Most healers having interrupt will be a killing blow for playing a caster

Healers having interrupts isn’t even a big deal anyway unless they’re ranged interrupts and/or the design of the healers allows them to completely compromise their position with relatively low risk.

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Not all melees are getting increased mobility.

That juking PvP talent is actually broken.

You are overexaggerating a bit, to the point that I’d say you’re being overdramatic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Remember Cataclysm? If anything, Casters/Healers back then had to deal with a lot more.

  • Most melee kicks being on 10 seconds cd instead of 15.
  • Shamans having access to 6 seconds cd (?) Wind Shear through the Reverberation talent.
  • Charge-stun every roughly 12 seconds.
  • Healers having a kick (or being able to opt into one).
  • Counterspell and Spell Lock being blanket Silences instead of interrupts.

And so on and so on. And, despite all this, there were quite a few wizard cleaves being top dogs during Season 11/Cataclysmic.

That’s why we don’t hear, Cataclysm was good expansion.

I did not imply whether or not it was good or bad. I simply stated that back then, casters and healers had more obstacles to deal with compared to Dragonflight. And even then, they still managed to be strong.

If they were not in an unplayable state during Cataclysm, then there’s little reason to believe they will become unplayable during DF as well. Even more so when you have stuff like Precognition being a thing.

In a meta where you can be stunned on cd by jungle/kitty/outlaw warr it most defiantly is not because of the barrier maybe you are thinking of something he said last season.

Also don’t say to people you are not going to take their opinion because another player said something different and then give your own opinion when you have no rating to back it up.

Precognition won’t be a thing. As soon as anyone with a double digit IQ sees someone is running it they’ll simply let the caster fake themselves to death or just interrupt with CC.

Well, I truly hope you are right.

Not every spec has a (micro-)CC to conveniently throw in like that. Not every melee spec is a Demon Hunter or a WW Monk either.

Personally, I do not like any implementations of the sort. Anything that resembles the likes of Echoing/Fastidious Resolve.

That being said, going back to the thread’s topic, I doubt casters are going to be “unplayable” in Dragonflight. I do usually expect the first season of every expansion to be mostly melee-dominated though.


Perhaps not every spec, but the majority of compositions do.

Playable/unplayable claims are nonsensical and nothing other than guesswork when there has been 0 max level tuning. You can be a 2 button pure dps spec that completely outperforms a 20 button spec because your numbers are that much better.

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Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Lol I have no rating because I’m barely playing the game. I haven’t bothered after getting Gladiator in season 1. Not an enjoyable expansion to play at all, I sometimes consider playing it properly again, then remember how stupid Shadowlands is. It’s funny that you even think rating or exp matters after season 2, you know how many people who struggle for 2.4k got 2.8k+ that season? +600 MMR inflation from what I heard on Whaazz’s stream, pretty crazy. I’m glad I dipped from playing very much after S1, Shadowlands has to be the most braindead expansion to date. There’s so many low effort high reward specs running around on ladder atm it’s laughable. So, yeah. No thank you, rating in this expansion does not equal any sort of high skill level, at all.

Also, I’m definitely going to take the word of a multi R1 Mage over someone Mage on the forums, why wouldn’t I? That doesn’t mean I think you are bad, it means I think a multi R1 Mage would know more, that’s all. So I don’t know why you seem to have taken some sort of offense to that. Also what does my rating even have to do with who I decide to believe or not? Oh yeah, nothing.

It’s apparently for both (I went back and asked again, just to be sure) the barrier and the stun blink, a barrier every 10s is pretty helpful to your survival aswell.

Imo you shouldn’t waste your time and energy on a guy that bought his account and has another account banned for cheating.

Blizzard is unwilling to accept the fact that cc is way too insane in PvP in general, getting kicked as a holy pala for example is like sitting in a full poly because you cannot click anything for the whole duration of the kick.
It was bad in vanilla, then it got a bit better and now we are getting bombarded with nearly unlimited amounts of cc’s, stuns, silences and movement impairing effects of all kinds and thats not even the end of the story if you take all the special control spells like shadowy duel, or mind control into consideration.
I did nothing but pvp for years, but this is getting old, very old and now with the latest nerf to Relentless Brooch (-15% as a general trinket bonus, so no more -20%) and the addition of even more cc via the class trees makes me want to quit PvP all together and go PvE instead.

