Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

can’t deny this :slight_smile:

here i thought you didn’t have time! did your schedule open up, friend?


Didn’t ask + you’re an offrealmer


thanks for your earlier inputs (didn’t mind them) but ur now taking a fat poo on my thread which is about mogu and not the “frankish kingdome” and the “4th crusade”

start talking about mogu or go . . . . . . .

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Are you for real? Or i have to go quote my own previous posts? You know the posts when i say that we are going off topic to all thsoes trolls who came here ruining it?

I fought feriously all the cancer your thread had to offert and now you are saying its me who is ruining it? you need to read the previous posts i think because yes i only came here to talk about mogu ar but some ppl thiought it was wise to say that “putting mogu as an ar would ruin it” which i ask for real reasons why and then i argued over different stuff why zandalari werent ruined by being playable to make echoes of that mogu wont be

basically yh


Well, first i dont get why this thread is on argent dawn seciton when it actually concern all of the comunity

Second when i came to this thread searching with google because yes im verry interessted in mogu being adeed into the game as playable ppl were taking about what? Arrakoas so no your thread didnt wait me to go off topic 90% of posts dont even talk about mogu

And 3rd i found this video which explain that this topic is not only for the filthy roleplayers but actually that everyone care about it even the most notable Youtubers and wowhead webmaster :slight_smile:

4th there is a toy in vale since 8.3 that can turn you into a mogu so even if ppl are not happy with mogu being playable well dont care since you can roleplay as one with this toy anyway

Now mate sorry but i have to make mogu playable and for it i have to search more threads or make new ones and i dont care of roleplayers i actually think they are most useless players on this game since they are like “Ho but tidesage arent mage they dont use arcane to manopulate water blablabla” i mean you are a roleplayer or not? so play kul tian forst mage and make your roleplay as tide sage and dont be stupid…i just feel like roleplayers just want to enjoy the game and play roleplay but yet they make up every possible thing themselves to prevent them to enjoy it ><

What item is this? And do you know its cooldown and duration? Because toys in World of Warcraft have a history of having cooldowns longer than durations, making them less than ideal for role-play.

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Because I am on Argent Dawn and I wasn’t interested in the opinion people outside of it held as I am extremely unlikely to ever meet or communicate with people outside of my own realm; if I wanted to ask players not on Argent Dawn, I’d have posted the thread elsewhere


The toy is :


Use: [Turn yourself into a member of one of the four warring Mogu clans. (1 Hour Cooldown)

Well, thats bad because ppl outside of it care about it ya know? Not like its gonna happen if you only talk with roleplayers not like blizzard cared about what rolepalyers said =p

Thanks. Unfortunately the duration is only ten minutes.

We’re an RP realm. We like to talk about lore and content from the perspective of being RPers. Why? Because that’s what is most relevant to our interests. Make a thread elsewhere on the forum if you want the opinions of non-RPers, really.

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Please stop vandalizing Elyrius’ thread :confused:

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And rpers cant come to talk when there is a thread on the generale forums or are they so only between them that they let others interessting thread die out? like Where are you when there is mogu thread on mmo-champion or on generale forums you want mogu or you dotn want them? fight for it if you want them and dont stay in your bubble because you are not gonna have anything either way

Glad you found so many threads! Please visit those instead.


Well, i just feel like you rpers are a ind of elitist comunity who think they are too good to care about other threads that the ones concerning your realm ><

is it truly elitist if it’s absolutely true?

The answer might shock you

(no it’s not)

u got owned by Tehya about fourty six times

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That’s not the case at all and I’ve never stated that; if that’s the impression that was given off, then no, that’s not what was intended.

I have created this thread on the Argent Dawn forums because I play on, believe it or not, Argent Dawn. The people I play with are from Argent Dawn, the vast majority of the new people I meet are from Argent Dawn and the vast majority of people I will ever meet on this game will be from, you guessed it, Argent Dawn.

If I wanted to browse the opinions of people outside of this circle, I would have likely created this thread in the Lore category (I think that exists? I don’t recall). The reality is - unfortunately for you perhaps - that I have a natural desire to know and understand the opinions of the people I’m most likely to meet or play with. Again, if I wanted the opinions of others, I’d have not posted the thread here.

There is no elitism about it. Yes, I don’t browse threads outside of the Argent Dawn category very often, but I do find myself there on occasion - that doesn’t inherently mean I care less, nor should it. The people that wish to discuss the topic as a person that doesn’t play on Argent Dawn is more than welcome to; after all, you have the ability to, just as any other player does. That does not mean I should post it elsewhere.

i shouldn’t have had to be that formal for you to understand but here we are


Yeah right =) plz call an ambulance i got owned by a lvl 58 edgelord dk what i will do (you see how i care about it?) i mean ho i got owned on dsicussion thats not even about mogu and about he randoemly trolled me its like playing a game with someone without elling him you play a game with him >< i dont even get what you mean by owned i mean they were some kind of duel happenning or something?

Elyrius i get you but it wasnt for you it was mostly for that i was talking about mogu i came here because i want mogu to be playable but i got trolled without reasons and when i wanted to have a dcisussion and asnwered to the trolls the things they answered was “what are you dojng here you are not from our realms so go away” (thats nearly xenophovia when you think about it)

I mean im not allowed to have sicussion on a forums even if its not my realm and then defend myself? i mean its like many ppl here or even in real life or even on internet they throw you an apple and then you come and punch their face and they say “what i did wrong?”. Cant we have just once a discusison without totally taking the other person in front of you like if he was a dumbass or ppl here have litherally no respect at all? Like i said earlier they were some duel going on? i dont know why being so like “agaisnt” or wanting to troll at any costs?

you cared enough to write a full paragraph about how you totally aren’t turning into a corn on the cob while screaming about how you are not, in fact, owned.

I’m touched, really.

I agree though Mogu are pretty cool unlike the extremely de-fanged Zandalari.

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