Mountain dew for eu


I think they could do well with sponsoring some sporting events or going back to Make-A-Wish or any number of other things. Why this? :confused:

Not to this extent usually. It’s because they have a first past the post system. It’s wrecking the entire country, just as it is the UK. And the only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because it takes a while for FPTP to wreck everything, but it will eventually. Now they only have two choices, and both have turned into nightmares.

Blizz should do a collab with Guinness :+1:


The UK has unholy levels of corruption so it doesn’t matter who anyone votes for.

All two parties tax everything into oblivion and never do any of the stuff they say they will. Unless it’s stuff absolutely no one would want them to do.

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There’s your problem.

Same as the American problem.

First Past the Post.
That’s what it does. Over time it will inevitably result in only two corrupt parties.

EDIT: Here are two great but old videos explaining it by CGP Gray. Of course the issue is all maths, so nothing has changed.

Yeah what’s worse, (US) government telling you what to do or getting poisoned.
Clearly regulations.

Americans do make me laugh.

I meant the non sandwich. Also it doesn’t matter if its censored, you can still get send on a vacation if the mod is in the mood for it and decides so. Also the filter is a joke given that certain words on the filter that shouldnt be there in the first place.

The French elections werent much better given who is regarded the loser while having the most votes by a landslide.

There’s no contradiction between these two statements - only on a surface level.

People who say they want deregulation don’t actually mean they want all the rules gone and for people to do whatever the heck they like.
What they mean is pruning the books of laws that no longer make sense, laws that are too hard to enforce, or laws that contradict other laws, as well as making software to increase government efficiency whenever a law really does need to be applied.

It does not mean they want to allow companies to poison the water supply with lead or something.

French system is dumb as well. In fact it might even be worse, but that’s a lot more complicated to explain.

Maybe I’m biased, but I think we have a pretty good handle on election systems in the Nordic even if I literally personally dislike our current prime minister (and she’s bad at her job, too). I can at least recognize that the system that got her into power is a sound one and was executed correctly.

They’re corrupt but they’re both pretty generous.

The “far right” Conservative party continually put up the minimum wage above inflation. People are now salty that it’s only a few k less than the wage educated people get.

They also let basically anyone into the country and don’t kick anyone out. Deathwing could show up, do a cataclysm and neither party would kick him out because it would be racist.

But a douche is a cleaning product.

What actually means is any laws that cause business to lose money. Looking at the US again, with Flint, they removed regulations and then the people got poisoned water and no one in their state government actually cared. Look at the UK and the sewage in the rivers.

Not but that’s the effect though.

Some may call it red tape but relegations are there for a reason. Usually when a regulation is not needed it’s repealed.

That’s completely wrong. It was the government of the city who decided to ignore safe drinking water regulations and announced the switch to using the Flint river.

The private business who operated the plant publicly warned the governor months in advance that this was a bad idea.

If they hadn’t regulated where the water should come from and left that up to private businesses, none of that would have happened.

Now you might ask - why was Flint river polluted in the first place?

Well, it was old sewage piping from an upstream city, also built through city regulation many years earlier.

So… yeah, literally a government stupid the whole way through.

Certainly won’t be when you’ve only got two parties who misinterpret everything they hear into things that benefit their cronies, no. That has nothing to do with the request for less regulation in itself though.

And what are you gonna do about it? Vote for Farage and destroy the Conversatives, giving the left wing who also want immigration an even bigger majority? :]

These two parties are having an absolute field day running the country into the ground on a gravy train and there’s pretty much nothing you can do about it because of your idiotic voting system.

Ah right, wrong one, flint was the lead; hard to keep track. Turkeys and Christmas. I guess we’ll see later this week.

Its also used as a slang since the 60s. Again, depends on the mod, and its the US mods moderating our forums right now anyway.

No ty, no reward is worth enough for me to buy that garbage.

This auto correct man…

I hear that it, alongside Coca Cola, is excellent for cleaning your toilet!

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It’s England that is a dump, not the whole UK. Where I live probably won’t be a colossal wasteland until after I die. If it seems like it will become one while I’m still alive I can just die faster.

So on a personal level I don’t care who gets elected.

Each country in the UK has its own parliament except England, which somewhat lessens this problem for everybody else than England, but you’re still to some degree under the spell of this system and, eventually, it will come to hurt you, too.

Let’s hope the voting system is changed before that happens. May I recommend ours?

There are voting ranges with FPTP in each, but they take up less than half of the seats in parliament, and after that the rest are distributed until the representation becomes as proportional as possible based on party affiliation - by dividing the total number of votes nationwide for a party with the total of all, and having the party with the most votes remaining “pay” for a candidate with their votes and then repeating this process until all the seats are used up. Any party with less than 2% of the vote will have their votes transferred to a party of their choosing. After this it works like the English system does already.

You can still get minority rule, but it can be a maximum of 2% and is always less than 1% when it does happen, which is itself very rarely.

Now people can create as many parties as they want (and oh boy do they make a lot) and the voters can express their preferences in ways that cause the voter groups to pressure one another to form coalition governments, and on top of that we still have local representation!

So anyway, it was Trump who got elected as I expected, and I hear that tears are being shed inside Blizzard’s offices to the point where some people are calling in sick. I hope it doesn’t delay 11.0.7 >_>

The main issue in England is houses are expensive relative to wages. No government will fix that because they want people working until they die.

All governments in Europe will continue to import people to keep housing expensive and wages down.

I’m like the IRL version of a guy who plays all tanks. I don’t care what Blizzard (the government) do regarding DPS balancing (policy) because I can just get round it easily (switch to the meta tank).

In Denmark we pushed back HARD and, because of our election system, a basically single issue party (that does have more policies but are less important to it) got so big it could not be ignored. It was called the Danish People’s Party. It’s still around, but much smaller than it was before.

Immigration to Denmark is now frankly excessively difficult.

So you’re actually wrong. It’s not the case in Denmark! Our houses are still stupid expensive though, but for completely different reasons.

You have such a party, too - it’s called Reform. But if you vote for Reform, you get Labour in an absurd minority government. And we know that, because you did, and that’s exactly what happened.

I know that you claim to be disinterested, but I can also tell why you’re disinterested - you feel like your voice doesn’t matter. And you’re right - it doesn’t. Your election system is giving you a binary choice and you hate both of options.

In Denmark the main stream parties actually formed a coalition over the middle in order to keep “extremists” out. They then proceeded to remove a holiday that’s been here for almost 400 years. Then they lost popular support and I think most of the mainstream parties are going to be nearly dead in the next election.

But the mainstream parties represented the majority, and that’s all completely fair. Our government can do stuff like that. If people are too worried about extremism from both sides simultaneously, they can actually vote for that.

On a “positive” note for us Plebeians… if you’re willing to endure it, leveling a character to 10 in Diablo Immor[t]al will yield a backpiece transmog;

You don’t get it till November 13th mind you.