In MoP melees didn’t have 450949620934037ß65e59340436734 different dashes without cooldown. With 70% slows.
As warrior you had your 50% howl (which was a talent where you had to sacrifice root for example), leap, 1 short charge or 2 with long cd and intervene + banner. Considering that casters usually had bigger slow, instant CC and mobility on their own, they could outtrade you and get some downtime. Even by running away with 70% slow on the warrior.
Right now not only warrior has 70% slow himself which makes no sense, but also the mini charges without any cooldown on top of his general kit.
Making it unkitable in most situations. You cant outrun a warrior because he has bigger slow than you do, he has more mobility spells than you have and on top of that he also has those mini charges.
Same applies to outlaws and demon hunters. What a coincidence that those melees are extremely broken.

So yes, MOP was much better.

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This is so wrong.

In MoP all healers had kicks, and yet the best comps in s4 were caster cleaves (see godcomp and Lock Sham Druid)

Hpal won’t ever play kick, unless it is 2s and plays against another Hpal himself. Monk the same. Melee kicks on healers gives up position for marginal advantage. You get out of position vs wizzard cleaves = you give them free kill set up.

Well the difference is people didnt have 100% uptime back then, cds didnt reduce randomly and had quite long cd (like hoj for example), you could actually make some pressure so enemy also had to play defensively more often cos of sustain dmg. I checked my old cata video and for example we faced ret/dk in 2s and i was almost freecasting whole game. RN if I face dk they press the spam grip thing so i can’t play for 10 sec into 20 sec ams + when i finally can start doing dmg theyre for some reason immune to my dmg (cos of that purple honor talent). So ye it was way more friendly back then.
Also class design was So much better you could refresh UA with fel flame without casting while kiting, had soul swap which means lesa casting, destro had insta incinerate proc from autoattacks etc.
In legion/bfa destro was reduced to chaos Bolt bot since most utility that helped against melees was removed.

Uptime nowadays does not matter that much, since the damage off cds is rather low.

Also, kicks are not that impactful either. Back in the day, if you could maintain good uptime, you would most likely win due to better constant pressure. Nowadays, there are few specs wining on pure sustain (outlaw/feral/hunter/fury), the rest are wining only during gos.

PvP wise, was much punishing than it is right now.

If you mean generally as a rule of thumb, I’d argue that they don’t right now either, bar some specs, of course.

Back during Cataclysm you still had to deal with stuff like Desecrated Ground, Slow/Root Cleanse, and so on.

I definitely agree with you about the CDR, but overall, I’d argue that there was more cc in general. HoJ cd was 1 minute baseline, indeed, but Ret also had Repentance back then. Belf racial was an AoE blanket Silence as well. Those are just a few easy examples from my side since I play a Blood Elf Paladin.

Some classes had it better back then, I agree. But the point I was trying to make was that, casters had arguably more disruption to deal with back during those times.

And that, for example, Holy Paladin getting a kick back will not make casters unplayable at all.

More specs have 100% uptime than what don’t. So the ‘general rule of thumb’ is still that they do.

Tell us which specs don’t have 100% uptime. (For you to be correct there needs to be more specs that don’t than do)

Ret Paladin
Enhancement Shaman
Arms Warrior
Fury Warrior (in big maps vs spell (Lock?) cleaves
Unholy DK
Frost DK
Sub Rogue (mostly because it is mostly seen on RMX and it needs to run after go’s)
Assa Rogue (same reasoning as Sub, plus it cannot tank a lot of damage)

I’d pretty much argue that the 4 melee specs with “100% uptime” under most scenarios are Feral Druid, DH, Outlaw Rogue, WW Monk?

Disagree with all of that except Ret and Frost Dk.

When I think of a spec having 100% uptime, I don’t look at it as them sticking on a target the entire time, I see it as them being able to get on whichever target they want to whenever they want to. Sub Rogue running away doesn’t mean much when the second they’re back in LoS they can teleport across the map and be on whoever they want again

I haven’t seen melees waddling across the map since BFA or the 1 in 30 time I’d face Ret Warr with an Aff Lock