Mountcollectors assumed billionaires

What are you talkin about?
I consider myself as a casual garbage player atm since ive quitted rated PvP & im not even doing any PvE content at all.

Im 27yo , working 8 hours , sleep around 6 , gaming around 5 and you have 4 more hours to do w/e you want.

These people who are not logging daily for at least 2 hours , im not calling them casuals . I call them ‘Waste of Cdkeys’

Yea , im so sorry that we dont have the same amount of gold.
You or someone else logging 2 hours per 2 days , someone else logging 5 hours daily.

Its fair to me.
Stop asking things to be equal for everyone , if you want something , work for it


Take skinning, find a meat farm group for drustvar and skin the quillboar to your Heart content

I remember getting 1000 meaty haunch 3000 leather and ~20 greens for about an hour of farm where we killed more than i could skin. More or less 50~60k gold worth of items back then, more if you’re crafting and selling gear.

1h a day for about 2 weeks and i managed to buy myself 2 boost with tokens (5 tokens => 800k gold i guess ? There was a discount on BFA so it was ~30€ / boost)

Market may have crashed since and prices depend of your server.

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No, I don’t need any screenshots, but I get it then.

It’s the AH. You have no idea how much of a difference it makes. I don’t use it, and I don’t intend to start either. Gold isn’t important to me though, as long as I am able to pay for a majority of my needs and wants. That would be repairs, vendor mogs, vendor recipes and some of the mounts from vendors. As examples. I am not going to be riding that dinorsaur in many years though(right now it seems more like never), but that isn’t a big deal to me. It’s just one mount, and I already have the Mammoth and the Yak(which I btw bought several years after release… because gaining that amount of gold took time). The Yak I could finally buy pretty much exactly 1 year ago.

So yeah, because gold isn’t such a big deal to me, and I absolutely hate using the AH for both sales and buying, I won’t be using it as a source of gold even though I know it’s a mass gold “generator” for the individual, it’s not worth my time. The other side of it, is that I like the playstyle where I am self sufficient, meaning I farm for myself(and friends) and not random players.

But yeah, I think you underestimate how much of that gold is obtained from your AH usage. I wouldn’t phrase that as “minimal”.

Don’t need ALL mounts and any you want you can aspire to/get in a reasonable amount of time. Seems fair to me

Btw , even tho i have 1mil average per alt , i keep buyin my monthly sub with irl money.

I want to kno that my characters are ‘‘rich’’ if you call the 1 mil something special.
And i hate AH as well , i kno there are some addons which can make your life easier but i kinda cba search for them.

A simple list of few stacks per day , just from the green/disenchants/food i get from casual content is enough.

Oh btw i forgot the big plus.
Since my guild died late Legion when we were Horde , i took the decision to reroll everything into Alliance for a ‘fresh’ start.

If you also check my guild its only me and my alts but the thing is…
The legacy of the guild and by legacy i mean the guild bank + both 7 slots full with mats are mine to exploit and sell.

So pretty much i keep selling glyphs , pots etc from guild bank as well.
1 expansion later im not able to solo clear it but its a slow and steady gold flow

It’s not.
A WQ reward does not even cover repair cost of 3-4 wipe in a raid. Same for the followers gold mission.
The only real source of gold outside of farming 2+ hrs each day are the treasure map from the island, which is not even a weekly guarantee, the 2k emissay which is weekly at best, and the paragon caches.

You’re not a causal. Casual by definition is someone who play “not regularly or permanently”. 5hrs each day is the opposite.

If i propose that schedule to my GF i’m sleeping alone next night. Pass.

Litterally nobody ever asked for that. What people want is balance, something clearly blizz cannot grasp properly.


By balance, do you mean mounts should be cheaper or is this just going wildly off topic?

For a casual player like me however, the gold from WQ’s and caches is more than enough. If it’s not then you’re not a casual player.

Gotta pump those 20$ token numbers. :slight_smile: That’s Acti-Blizzard 2019 edition.


Casual is someone who plays the game for fun and not doing anything which requires progress or time like be a raider or part in any RBG group.
I remember ive been a Casual when i began the game in a guild where i had no spot to raid or participate in PvP. I was just doing Casual stuff.

If you are not gonna marry with your gf i can give you a plan on how to take your relationship into a more smooth level like i keep mine.
We can sleep together 3 days a week , we can hang out but let me enjoy my game w/e the hell i want.

In 8.0 making gold was super easy for me

I lowkey quit in 8.1 tho

in 8.0 I’d just create a group in LFG and sell boost, make few M gold a day.

in 8.1 I seem to get mass reported really fast… so getting 80 days silence isnt worth it. and I hate advertising in trade chat since its boring and i cant play game while doing it therefor forced to quit more or less.

very sad that jealous people mass report me.

i think later on ill try to make gold again.

i swear you’re posting the opposite of people just to get reactions :\

Gold IS hard to make unless you play the AH. all the things you listed are fairly dependent on rng except running old raids, but blizz loves nerfing gold in old raids too. im wondering why they haven’t nerfed MoP raids already.

AH is the only REAL way to make gold. BUT its so dependent. you cant just put stuff on it. you have to play the AH. and most people either dont want to, or are not good at that. i personally fall under both categories there. and then it also depends on servers. you could be good on the AH, but if you are on a dead server like mine, people dont want to pay for rare items anywhere near the price they would go for on draenor or silvermoon.

gold flooded the market in WoD as there wasn’t a lot to do except build up your garrison on alts, so people were able to make tons. blizz didn’t quite realize their “mistake” and continued this into legion. NOW, they are trying to get rid of gold by making it a lot harder to get, and sooooooo many gold sinks.

while there are some players who still have lots of gold, they are most likely on the most populated servers. some players who had lots of gold in WoD and Legion have said that they dont have anywhere near as much as they once did cause its all being whittled away on gold sinks, repairs, transmog etc, but there is no income to replace it like there was in WoD/Legion.

Blizz is trying to make up for its errors by using a death star to tap in a nail. so to op, yeah, mount collectors are assumed billionaires, but i would guess that most are not now, where they once were.


Stopped reading there.
Farewell now.

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Get rich today with this one simple

trick Buy low, sell high :sunglasses:

only time i touch AH is when i wanna buy stuff, and once in a month MAYBE sell a thing or two, yet I made millions of gold.

they’re not, token price’s been around 170-180k for months now, and most likely will stay like that if no major changes. + blizz said they’re happy with current economy.

But then you’re basically just presenting two options:

Either you get all the necessary addons and know-how and flip items on the AH and RP the life of a stock broker.

Or you become a hardcore WoW player who invests enough time and energy into the game to comfortably boost other players through high-end content.

Neither of those options are realistic for most people – evident by the fact that lots of people inevitably have to buy the expensive items on the AH for others to make a fortune, and lots of people inevitably have to pay the boosters a lot of gold in order for the boosters to become rich.

I strongly doubt the average WoW player has anywhere near a million gold. You don’t accumulate such a high figure by just playing the game as Blizzard presents it to you.


The last mount I could afford that was a goldsink was the Yak xD

I am not someone who tries to make gold in game. I think the richest I’ve been was when Garrisons were a thing.

And those ones on the AH, never gonna get those XD

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Whoever says you can make a lot of gold from herbs and ores “easy” is a dang liar :sweat_smile:


You could early on in expansion. But not now.


I mean their price should follow the average gold making possibility ingame.
If you can make 200k a week by emissaries cache, i’m fine with a 2 million mount.
If you can make 2k, a 90k mount is not fine.
Mount like any other reward should be obtainable within a reasonable timeframe.

The bigger issue here is that for every possible game content, there is a small group of people who is exploiting/clearing it too much/fast and blizz is going beyond reason to slow this thing down. Timegating stuff, gutting the economy, adding tons of rng, just to came in later with big catchups to counter everything it did before because the average guy otherwise won’t be able to keep up at basic level.
The game should not be balanced around those people, but on the average player.

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that would be violetta.

sulking now i’ve caught you out eh? :\