Because the forum avatar has always been from Wildhammer for him.
Tehya-Wildhammer was my first char i made and to this day sits on that server.
spicy fire eyes
Yes pleaseeee! And a “burned” body akin to Bolvar to, please😍
We couldn’t even get the three basic undead skins, or something like blue fire for Dark Iron Dwarf DKs lel. Allied race DKs are a joke tbh.
I’m still foolish enough to hope that they’ll implement some extra stuff during Shadowlands, but we’re dealing with Blizzard, sooo…
Guess who we’re getting for Horde before Mogu?
Maybe I’ll go back to TES: O after all…
honestly just think they’re there so we don’t repeat that situation where Velen meets the people he abandoned for thousands of years and promptly abandons them without a word again.
I’d be surprised (neither pleasantly nor unpleasantly) if they make gilblins an allied race.
I don’t think they’re coming soon (indeed, if at all) but their inclusion does mean that on the totem pole of “likely races”, they’re definitely above mogu to me.
sad but true
Poor Argus-Broken… I hope they’ll “retcon” a few of them on the Vindicaar, tbf
their quartermaster guy and 2 other broken are onboard the vindicaar on Argus at least!
Has anything appeared on the Alliance side of the fence?
Who wants to play a seaweed-smelling Goblin with even weirder voices am I right
what have you got against sea-weed smelling Goblins with even weirder voices?
They aren’t Mogu
That’s about it really
But Mogu aren’t Ogres
Thankfully so Leia…
But Ogres Mages are the real deal…the juicy news.
I like Ogres, I do - I thought a lot of the Highmaul stuff was actually very cool and I’d like to see ‘sophisticated’ Ogres again
I also like Mogu more
Sorry not sorry
We could get both - I’ll interview them and conduct the interview like this: