You say this and I agree l, pal, thats good, bravo but
Then you say this and I weep for you my son
Ps I also think its in your interest to think less
You say this and I agree l, pal, thats good, bravo but
Then you say this and I weep for you my son
Ps I also think its in your interest to think less
Well, its not that i care about owned or not owned its more that i try to understand the point of this “owned not onwed” its just pointless and i dont get why ppl here care so much about trolling or owning others is this so important?
You 100% lost your cool because of that “lvl 58 edgelord dk” and started throwing slurs at people, calling everyone uncultured. You got owned, lol
Yeah and its sad i dont have that dk in front of me right now because other than being a keyboard warrior he is nothign els and if losing my cool because osmeone is an jerk that i cant let it stand if this is being owned? like if oyu mean not accepting someone els “being stupid on purpose” well ok but its not bad its actually good because again fight for what you believe in not just say “meh ok” you wont deal with this edgelord otherwise and i swear if i had this guy in front of me right now i cant say what i would do but i would do it gladly and i think its silly how ppl support him instead of roasting him for being just a jerk but ok (this is also the biggest mysterie of life why ppl support bad ppl instead of fightning them)
Umm… what?
And you wonder why people dislike you. Go away
i can assure you i could absolutely take you in an irl 1v1 but i MIGHT lose because of how much i’d be laughing at the [Property of Tehya] stamp on ur forehead
(that means ur owned by me)
duuuuude… that’s so deep dude…
Lets support the guy who made two real-life threats in a single post
Did i made “two real-life threats” hmmm i dont think so i was jus doing roleplay no?
We will see what the mister policeman thinks
to be fair i think to be real life threats they have to come across as threatening instead of just really funny in a kind of sad way
True, big true
Dont know i mean its not me who started being annoying did i? When you begin to ask for troubles dont be suprised you have some no?
Accusing Tehya of being a keyboard warrior, but here you are demonstrably being one yourself.
Well, he attacked me so i answer no? He is a keyboard warrior since its him who started and came here only to be one me i just came here to talk mogu thread and thats why im the good guy here because i dont get why ppl support him when he all started by himself not me
The good guy, the real hero
I must have missed Tehya punching out through your monitor. If this is true, Tehya is VERY powerful so I wouldn’t anger them if I were you
And you wonder why you deserve my ire? anyway for the black empire style i guess its some kind of egyptian style (because of the obelisk) and surely soemthing els that i dont know might resaerh more about it =)
You again think you are smart guy and mean that you are totally as bad as him by this
And you wonder why youre being the practice dummy over here.