Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

Its still better than Grommash in wod end cineamtic i must say

Tauren alliance, mogu and ogres in the horde? =p

About the mogu i was thinking that in the little quest chain you do with Chen and Li-Li in Kun-Lai you face mogu coming from the north (maybe mogu-shan vault or any other tomb around here) and thoses mogu talk about some kind of master

Also you can notice that them ogu statues in the vale arent fully rebuilt yet and that in island expeditions you get a crypt key that refer to some mogu necromancers

So i am wondering if all of this is actually linked of Blizzard dont plan to make some kind of story for the rajani to fight that master and also rebuilt the statues fully and if this master is a big necromancer can it be related to shaodwlands in some ways?

Whats Goblin Mk1???:scream:

Are we talking mount from Motherlode?

Mk1 would be Razdunks.

Seems like we’re talking about Goblins, as in the race, and apparently Gilgoblins would be MK3? I mean Playable Goblins would be MK2, then? But what are Goblins MK1 then?!?!

Orrrr… I’m totally misunderstanding the sentence here :frowning:


Yea but… if… Goblins are Goblins are Mk1… and Gilgoblins are MK3… What goblins are Mk2 then? :S

The vulpera.

Oh, I totally… Didn’t expect that… :frowning:

I am more referring to their models, than anything else. We don’t need a third goblin type.


Yup its what i said above and its what i would say mogu wont join alliance to not have a draenai Mk 3 =p

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