Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

Did somone say… Non-playable RACE!? I will say this, Rajani Mogu are perfect for an Allied Race as you elaborated in your very well-made research.
They could bring some interesting lore to the Horde as the TItan-race in the Horde. So instead on relying on Magni for both factions, we could rely on great Stormspeaker Qian.

On the roleplay side, I find them very powerful race in general. In the lore we have examples of them hopping from bodies to bodies via Spirit-binding. Flesh-shaping and blood magic race also would be interesting in the Horde, but I am uncertain if Rajanji would consider it ‘good’ to use.

However, I have noticed that most of the Rajanji Mogu are the jade-made, and as such they aren’t really organic creatures, which is a good thing.

Can you imagine how Horde underpopulation could be solved with sudden influx of Mogu spirit-binders and Horde craftsmen and sculpters creating the ton of stone-statues and then filling them with with souls of recently passed?

As for the classes. I would see them as:

  • Warriors - Mogu are described as the brutes which value strength over anything else
  • Rogue - Spirit-claws, hands down are the sect of priest-assasins which could trap somone soul in the jade bottle by deathblow.
  • Hunters - Quilen masters are quite common sight, especially in Kun-lai quests.
  • Shamans - No need to explain sparky storm shamanism of Rajanji
  • Warlocks - Blood Magic, Flesh-shaping, Spirit-binding. Yeah, this fits.
  • Mages - All of the Titan-forged have natural affinity for the Arcane.
  • Priests - Now that is a tricky one. As there are three options here which can be considered. Either some sort of Ra-den Stormpriest or some sort of Spirit-Binding Ritualist or Spiritclaw which overlaps with rogue-class.
  • Monk - this isn’t out of realm of possibility that Mogu could become monks if they followed their philosophy. Much to an irony, I’ve noticed that Spiritclaws also overlap on this class.
  • Death Knight - and they most likely don’t need Bolvar help with that as we’ve seen plenty of Mogu necromantic abilities.

But one should ask themselves if they are relevant to the Shadowlands expansion centered around the realm of death? I say they are.
Around 15k years before Dark Portal the Age of a Hundred Kings took place. During it Mogu discovered necromancy and begun to abuse hell out of it as we see in game. They had 15k years to practice their necromancy, can you imagine? They cheated Death itself by abusing Spirit-binding, hoping form one body to another. Even spirits of few of their emperors and kings seem to be stuck into urns waiting for possesion of another body and continiued conquest.
For mogu, the death doesn’t seem to be problem. And this could bring some interesting plot-points during the Shadowlands where the veils between physical and death realm is no more.

Elyrius, to you, that is excellent job.

P.S. But what would the Alliance get in return?


Orcs are a Titan race.

Indeed, and so are goblins. But in lore nothing seems to indicate that they are aware of this fact. Unless I’ve missed something?

Maybe they never thought about it?

Yeah, that seems to be a case. From their perspective there were some stone giants fighting bad case of weed. And there aren’t really any big Titan facilities. So that is most likely this.


Echoing the reasons Tyrinar mentioned, I’d absolutely love Mogu to added, so cool and epic they are.

Their Alliance counterpart can be Vrykul or Broken; even the former fits more in a way due to being another titan badass race affected by curse of flesh. Not to mention kind of affinities both have with the Storm.

Please blizzard, add Mogu already, after what you did with :fox_face:

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Because of this thread i am torn whether i should play my wildhammer or get back to pandaren

You’re welcome


this is why I dont want mogu, imagine their disney eyes

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Definitely viable, but I (personally) think that culturally, Mogu would further resonate with the Horde and its ideals

This is a reasonable point, and for the record I wouldn’t be terribly upset if Mogu were given to the Alliance instead - either side works so long as I get them in the first place…

This strikes me as unnecessarily negative, and I’m quite confident that the majority players are either neutral or actually liked KT & Dark Iron. I can’t speak for Mechagnome as I’ve not been on Alliance enough, but many of my friends seem to like them and I do too.

Please no

Thank you, thank you… (I think Jinyu would be a good pick for Alliance)

I knew you’d see it my way Kump

There is that concern that Blizzard wouldn’t do the theoretical player models justice, but I have hope Faceslinger

I have… hope…


As we did a while ago…

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The Emperor’s courage burns everlasting…

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Mogu will be second class citizens in the glorious Empire. It can be no other way.


Think I’ve stated this on discord but the only downside I see is that I genuinely worry for how RPers will handle Mogu.

After seeing what they did to Vulpera, LFD, velves, maghar, the list goes on…

I dunno if its worth the risk/reward


Don’t think we have to care about that when we are part of a community that can ensure the quality we expect.

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True in a very bigly way, just makes me a sad lad to see people leaving so much potential untapped :pensive:

Bad roleplayers will always make bad characters, no matter the race.

And I don’t think any future allied race can ever be as inherently bad as vulpera are (until Blizzard proves me wrong).


It’s not my cuppa. Which is fine and doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be an option, but I never quite saw the appeal in mogu. If I want a burly and war centric race, orcs fill the demand perfectly fine for me. They even have blademasters for that asiatic itch.

For sure. Fear shouldn’t determine what is and isn’t made playable.

Yes, i agree that is also true. I personally would prefer them for the alliance however, as i mostly play alliance. They sure would also fit with the titan worshipping dwarfes, and may add some war flavour to the alliance, even though the Rajani do not seem so agressive.

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Agree with Krontan - I’ve come to accept now that no matter what new and fancy race is added, there will forever be people that roleplay them poorly or nonsensically

It’s a good thing there’d likely be a guild in a certain dark and ominous community revolving around them…

That’s fair, and I respect it. I think they could be a good addition to either side, but I also think that the Horde are due some titan worshippers of their own