Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

You clearly haven’t looked at the Wowpedia page for Mogu, in that case; their lore is vastly more fleshed out (and interesting, quite frankly) than that of the Taunka. I like Ogres, though. Mogu are one of the primary races of an entire expansion, whereas the Taunka were more or less a side attraction with a few villages. I’d say that’s a little more “iconic” by comparison.

Ironically enough, I think that the Mogu are one of the few non-playable races that don’t actually look terribly wacky (Lei Shen comes to mind, believe it or not!). They’re certainly less wacky than a certain fox-like race we’ve recently received… (not sorry Vulpera players)

If you think Mogu are a low effort race, again, I’m going to have to invite you to read their Wowpedia page, as well as play through MoP - I’m not really sure what else to tell you.


bold words from a human player

:dabbing emoticon:


I turn pink in my face.

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Can’t wait for them to add mogu only for them to strip away anything that made them interesting just so they can fit in with the factions.

…kinda like the Zandalari actually

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What made the zandalari interesting?

the fact that they couldn’t be monks, for one.


ogres were one of the most inteligent races around + had their own empire

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i don’t even think most of the base races are that cool at this point let alone the races added in expansions / allied races - added mogu would probably be on par with that as they will likely get a mediocre story like everybody else (still want them)

the only cool stories these days come from rp and that’s fact

major keyword.


Reminder that worgen did not have female models until cata
and here we are.

thinking about it worgen is an also a bit of a :peach: pull, I mean until cata was there even ONE instance of a friendly link to the alliance in-game until they decided to make one.

Kind-of-not-quite, in that the worgen of Duskwood were also citizens of Stormwind.

but were they friendly, was there a FRIENDLY link as in, a friendly worgen that you could talk to or one that didn’t attack on sight?

Not that I know of, but I would imagine not.

The citizens of pyrewood village in silverpine were friendly to alliance during the day (including a functional vendor iirc). At night they turned into worgen who were hostile to everyone.


Wtf I never knew that. That’s dope

Fair, I was aware of them but I always counted them as more neutral since their worgen forms were hostile, still fair point.

Tehya you’re hurting me.

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Huuuu i dont know maybe their culture, or the fact they are the oldest race/empire on azeroth? or maybe their lore which is verry big or maybe it is their loas? I mean mate you are a void elves how can you just talk about why zandalari are interessting?

Yes on draenor long itme ago but now they are just dumbass on azeroth and have nothing left of this, if you had their actual empire and some intelligent ogres left on azeroth and not just stupid guys used like goons by goblins or just camps full of ogres poops then yeah maybe i could considere them being not dumb =p (Dont get me wrong i love the Gorian empire)

You do, they’re just not very numerous. The first examples that come to mind are Swar’jan and Draz’Zilb.

They still live in cave and not even actual buidlings ><