More raw gold needed

This suggest you spend 15 minutes on AH in one night and that gave you 90k.
90k in 15mins = 360k an hour

If the above is incorrect then how much time did you spend on farming mats or whatever you were doing?

It’s pretty literal to what I said, spending 15 minutes throwing whatever onto the AH, and returning the following day to have 75-90k in the mailbox.

Not rocket science. Stop pulling 360k out of thin air…

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yeah bro, people just don’t want to do the simplest stuff because they consider it “andy” or “goblin” content (whichever we talk about). Some basic crafting, some basic gathering while u fly to your dungeon - disenchanting, selling boes and people should easily have enough gold.

but ooga booga I only do M+ and refuse to do 3 quests omg why am I broke.

Caviar commies without capital XD

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Now we are getting somewhere.
How long did it take you to acquire the “stuff” you sold on AH?
And what was the stuff?

Knowing what to sell. I suggest you brush up on how to AH as I’m not here to teach you.

You might want to check some “Gold making videos/guides” on YT. 75% of them are “scammy” in the way they don’t teach much and some will even ask you to buy their patreon tiers but they might give you some basic ideas how to start anyway. Just don’t get baited by TBC mog farms etc. xD

Buy a token.

Sell the token.

That’ll keep you going for a season.

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I got a bazillion pets, even super rare ones and TCG ones, and the selling rate for them is like 0.00000000000000001 per day… awful venture. :grimacing:

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Well, I once ran around pet vendors and liquified a lot of pet tokens, put on ah - they sold pretty fast, for example.

Rare expensive stuff sells eventually, you just need to find a suck-- err… connoisseur of old mog lor useless patterns/recipes XD

If anyone reads this - the rule of thumb - put everything on AH that can be put there.

Just as a reference, for lulz i put darkmoon carousel tickets on AH for 1,5 gold each… they sold >.>

people… bots??? buy everything.

So let me be blunt since you refuse to elaborate.

I think you get guides of YouTube that tell you to group farm some old stuff for old crafted gear and hope it sells.

While that activity can indeed make some good gold I find it mind numbing and boring to no end and posing absolutely ZERO challange.

I would rather watch paint dry.

I throw anything that has a modest sell amount onto the AH, as long as the deposits ain’t going to break bank…

So anything that is 1 silver is :+1:

Sucks for you then, because plenty have fun making a game of the AH itself. I personally don’t, but I get plenty of gold out of it.

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I agree it sucks. I don’t enjoy the AH ‘gaming’ aka ‘sniping’ and ‘flipping’ (mostly dominated by bots)

I think the game daily/weekly gold quests should fully support repairs and consumabled for Raids and M+. The rest of the gold making should be for some cool exclusive stuff.

Also AH doesn’t generate gold it only transfers it. (I was specifically talking about RAW gold in my OP)

You look like a clown. Haha. randoms stuff on the ah in 15 mins! Lmao

I never spent 1h42 minutes in any of these dungeons. If you’re spending that kind of time “getting good”, then you should probably try something a little less challenging and take smaller steps.

Recently on my PVP alt, I have been going around Herbing whilst waiting for the queue to pop. No Knowledge, no skill level, no equipment. Even Rank 1 herbs get some gold, and I bet if you trained it, then it would be even more. If you focus Irradiated empowered herbs, the Leyline Residue goes for about 500g a pop and sells instantly.

I’m sure that there is something similar with mining.

You’re not going to make Gold Cap doing that. But if you just want a few extra G’s and have a few minutes spare, then it’s worth doing.

'cept it ain’t. :clown_face:

You haven’t read further do you. It was even a dungeon i had +2’ed already.
But they whole mode is anyway that you go up till a keylevel where you wipe a lot. Not sure why i should do a lower key that i have timed in the first place. It was also just the norm for the step from 11 to 12. +2’ing 11’s and getting annihalated in 12’s since it is about 3 key levels higher.
On normal +1 keylevel the gamemode makes you wipe.

I have done multiple +10 sieges this week on this char. I have timed up to +12 already, but still none of the 10’s got timed. We wiped a lot.

You absolutely have no argument.

Yes, I read further, and couldn’t fathom why you had spent 1hr42 getting good at a dungeon you had already +2’d.

But rather than turning the topic to shaming you for such a clearly appalling display of a +10 key. I thought I would would give you some Gold making advice which you seem to have ignored, as you dived into the corner on the defensive of an imaginary incoming assault.

There, I have saved you needing to scroll up.

You also ignored i am already getting my gold from the AH. But if you want you can keep on shaming me. No worries.

Yeah it is blablablabla in a topic about raw gold. Where someone claims he gets i do not know how much gold from ONLY doing WQ’s. That was the context of the conversation.

Here. You forgot about your statement. I save you the scrolling up too.

No I didn’t.

So you ignored that aswell.

So rather than turning the topic Toxic against yourself for flexing that you’re bad at keys. You don’t seem to want to give or take advice on quick gold making.