Just tried it voted with alts and it counts.!
SO VOTE WITH ALTS! for mounts you want !
Ancient tree is ugly from Teldressil.
We have a lot of cats.
SO BOOK or Caterpillar.
Just tried it voted with alts and it counts.!
SO VOTE WITH ALTS! for mounts you want !
Ancient tree is ugly from Teldressil.
We have a lot of cats.
SO BOOK or Caterpillar.
But no “Goo” mounts though.
THESE CLOWNS Should have bound 1 vote per person.
My favourite option is so far behind
Can not imagine why would someone voted for CAT AGAIN LIKE CAT.
Tried and you are right .
I wish I read that before I voted for Nerubian mount
That doesn’t mean it is rigged, though.
OF courses does it multiple 50 chars accounts= paying to have more votes= more favouring X mount over another in unfair advantage while paying real life money.
Pretty simple.
Pretty sure if they would not have shown % off progress people would be making bets on it.
Where does it say it’s from Teldrassil? No where. Just let ppl vote for what they want instead of forcing your opinion on them. We have cats yes. But not goo cats.
https ://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Wo4ivvDj6VEoDmjtFrxFZAHaIN?pid=Api&rs=1
When they said ancient i see this ugly tree
Just put into google /bing : ANceint of lore wow
The models aren’t out yet so no I am not going to google something that won’t be the final model.
Just because you think it’s ugly doesn’t mean everyone has to.
I’m happy with anyone of them winning except the cat. I’m sick of cats and horses. Got enough of them.
IMAGINE SAME TREE BUT HD literally disgusting.
For you maybe. Not for me.
Just means it can have flawed voting. Rigged means it is set for a certain outcome.
The Nerubian Swarmer one is clearly superior , yet EU players have no taste bunch of tree hugging elves .
We know outocome from multiboxing.
We are going to Shadowlands though. If we get a nerubian swarmer on top of a zombie invasion event it will feel like wotlk 2. And the tree hugging will be a unique mount pose
But how about the goldfish powered hovering pandamount? Still remember the drawing from blizzcon back in the pandaria days.