jesus, recently I’ve been playing on a mop private server and warlock was such a blast to play. What happened to this class, how can literally all 3 specs be so boring and unthoughtful, literally a complete monkey must have thought going from MoP and even WoD warlock into legion and ultimately even worse BFA was a good idea
Big rant of my own, just scroll trough if you cba;
Yup, we had all these fun tools to dps, and they just got pruned with each expansion
just a small list of noticeable ones i remember:
- Demonology, the entire spec revamp, took away metamorphosis form because DH are now a thing that we need to sell in legion so can’t possibly have a spec with the same ability as your new class, even better that they just flat out said “we just don’t want you to play demonology”, then gave it a 25% overall dmg nerf. at least they were honest with us back then, they didn’t give the real reason, but at least they had the balls to acknowledge what they were doing
- Soul burn for affli, literally a way to empower other abilities by the use of SS, had many possible appliances, yet decided to remover rather than explore.
- Soul swap, guess its not enough of a pain to get dots up on targets, or they just managed to go full pepega and created a solution ( removing Soul Swap ) for a no longer existing problem ( dot snapshotting )
- Fire and brimstone ( original version ) empower your abilities by the use of embers, again, created a solution for a problem that not longer existed => mastery gave too much embers => fire and brimstone could be used too much. they replaced the mastery with this bland, unoriginal rng dmg increase that i seriously doubt you’d need a masters degree in game design to come up with, yet still removed FnB.
- Destro’s mastery as per last point
Even from legion to bfa mistakes that confuse the hell out of me
Took thal’kiels consumption from demo, which gave it an appealing playstyle where you could get a huge blast of damage, discounting the empower demon spam ofc, and gave it to affli in the form of Deathbolt, but not baseline, as a talent, so its mandatory 100% of the time
gave affli a dot lengthening 3min cd’s but AGAIN didn’t make the ability that capitalizes on it baseline ( Deathbolt )
made a talent row that gives 3 different aoe options, one is singularly better in all possible situations ( PS can’t be dispelled, deals massive burst dmg, deals aoe dmg, has no cost, has no cast time, heals you for % dmg done), and in that spirit there are literally only 3 talents across 3 specs i have to change once in a blue moon for a niche fight, talk about backwards design, why not just give all the 95%+ used talents baseline and just do away with the talent tree, its not like you’re using it to make the spec interesting or versatile.
literally not even touched any warlock talents balance over the whole of bfa
and as a last bonus, very minor cc capabilities in terms of raids / m+ ( mortal coil is almost a guaranteed ninjapull, fear as well but can atleast be used as a bad interupting mechanic if the mob is actually susceptible to fears ( i.e no boss interupts), banish is pretty niche, shadowfury has a cast, axe throw has delayed impact because its a projectile, i get it, it might just be warlock, but damn is it cluncky in comparison to a instant mass root from druid, or instant chaos wave DH, or DK’s cahins of ice slows, monks insta leg sweep, Spriests instant psycic horror, etc etc…
the only damage class/spec in the game to have no baseline interupt but being tied to a pet, no aggro migitating spell ( rip soulshatter, i still miss you).
I love this game, but man, i’m getting so sick of getting my classes damage capabilities wrung down to: make sure you’re dot uptime is 100%, thats it, you’ve won, now go and collect benthic, azerite and essence, and thats where my all my damage is coming from, whether or not i’m able to stomach the farm for benthic gear, azerite, and essences; all my damage(increases) comes from external sources, so much now that at this point its worth gearing for those proc effects to deal more damage rather than my own spells and dots.
One major reason why we(warlocks) are now in such bad state is because Xelnath - our class developer that made MoP version of the Warlock, was fired near the end of the MoP, and now, no one in Blizz doesn’t give a crap about US. Just look how our specs work right now, it is clear that person who was involved in Legion or BFA warlock rework, doesn’t really care about us.
Juts look at gameplay bugs that are still present.
I miss whole god damn MoP design!)
Yeah MoP those were good times for warlocks.
And what’s up with taking away demon form and giving it to demon huntards??
I also played Warlock back in Mists and it was really fun. On top of the game play I loved Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg and that is really what I miss most about Warlocks.
I just started to pick up a Warlock again and while smashing fools with Chaos Bolts is fun I feel like half of the class is missing.
What i find really funny in this situation is that Xelnath experimented with summoner-Demo back in MOP and dismissed the idea because pet AI was still poop.
And what do we know, comes Legion, Blizzard actually makes summomeme demo into a real thing. And it sucked. Who knew, right?
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