More raw gold needed

I have already so many times claimed, in THIS topic, that i do personally not have trouble getting gold since i get the gold of other people. But you are not interested in reading. I am bad at keys. Everyone is bad at something. But M+ is at least infinite scaling so it makes you wipe. No matter how good or bad you are.
I am not sorry i am so bad that i was for 1 and a half hour in a grim batol +15 and never finished it. That is just the game. The professionals are wiping a lot too. They are also very bad at the game.

Awesome, well what advice can you offer OP to help him make a small amount of gold to help him cover his repair costs.

I have added something. Now itā€™s your turn to elaborate further than ā€œI play AHā€.

I literally started with a mining character in TWW and sold Bismuth. Gathering professions seems to do well. That is not rocket science. It is not my turn to add something. I do agree with the OP thereā€™s not enough raw gold.

Okay, so Iā€™m still living off of the multiple gold caps I made in DF. But even I can see that they is plenty of gold out there if you just interact with the game.

Yes, gathering is still a good net of Gold. You can also get Gold from the Weekly Quests from both Siren Isles, and Dornogal. Then there are also usually a couple of Special Assignments around which offer gold. And you can usually find 6 or more a week WQs which offer latest 800g.Stick War mode on, and there is a chance of another (I have noticed that the reward changes daily, even if the quest doesnā€™t).

Over the past few weeks I have geared a fresh 80 without any money from my Accounts economy. So it is more than possible to do.

more gold? sure, throw em on my voovies

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Iā€™m not personally struggling for gold but I do think the cost for repair bills should be toned down a bit.

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