Most Popular Races in World of Warcraft – Based on Character Creation Data


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at 300x225


Was Undead way back in TBC, was neat to be one as a Priest. Then changed to Tauren come Cata just to have an odd combo.

Come BfA I changed to Vulpera for their Camp racial and extra bag slots, THE best racials as a collector!

My alt is an Earthen (H) Paladin, they’re fantastic tbh.

Is your Draenei called Punydraenei, Punyspacegoat, Punyeradar or Punydemon?

I think that’s all of them :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Look wise blood elf are the best imo. I am just an alliance player by heart. The second best looking race is female night elf.

Babygirl the best looking race obviously are gnomes. I mean look at this sweet face of yours

That doesn’t make sense.
Wouldn’t void elves be second best then? :thinking:

humans with pointy ears or “elves” with short ears are abominations and should be purged by fire :elf:

Taste the flames of Sunwell !

I can think of two reasons why people go with blood elves :wink:

Long pointy ears? My nelves also make two good points if counts those, but shadowmeld is also too powerful to not consider :thinking:

But mine are fluffy :dracthyr_nod:

True, that is a bonus…
Just give me a Vulpera Paladin and I’m set.

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stop sayin things like that , this is madness.

I feel your lack of faith, sister.

Too late, Nim is one of us now

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Burn the witch !

In what way do we need an additional race that looks exactly like a human or an elf? We already have humans and elves.

I mean honestly, I don’t really think the game needs any more races, but if it is to have one, I think they should go with something wild or weird because the standard is already well represented.

But honestly I’d much rather they overhaul and update those that we have. More options, higher fidelity graphics. The difference in detail between an Earthen and a Pandaren is comical.

I was playing worgen, but. it gets to a point the lack of actual worgen customisation or the very little of it to begin with is saddening, theres other races which have features they should have like very subtle piercings imho or the ability to mix fur patterns separately to fur colours which vulpera can do but worgen cant seem too, baffling.

The mog is rarely ever rigged or proportioned properly, even the “buy in the shop” mog which gets more work done arguably on it, never sat right or had glaring issues usually.

So after i wanna say a decade(?) now i swapped to dracthyr which sports the same issue of being hindered by a visage form, so the main selling point of playing the race (imho) is suffering for people to play elf mk2 at the expense of blizzard being too sloppy to even try rigging armor to them and the armor they did rig barely works. It took a whole expansion for them to add playable classes beyond evoker, which was painful too.

BUT it is atleast something i’d like to play, so through thick and thin. I appreciate what I have and atleast enjoy it for what it is, but its still devastating the state that its in.

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They put this fur on me!

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