Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

Lei Shen probably made the twin consorts for the same reason Illidan has the den of mortal delights in Black Temple.

Yeah, the exact quote from the journal is:

“The Twin Consorts are said to be the greatest of the Thunder King’s treasures. Rumoured to be the only known female mogu in existence, Lei Shen keeps his trophies close and their combined arsenal against interlopers closer.”

Seems to just be a rumour, and that’s good; it’s better (imo) to leave things open if you want to potentially revisit the possibility one day, which seemingly has come to that in 8.3


Which is the way it should be rather than keep retconning it all at a later date.


I think we’re very close a “allied race fatigue”, in that they’ve been adding so many new races that they feel like adding very little, if anything, to the game (dark irons and mag’har could have just been reskins).

I wouldn’t mind jinyu or naga (jinyu don’t have female gender) for Alliance and mogu for Horde; but as I said, they ought to be the last ones until the end of Shadowlands

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I for one think we don’t have nearly ENOUGH Allied races. Old races are relics of a forgotten time, obsolete. I’d rather have 20 more allied races than any attention paid to the original ones. I thank this thread for bringing me this revelation.


We may have disagreed in the past Athramus, but for once I can’t necessarily disagree

Never thought I’d die fighting side by side with a dragon…


gib stoneman


I would love if Mogu became playable, especially on Horde. Would probably end up being my main Horde race instead of trolls then. Need to get that imperial fix somehow yannow.


want stone man N O W


As youre aware Ely I have been a grand supporter of the Mogu becoming playable

My only gripe is that I also wanted them to be the first Allied race who are coerced or forced into serving a faction. Their lore fits the ideal of only respecting power and having the adventurer beat a Mogu clan into joining would be a great change of pace, not to mention the RP opportunities of a canonically indentured race option.

Sadly with how the Horde and Rajani look now it will remain a pipe dream, until Ogres join the fray and we do the same as Rexxar back in TFT.


I actually like that idea a lot, but as you say, with the addition of the Rajani it’s now unlikely. Still, as long as I get Mogu one way or another I’m probably going to be content


Mogu are the coolest race in WoW (No capp, bro!) and I’ll tell you why:

-They’re like titan constructs, so they have a link to the planet’s creation (unlike every other horde race)
-They suffered from the curse of flesh, and so they now have a reason to hate old gods (unlike every other horde race)
-Cool imperialist china motifs
-Lei Shen was the coolest boss since sliced bread back in BRead Expansion
-Cool, quillen racial mounts (i have the MoP collecters edition one which is still rly epic and I THINK kinda rare)
-A reason to hate Pandaren IC without integrating OOC opinions.
-A draenei model for the Horde
-Finally a cool Horde allied race (excluding Zandalari) after the DISASTER known as Vulpera
-You get to eminate your favourite stereotypical chinese accent through excessive apostrophes in RP!

Thank you for reading my TED talk on why Mogu (Any clan) should be added as a HORDE allied race!


I have it too, it’s bassed (I got one of the new Quilen mounts to drop too but as I showed you it’s mega small…)

MoP Collector’s Edition is also going for about $299 on tcgloot right now so I’d say it’s probably a rare mount now


Glad my 11 year old self convinced my mom to buy the Collector’s edition for my Christmas present back in 2012


I think I did something similar

Some call me an investor…


I personally would really like mogu. I find they are a great and awesome race. In my opinion it may be as well very possible for them to join the alliance, due to their titan roots, which humans, dwarfes and gnomes have too.

While they are not as awesome as dragons are, they are still quite nice. And i fear we wont get dragons as a race very soon. So, they sure would be great.

I greatly support the addition of mogu, which should come as no surprise, however I am uncertain which faction suits them better.

At a glance, Horde seems obvious, right? Since Zandalari are already in.

But I think Alliance has a solid argument as well. As was mentioned, the Tushui need something to challenge them the same way the Huojin were challenged by the Zandalari. There’s a definite trend of Horde being the more warm, family-like faction (before it was repeatedly torn apart by tyrant warchiefs and ensuing rebellions, anyway) whereas the Alliance is more about order. Even the zandalari, while refined, still have tribal roots in their theme. The mogu, on the other hand, are the epitome of order - even if that order is not always pleasant.

Maybe the best way to do it is to have them become neutral just like the pandaren. With their leader gone, the Rajani - now free to pursue the causes they see fit - can choose themselves whether they resonate more with Alliance or Horde.


Haven’t read the thread but could do with a unique not so humanoid race for once, we just had kultirans followed by mecha gnomes. The only fan service you’re going to get for making those a allied race is mostly a :-1: Given how people have reacted to every other alliance allied race this expan, more or less.

“it could of been customisation”

“its missing the skinny option”

“literally nobody asked for this race.”

I’m still afraid the next allied race is going to be the Unshackled gilblins… Yaaaay…

Playable Mogu would definitely be one of the top picks for new races. It would finally give me a reason to RP in Pandaria, as I’ve always LOVED Pandaria and the Pandaren, but could never muster the interest in playing one. That’s also why when the allied race additions were beginning, I wanted the Hozen and the Jinyu, as they would have been just the thing to pump some life into Pandaria and give people more options. I only later realized how unlikely the Hozen were, what with their bizarre bone structure. But my weird monkey fixation aside, I think the Rajani would make for the perfect excuse to add the Mogu as player race options.

I refuse to receive any other allied races than Hozen at this point.