumbled upon Ra-den, especially given that the titan keeper wasn’t even the focal point of meeting with the Rajani; the Mogu were. Their deliberate addition raises the possibility of setting them up as an allied race.

2: Blizzard has gone out of their way to add more female Mogu, including General Xing of the Rajani and another female Mogu that I can’t recall the name of that is part of one of the various events that rewards currency. Given the prior lore implications - though it does not explicitly state this to be fact - that state the Twin Consorts were rumoured to be the only known female Mogu in existence, it’s interesting to theorise why they felt the need to provide these additions. A necessary second gender option for an eventual allied race, perhaps?

3: With the fate of Ra-den leading to his ultimate death following his corruption at the hands of N’zoth, this leaves the Rajani without a standing leader; whilst Stormspeaker Qian will likely prove to assume a more prominent leadership role, this leaves the Rajani arguably (though also not-so-arguably depending on the way one looks at it) without aim or goal. As a result, this would be one of, if not the most opportune time for the Rajani Mogu to seek leadership and purpose elsewhere. I’m of the belief that the Mogu will naturally resonate with the Horde more, but do be sure to explain your opinion if you believe otherwise.

4: Whilst not a necessity, a majority of existing allied races make use of pre-existing racial skeletons, likely due to the fact that it makes the process of creating an allied race easier, as well as being less of a time investment. As male Mogu make use of the male Draenei skeleton and female Mogu make use of the female Draenei skeleton, I would argue this makes the possibility of a Mogu allied race all the more feasible. While there are no existing examples of Mogu wearing armour that isn’t tied to their models, this isn’t an obstacle: see pre-playable Nightborne. In the theoretical scenario that Mogu are given to us, they would undoubtedly see a significant upgrade to their model and textures.

So, my fellow gamers & also kings - what do you think? I could likely dig up some other compelling points of interest regarding the Mogu as of late; one that comes to mind is the Ancient Crypt Key, a quest item awarded from Island Expeditions (the quest text implicates that many Mogu crypts have been unearthed or awoken by the wound in the world, referring to Sargeras’ sword in Silithus).

I for one have always loved the Mogu race and I’ve found their lore incredibly interesting, though I’ve a distinct bias for anything related to Pandaria - it was the best expansion, after all (point not up for debate - facts cannot be debated). I can’t say when or how the Mogu will eventually be given to us, though I can say that the end of BfA would be a prime opportunity to do so.

All I have left to say is…

It’s Mogu Time


it’s mogu time baybee


Mogu and Tol’vir time, let’s go.


yes mate, back of the net!


mogu’s coming home


So the Horde would get rajani.

And what would the Alliance get?

Sand humans?

Haha… Kill me


you can have the bipedal fish or something


Thin pandarens, malnourished bc n’zoth ruined the harvests


I would love the fish people from Naz’jatar / Pandaria!

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Honestly I would too, Jinyu are cool and I’d play one


Honestly, having the Rajani be a potential Allied Race would be interesting. And let’s be honest, the Mogu are definitely a race thaz look quite badass.

Along with the Tol’vir, I am certain that they would be quite desirable as well. Half lion, half… Lion? Lion-men would attract a good crowd as well.

But the question is… Who gets what?


From these two races specifically, Mogu for Horde and Tol’vir for Alliance - that makes the most sense to me, at least


Give the Rajani to the alliance.

Make the alliance pandaren playerbase question their loyalty. Like the Horde one had to do with the Zandalari.

Not like Blizz cares about the pandaren.

But seriously? i’d like the mogu as an allied race (On horde, can pick up on that Zandalari connection)

I’ve always said I wanted mogu and jinyu.


We are of the same Mind Croecell, soon :tm:


I really think it’s not necessarily a good thing to have every race/faction in the game to act like an allied race of sorts. There might be good things coming from it though, written stories by players playing said race, interesting IC interactions… But. While some players would find it great, I think it would just lead to more meme RP and overall questionable situations. Do I really want to see more Vrykul walk around in SW? Sethrak? Tol’vir? Jinyu? Gods above, please no.

I’d rather have a boat load of customization (which we’re thankfully, and well deservedly be getting in Shadowlands) but having the Mogu as an allied race, much like the Vrykul, Sethrak, and all the other races just for the purpose of adding more ‘flair’… I’m not sure about that. Besides, the Mogu aren’t even a race like most. They’re literal stone constructs, and, before Blizzard changed the lore (again) there were only two female Mogu in existence, specifically created by Lei Shen. But considering there’s a new NPC… I guess there’s more…?

Also, questing in the Vale and doing Chen’s and Li Li’s quests in Kun Lai, somehow gave me the feeling the Mogu are crazy powerful once more. In fact, there were so many of them in Kun Lai it made me feel like we never defeated Lei Shen and crumbled their empire in the first place… it’s all very weird. But then again, 8.3’s story and lore has a lot to be desired.

On the other hand, I can see why it -could- be good for some RP situations, e.g. Panderen guilds battling some Mogu clan (guild) in the form of events and such… but I am not sure where people draw the line nowadays. This stuff goes as far back as TBC and WotLK where people wanted murlocs, naga and even the Tuskarr as playable races - while such things would be absolute stupid.

But I guess we’ll see what the future holds. If they do become playable I’ll just have to accept them and I’ll make my peace with it. And the Mogu were my favorite thing about MoP. Was much more interesting than fighting my character’s emotions, at least. Plus Lei Shen is probably one of my favorite characters, and the fact that he was insanely powerful… though nobody is as powerful as the Champion of Azeroth™ that can even topple fully powered Old Gods.

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That lore was contradicted that expansion because there’s a Mogu Queen’s spirit you have to kill.

Fair point, still find it weird that the Twin Consorts were described as being the only known two in existence. Did they not know about that ghost queen?

Granted, and I agree, but I also believe they’ve set up the Mogu - intentionally or not - very well to be an allied race here. That, and allied races have become a very popular addition and likely won’t stop any time soon

That’s true, though the key word in the Dungeon Journal for the Twin Consorts was that they were presumed to be the sole two female Mogu in existence; they seemed to deliberately leave that possibility open


A wise choice Sainur…

By the looks of Elyrius’ post, it is stated in the journal that they are “pressumed” to be the only 2 in existance, so left vague enough that they can introduce more later.

I guess in the end the whole female Mogu debate is very vague cause Blizz lore.

They’re all stone constructs, Titan creations if you will. Did they not know who and what they made? Did they just make a whole army of male constructs and then just slap on some female models for the diversity quota?