Most fun Tank?


I’ve recently returned to WoW again and i want to try something new.
I’m Currently playing a Prot warrior but im not sure if thats what i want to go forward with. I’m going to use a 120 boost soon and i was wondering what tank you find most fun and why? some inspo for the boost :slight_smile:

I`ve been playing prot warr since wod and for me its the most fun but depends on what you find fun self sustain ,mobility, flashy abilities …

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Prot Paladin >>> Druid > Monk > DH > DK > Warrior

That has been my own personal opinion in BFA. But I have only done the occasional off tanking experience in dungeons.
But Paladin was a lot of fun, and it was the only time I had ever considered rerolling to a tank permanently.

In SL I think my opinion of Monk and DK will climb a lot though.

I loved Paladin because it is fluent AOE aggro and the abilities are visually pleasing, not something that is common for melee specs. Really love the shield throw ability too, and consecrated ground.

My opinion on DK is rising due to DK global abiltiies that are returning (AMZ, raise dead, lichborne, etc etc). The new runes look cool too.
Monk has just grown on me in general.


  • Interrupts
  • Self-heals
  • Lots of defensive CD options
  • Immunities
  • Party utility
  • Easy to pick up aggro
  • Ranged silence to force casters to move
  • Throwing a shield is cool
  • Best looking armor sets
  • Option to play any role if needed

DPS is all what mathers a tank needs to can do tons of dps atleast a minimi of 100k DPS to keep aggro on them selfs.

Like Asmond use to say Big d*** dps is all what mathers in game no mather if ur Tank or DPS …

Don’t listen to this ^^


Yeah i’ve been concidering a Blood Dk myself, but im not sure. something about the huge self heal that just seems so mmm NICE! the monk im like a bit meh of, not a big fan of the use of stagger :confused: Also DH seems Cool since the mobility and flashyness. was a big fan of the druid in Legion but now it just feels so… yeah boring. paladin has just never been my thing unfortunatly

Abrams M1 tank


BIG OOF fury warrior with shield then :slight_smile:

U go arms tanking as same time u can do like 105k DPS :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know what it is but i just cant have fun while playing it xD i dont know why haha, just not my cup of tea i guess

Well if you’ve already decided that’s not an option for you, I’d say my second choice is DK, though I have a hard time with unused GCDs waiting for resources because I’m used to always casting something.

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Druid - Great utility, tonnes of self healing, defensives, stuns, roots, slows, knockbacks, grapples e.c.t, also highest aoe damage by far.
Easy to play.

Paladin - Same reasons someone mentioned above, best class utility basically.

DK - Who doesn’t wana tank as a dead knight, you can’t die twice … can you ? :smiley:

Monk - Fun, but not in SL.

The rest of not worth talking about, they are boring.

( All my opinions )


tanks are a useless i never needed a tank in game ever even i am in dungons my pet do all the tanking :stuck_out_tongue:

Played all tanks alot this expansion and done manyyyy keys on them all.

Prot pallys my fave by a mile, it’s an all rounder tank. It’s tanky, with decent self heals, loads of absorb shields, and amazing utility. Highly recommend prot pally.

Keep in mind they all have strengths and weaknesses. Prot war/monk have low self heals. Dk/dh have very high self heals, but lower tankiness. Guardians an all rounder too, excels at nothing, but can look after itself.


Excels at self healing, high aoe damage, highest armor and low cooldowns on defensives.

You know better then me, the damage and self heals are nice. You beating DK and DH though that can average 40k+ self heals? And highest physical armour yeah, low magic defenses.

I easily out healing those classes lol
I average 50-60k healing through mythic keys, it depends on the healer.
But when I can do that and let the healer heal the other members, makes their life easier :smiley:


Mark of Ursol was quite nice for magic damage until they removed it.


although btf, anything that isnt monk or warrior is fun to me :grin:

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