I am trying to play m+ and raid but the cost is too high compared to what I am making from gold quests.
We need more raw gold drops from dungeons quest monsters etc.
If I am forced to buy token or do some old mind numbing dungeon spam I will simply unsub.
As it stands right now dungeons and raids don’t reward anything but rather cost you instead.
EDIT: Noone in this thread is struggling to make gold or find it difficult. The argument is that the current ways of doing so are BOOOOOOORIIIIIING and vast majority see it as pure chore worse than watching paint dry!
Agree, repair prices way too high, especially during progress.
Should be reduced atleast 60%.
Nah, that just leads to inflation.
We could use a reduction in Gold Sinks as we have less gold from in game sources.
Repair Bills are a bit out of hand, 1000g is way too much.
Transmog costs are a bit high too.
They could increase ore and herbs in open world so players can farm their own more easily.
Make crafting professions more accessible by reducing the convolutions systemisation. So more players can make their own consumables if they want to save some gold.
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More sellable non-soulbound mounts we need in this game!
I farm gold but for what? All Im interest to buy is a mount.
There is nothing new in AH. From time to time you see the Rhino mount in AH for 3-4mil and thats it.
Make all mounts sellable via AH !!! Or at least 80% of them.
The gold i make is coming from other people by selling on the AH. This gold is coming from somewhere. I wonder how long the current goldstate is maintainable.
I’d quite like that.
I threw away 2 Life-Binders from Dragon Soul and 1 Invincible and probably others too.
I’m walking out with at least 10k gold every day from all the gold WQs and Caches, and the odd AHing of random stuff I accumulated while doing so…
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Do you have more world quests than i do? There’s like 1 or 2 WQ’s for (~800) gold every half week to me.
I already finished the Dornagol Special assignment with 3 WQ’s that did not rewards gold. The special assignment gave 1100.
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WM ON, besides an extra 10% gold, often has gold PvP WQs up, and they each provide 900’ish g.
And you get 10 new of those each day? 
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If you’re struggling to make gold that’s on you… my gold accumulation speaks for itself.
The game throws gold at you.
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I just do not have those quests you have. So i am wondering.
I do not struggle myself. I get gold from other players. I am fine.
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I logged in on this hunter, which has been an alt since late DF. I moved all my gold away from it at that time, and it had about 4k.
I decided to run it through siren isle and a few low keys to get it up to a reasonable ilevel. In doing nothing other than upgrading the ring, and running about 7 m+ keys, my hunter’s gold reserve went from 3000 to 11,000 it’s fine as is.
I’m always poor. Not poor that I need to buy tokens but I never have any vast amount of gold. Never will
At least 1k gold should drop from m+ imo at the end if it’s a +10 or over. Maybe the higher you go the more gold you get driving incentives for people to push more.
I wouldn’t say no to more gold ofc!
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I do every WQ that grants gold, including the skyriding races. At best I earn 10k per week from WQs. Most of my income is from selling rank 3 Bismuth and other rarer crafting materials at the AH. Also do not disregard the satchels from reputation factions which give 3500+ gold each.
A whole 10k! Don’t spend it in one place now champ
You don’t raid nor do M+ so of course u will stack gold thats like not eating or being homeless while working lmao.
It would be interesting to know how many are avoiding activities within the game just down to the cost atm. If people cannot enjoy the game they are paying for then it will only ever lead to dissatisfaction. The push to sell tokens is not doing the game any favours at all.
I used to do them and had literally zero issues making gold then [I easily amassed €250 battle.net balance with plenty to spare from gold->token] so your snide little comment is irrelevant, I just cba doing them now… but right now I easily make 75-90+k a night from 15 minutes of AH’ing. Making gold is not hard, or are telling me you’re so inept…?
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