Most healers having interrupt will be a killing blow for playing a caster

^ But this is not what I would define as “100% uptime”. Plus, even following your own definition, how exactly can Enhancement Shaman, for example, get to whichever target it wants to whenever it wants to?

Eh, kinda true I guess. But at the same time, arguing that it has 100% uptime only when it shows up for the duration of a Kidney Shot doesn’t tell me much either, so I wasn’t sure about putting them on that category for that reason.

But it does happen though. Frost Mage can cripple them, as an example. Assa Rogue and DK (despite being melees themselves) can cripple other melees.

Enha shamans do so through earthbind totem, Spirit Walk, Ghost Wolf, ranged attacks, Lunge etc etc

Exceptions don’t establish rules. ‘It can happen because the 4th least played range in the game can cripple them’ is kind of irrelevant when there are many more specs that are played considerably more that can’t.

No point talking about it when we don’t even have the same definitions, we will never agree.

Lol, pvp was way easier back than.

Now its a clusterf

Pvp had 2times more sense back than

I didn’t even know that xD

Thanks for the heads up, you’re right… I shouldn’t.

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That’s an oof contradiction if I’ve ever seen one

Reaching and reaching hard. Your obsession with me is slightly strange btw, please seek help.

It’s not contradictory to say that a spec which is barely played at all is not prominent enough to dispute the point in question that melees have an extraordinary amount of uptime and to also say in response to ‘there’s no point in playing ANY caster’ that somebody has a valid point in saying that a CLASS (not spec, important difference, Warrior brain can surely figure that out) has tools that doesn’t make playing ANY CASTER redundant.

To illustrate this for you so it sinks in. Person A says ‘melees don’t have extraordinary uptime because when we face a Frost Mage on the biggest maps in the game once every 250 games we have to waddle for a couple of seconds every now and then’. - A reach, an anomaly, a very tiny exception. Person B says ‘oh my god Dragonflight sucks for casters there is no point in playing ANY caster at all!!’. Person C says ‘well actually, X CLASS has these tools which makes playing this particular caster look like it’s worth playing’. Not a contradiction in the slightest. Btw, the point about Frost Mage can be valid, I never said it was invalid, but this tiny exception, supported by factual statistics, does not establish a rule. Reaching and trying to be argumentative.

Also, if Frost Mage is apparently as good at ‘crippling melees’ as previously mentioned, why is it one of the least played specs in the entire game whereas melees are completely dominant? The FIFTH most played melee is played more than the MOST played caster.

Thank you, come again.

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Look man, I’ve already seen what kind of responds you’ve given Hollow, and I see how you’re ending your comment there, so I’ll just leave you this here and then be going.

Don’t think there’s any distinction between the two, it’s practically the same comparison with different topics.
Not sure we’ve interacted before? I’m glad you remember me at least :slight_smile:

We have, you usually say something dumb, I school you and then you disappear without saying anything. Join the club with the other clowns that go silent after a beat down.

They’re also different comparisons, you’ll figure out how one day.

I like to think this how all your debates go down in your head

It is. Why do you think ‘people’ like Beware, Brodanyo, Draegor have been afk from arena forums? Spoiler: because I’ve retired them.

That’s one hell of a cup of “wishful thinking”.

it all needs a good and separate tuning in pvp scenarios. the new pvp talent is nothing more than force to fakecast and rekt plays for boosters

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