Mogu, the Rajani and Allied Races

-come in both gold and blue
-have wings by default
-tread in the realms of both the living and the dead
-their master is a demigod with a lava beard

-they’re just blue Da-ba-dee-dabba-die
-need to train “for millenia”(!) to get their wings
-stuck in the shadow realm like some loser who got dabbed on in a yu-gi-oh game
-no one’s even ever heard of this Arbiter dude lmao

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Didn’t he fought alongside master chief?

anyhows i’m signing up for the necrolord’s abomination knitting club

reminder that all of the shadowlands covenants are villains, the arbiter is evil, and that we should tear down the shadowlands hierarchy to establish peace, freedom, justice and security to the realms.

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They better not villain-bat Kael’thas again.

Imma lose my s**t if they make him a villain again.

I honestly always thought that the shadow lands was azeroth but with a greyish tone to it. But i guess not!
Also Mogu are cool and based and should 100% be an allied race for the Horde


It is. When we die in game we go to shadowlands during our corpse run.

Except apparently also not? I guess?


The shadowlands is whatever Blizzard needs it to be to make an expansion. It’s apparently like a dozen or so civilisations that for some reason exist in the afterlife and harvest us for anima so they can build nice castles and stuff.


perhaps it works like hell, multiple layers.
layer 1 is where you go when you die.
layer 2 is where you go when you are “collected”
layer 3 is when they dont like you and boot you into the maw.

also, Mogu obviously would be part of the horde.

i made a thread for u guise

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damn it’s true

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Think of it as limbo


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By being spineless and kept running away from us the entire Stormheim zone?

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Yes, i agree but i mostly said this to remind that since the start zandaari were shown as good more than bad guys and its clear since start of their lore creations that thet never really claimed to be above all trolls but more some kind of scholars and defenders of the trolls wellfare

No but if for real, i think Gilgobline wont be an allied races or at least i dont think its logicial that they become one due to reasons :

They dont really like to go on lands and they often say it in Nazjatar , that they feel heavier on lands and prefer to be in waters

Horde just get a tiny race already, the vulperas which also use the goblin rig

Gilgoblins use old goblins model so they definitly need an update (even if it will lot eaiser to upgrade thei rig than the mogu i must say) but i wouldm ore imagine it as a customizaiton for the goblins than a new ar really

Not me really since i dont even have any regular goblin either ><

I do think the same, i think ogres and mostly the Gorian empire had a good lore and great culture/feels but it feel a bit lost to the ages since it was ostly part of wod while i do prefer the mogu because it ties more to the present and have a longer history

I love allied races i dont think the fatigue is close for me and lot of ppl loves them too and i do beleive that now they will only put new races by this mean instead of introducing new races without any real inttroducitons at the start of expac (i always felt the blood elves were poorly introduced to the horde lorewise dont get me wrong i dont say their lore dont make sense i just say that if you dont play ont you dont really know what they are doing here when bc started)

I highly doubt it because these races are linked to the shadowlands how does it even wor for them to come on azeroth and beyound and wonder around etc ? I really doubt any shaodwlands race will join either factions, because they are kinda super powerfull beings tied to the realm of death

Plus since they dont care about either factions or facitons conflicts (as blizzard themselves said it) if and i put a big IF they become playable i dont see them join one faciton over another

But about the Gilgoblins again i mean they can maybe make the fish ppl join alliance and gigoblins join the horde it would make some echoes to vulperas (new) joining horde and mechagnomes (old) join alliance

Or they can be complete bad guys and put gilgoblins in horde and mogu for alliance because reasons >< (i hope not really)

PS : i wanted to say sorry to Tehya and sorry to all of you guys =(

that’s all gucci fam dw about it

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I’d like the jinyu or Ankoan, but both seem unlikely. Blizz doesn’t like work, and they would need more than goblin mk.3.

I know…i know =(

About your previous quesiton if there is anything in Stormwind since patch, well i wondered around a bit yesterday and i found nothing new no fish ppl or anything but i can have missed something

There’s a bunch of trolls at the docks actually looking to join up with the Alliance but it’s not sure whether that’ll work out yet.

Top 10 anime redemption stories

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Both tauren leaders are in SW keep!

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