More Chronicle Retcons

Spirit Healers are Kyrian Watchers, not Val’kyr as stated in the Chronicles.

As a side thought, i was genuinely curious regarding what people think about the current trend to dismiss even what was supposed to lay the foundations for the setting’s cosmology, and how far do you think Blizzard could go from this point onward. And whether they think it’s a positive or negative thing.

Do you think they will try and have this bit also explained as chronicles being just “titan point of view”?.

Regarding the lore behind this particular bit, it seems to further distance the Shadowlands from the Titans and the Titan designates, as now even its “heralds” are no longer titan-made.

We may still have a final twist in the end that ties it all back with the titans (have the Arbiter be another designate or some titanic construction), but as of now, it seems writers are aiming at creating their own thing for said “pocket realm”.
How do you feel about it?.

I know that this bit of info is rather “insignificant” to many, as the implications it might seem rather irrelevant to the current state of affairs regarding the story.


I think Blizzard made perfectly clear that they don’t much care about continuity at all, and that everyone who measures new lore by adherence to old lore is just making things hard for themselves. There might be post hoc explanations coming… but they are quite likely to make things worse rather than better, so I wouldn’t wish for them. It’s a rare case where the dev answer to a mystery (or plot hole) is better than the mystery.


As far as cosmology goes, I don’t really care or mind. The Chronicles made it confusing and overly complex, and it puts some basic assumptions in a very tough spot, like where to put the Light/Void in the moral framework, which used to be clear and simple. And I wouldn’t mind it being complex, but we’re dealing with books that were supposed to clarify the lore, not to make it even more confusing than it already was.

So they can retcon all they want, it’ll probably not make it any better or worse.

Did it? I mean, WoW always came with the Scarlets, who showed quite clearly that the Light was not a power of good, but a power of good intention, and the Chronicles depict the Shadow as we always knew it, a corruptive, dark force, bent on devouring everything. I don’t really see how the book is supposed to have changed much, if anything, in that regard.

As Wimbert said, i too feel like the morality tied to certain cosmic energies was already doubtful and in some shaky territory. But i get what you say.

Overall, i’m more worried about losing whatever background we may have had regarding the natural order and the evolution certain species had. Because once you start adjusting cosmology, the next step is to change history.

It will inevitably turn each new expansion into some submarine vault that can be sealed and judged in a vacuum. And overall, i don’t know how to feel about it, as there are surprisingly a series of pros once you shut your brain to the list of cons.

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I’m really not bitter about any of that anymore. I’m only annoyed when it affects my RP by now. So… they can do cosmic nonsense all day long for all I care. Just keep the city destructions and catastrophes at home at a managable minimum, get those Night Elf refugees out, and while you are at it, might we purge the Void Elves, please? That’s about it.

More Chronicle retcons.

To the surprise of no-one.

It was certainly lacking the Yrels and the Xe’ra’s. I don’t know, it just felt simpler, less metaphysical and more straightforward. I don’t mind things being complicated, but I think the Chronicles made it complicated for sake of it, and I’m not a fan of that. It might just be a feeling I had, with Shadow just being Shadow without all the Void stuff surrounding it, and the Light just being the Light without prominent zealots and “there is only one truth!”-stuff.

Those weren’t in the chronicles either, though.

And since I found an interview where the devs said that the Naaru can have differing motivations, I can see Xe’ra as nothing more than a fanatic motivating other fanatics… No different from the Scarlets, just on a higher level. And I can’t see that higher level as a difference in its nature.

I personally actually would have thrown in all the death stuff with Shadow as well before the Chronicles. Void became less all-encompassing through the book for me, not more. And I always found the attempts to try to make some distinction between void and shadow more complicated…

Say the paraphrase with me.

“Continuity exists to enhance the story, not constrain the hands of the writing team”

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It’s literally a small detail… which I already suspected, the kyrians literally look like Val’kyr, it won’t have many implications. Besides, titans are still linked to the SL, said in ain interview like it was stated above

Hands down, the worst thing ever said in writing and general storytelling.


Actually this retcon actually makes sense. It was odd to see Val’kyr spread around the world when we knew their origins.

And Kyrians actually look like spirit watchers.

As for chronicles becing retconned over and over - maybe it’s for the better.


Due to these retcons the cosmology and ancient history parts became completely unreliable.

Can’t wait for the “Void Lords do not exist” or “Ragnaros was a good guy all along” retcons

It’s not so small once you take a look at what it implies, and how the new lore seems to further distance Titans from the Shadowlands. And how that goes against the overall intent/tone that was being set in the Chronicles book regarding their influence over said sort of realms.

Whether this is a good or a bad thing, is up to debate. But it indeed does have some impact.

Chronicle wasn’t even out for a year before it started getting retconned back in Legion.

Even the smallest of rocks can make the largest of ripples when thrown into a pond.


Right, but why can’t it ever be a retcon where people’d go “oooh glad! :slight_smile:

Instead its either meh :confused: or straight up >:(!

If you ask me if they made the choice to retcon BfA out of existence I’d be happier for it despite my aversion for retcons.

People do in fact like consistency in stories.

But Blizzard doesn’t care to tell consistent stories, as we’re all well aware by now.

Something something continuity ties the hands of creators something something.

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Tho’ I enjoyed BfA story - its cool if you look it as a seperate quasi-alternate line in its own pocket dimension (somewhere wrote about this, dunno witch topic) , not as the events followed Legion - would be nice to have it retconed to oblivion
But let us keep the Vulpera
they are awesome

Alright, I figured out what I tried to say since it’s not really about the details but more of the holistic picture of it. Before the Chronicles, or before WoD even, magic was just there. You had Nature, Elemental, Light, Shadow/Void, and there was not some sort of encompassing metaphysical truth connecting them all. Chronicles, but also WoD and onwards tried to connect all the dots and make the cosmos seem whole. Light and Void came first, then the rest followed. While there were definitely traces present about the origin of the Twisting Nether for example, and some explanations, they were mostly simple, individuel hypotheses. And that worked well, since there was a lot of room for multiple interpretations from the player’s side. I think that’s what’s lost nowadays, the mystery behind it or the simplicity.