Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

Allied races wouldn’t have even been so much of a problem if they weren’t stuffed behind tedium like rep-grinds. Mag’har and Dark Irons for sure should have been customisation options.

Considering Shadowlands promises more customisation for non-Allied races I’m suspecting any more Allied races will have to be actually “new” ones with new rigging i.e Zandalari and Kul Tirans. Tol’vir would fit that but Mogu would simply be a re-skinned Draenei (who already have the Lightforged option).

Though as you said, Naga could qualify, and sort of give balance to the weird body dimension problem that Tol’vir also have.

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Allied races is a slippery slope
we are already partly stepping over the edge with vul’pera and mechagnomes
one of which feels like they were introduced for the sake of giving the other faction a small race to counter the others.

while there are a lot of cool races in the world, and having the option to play one would be cool, I think it is worth considering just how broken all their racials are compared to the base races, and blizzard seems more than happy to up the brokeness with each one.

so while naga and mogu are cool for us rpers, the rest of the game balance suffer with each addition.

Ogres > Mogu.

Although, if they add Ogres with Rexxars skeleton I don’t want it. I want the current OG one with more animations.

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He is only half-ogre, adding a race based on his model would do no more than give us tauren sized orcs with human skin.

although if they gave them a rig of their own based on the ogre, that would be neat

Pretty sure zandalari is a offshot rig from night-elf with their own animation set
and Kul’tirans share rig with the vrykul, again slighly modified with only a few shared animations, such as the sitting one for the male at least.

The current ogre rig is the rig I want.

Sure, they can give it more animations and maybe slightly more fluid, but thats it. I like 'em as they are.

I know, but you can never be sure with Blizzard (even if I dont want to seem negative).

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High Elves, at last.

lmao j/k it’s never going to happen

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devil may cry announcer voice savage

There’s still room on the allied race creation screen for one more pair.

We may yet see one more set, though my gut says it’s not going to be until at least mid-Shadowlands.

More high elves actually appeared around SW when void elves did.
And the Lightforged kept the high elven stable master, I’m assuming she’s a prisoner.

I just really hope we won’t get any races from Shadowlands. I can take a lot in terms of cosmic beings as friendly playable individuals (I main an LFD so no surprise there I assume), but having supernatural races from the freaking afterlife strolling around would be a bit too much.


New Allied Races!
Alliance: Kyrian.
Racial Leader: Uther
Notable racial: Double jump and glide.

Horde: Venthyr.
Racial Leader: Kael’thas.
Notable racial: Bat swarm form.

Playable Summer 2021.


Totes would play one, just because of Kael’thas.


Kyrians have absolutely the best model in-game. I really hope we get a toy that turns us into a kyrian!

(Not that I would RP one but someone has got to do content while looking good!)

too late, i already want Kyrians as Horde’s (better) Lightforged equivalent.

I don’t think there’s much content to do between 1-20, you have to sub for the rest.

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I still can’t believe that Shadowlands leak talking about visiting Bastion and meeting the “noble Kyrian!” turned out to be true lmao


It still hurts to this day that that was actually legit while having 0 (zero) to do with WoW at a glance.


the chad Val’kyr vs the virgin Kyrian

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It was so quickly called out to be fake as well. “That art doesn’t look legit or Blizzard, it’s also way too bright and cheery for the Shadowlands. Also what the hell is Bastion and who are the Kyrian???”


I was sure it was fake. More fool me.

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Same tbh.

I was more convinced by the Bolvar cinematic leak, despite the eye colour.

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