Morally grey

Dude, I tell you. What is if she worked for the Jailor since WC3 and was responsible for the fall of Silvermoon? I mean it has the same possibility as to turn into Kerrigan :rofl:

Illidan succeeded. It’s one of the reasons Akama turned against him.

I’m not only talking about the stuff he risked across his multiple attempts at his end goal. There are several instances when he did in fact succeed doing something akin to what Sylvanas pulled in Teldrassil.

Which goes with what I said.
Players don’t care about characters doing bad stuff for as long as said stuff doesn’t affect them directly.

But that doesn’t mean writers narrative should make distinctions.
Sargeras and the Burning Legion did most their killing offscreen, and still we are to take it at heart that they are the bad guys.

The fact that most of Illidan acts were done in a different planet, and expanded upon in a single expansion and a novel, doesn’t automatically make such acts any better than the stuff Sylvanas does with a bigger or more proximate exposure from an average player point of view.
Narratively speaking, they are still both doing similar stuff.

You, or anybody, being ignorant or not caring about either, isn’t relevant regarding the kind of narrative treatment any of them should have.
The material is there.
If Sylvanas gets away with what she did because her story because of some “greater good”, she’ll still be following in the steps of Illidan, who “got away” with doing similar stuff, and with that exact same reasoning as “alibi”.

If players do care about story to the point of crying bloody murder for the Kerrigan effect, I do think they should first inform themselves about the whole story context and do not restrict their view to their more immediate surroundings.

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Illidan didn’t deserve redemption or to be hailed/remembered as a hero. Neither does Sylvanas.

I am personally tired of all this “do whatever number of crimes you want but since it’s all for the greater good, you’re excused” crap.


I agree.
I just felt like noting that i found curious that just after Legion, and Illidan story, people are this alarmed about Blizzard pulling the rug from under their feet with a redemption arch.

And also felt like noting the dispar treatment Sylvanas and Illidan shenanigans have amongst players. Although this last bit I know that it is because Sylvanas is simply closer to players (and the bad stuff she did was against playable races).

Yeah I feel the same. Just end her story and and be done with it once and for all. I don’t want to see her face or her her voice ever again. I am this fed up with her, her supposed agenda and her antics.

Theramore bombing still happened and we saw no effect of what Alliance is capable of nor any sign of retaliation. I think you are trolling us here because there is nothing that I can fine or remember where Sylvanas was scared about Alliance. She wasn’t scared from Garrosh before Theramore bombing. In matter of fact, she said " Garrosh Hellscream. I’ve walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me" and you are telling us here that she was afraid of the Alliance.


It’s literally in the Tides of War book lol

Which he did not read.

You said it wrong then. You should say that she was afraid what Alliance will do to Forsaken, not to the Horde because Alliance is known to hunt Forsaken down like dogs.

EDIT: Also, you forgot to mention that Garrosh assured her that any counterattacks are going to be dealt with. As I said - unable to give accurate information.

Sure. And you people are known to say everything with such high precision and accuracy. Give me a break.

Oh shush already. You are rather arrogant for someone who did not even read the lore he presumes to discuss.

You don’t even know what a source is, as we already saw.

Or keep going, no skin off my back.

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Look at me. I’m shaking.

I said that I cannot remember. I am not going to explain anything further to people like you.

What are people like me, pray tell? Apparently everyone who dares disagree. Which is kinda bleh, but whatever. Your call.

And yet regardless she still looked to Lor’themar to support her (though he outright ignored her). To back her up and voice similar outcries.

Look, i get you like Sylv but the new angle they’ve gone with her is 100% against what the old writers (Metzen, Neilson, Kosak) had going for her. Her entire character arc of actually coming to care for the Forsaken post-wrath was all for nothing. And just like the loyalist player character they were dumped because they were no longer useful arrows for her.

All her internal monologues in Edge of Night, Before the Storm, Tides of War, War Crimes and Three Sisters goes against the graib of what Blizzard are selling us.

Hell, one Blizzcon they insisted she was morally gray and then the next they dubbed her war “an evil war of destruction”.

Sudden Waking Sands flashbacks.


Man, looking at it in perspective, is amazing just how many complementary and core narrative development Danuser crapped all over with a single Q&A answer…

Well, that and the Chronicles retcon of course.

And in less than 15 minutes. Impressive.

Did you notice how someone kept Golden entertained behind the stage, while he was doing that? I died of laughter.

Honestly its the biggest charwcter assassination and some of the worst retcons this setting has seen. Sylv being an antagonist to the Alliance was cool, Sylv becomong Shadowsteel the hedgehog tier “HREH all must die” isn’t.


I love how you coat it like he hates her. He doesn’t.
You get it wrong. I like Sylvie but I my other feeling is stronger which is that I utterly dislike stupid people that see just one thing and one thing only.

Dave Kosak is the one that wrote “Edge of the Night” and that is a pretty much a good read as to why Sylvanas is today the way she is. That much about reading.

Yet in everything she does, you see one thing, which is some amazing scheme to save us all. Honestly, the irony is strong as hell here.

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Yeah, she went from caring about the Forsaken and not wanting the Alliance to wipe them out to:


And blasting off like team rocket.