Mountcollectors assumed billionaires

Im pretty casual, and i boosted and made good amount of gold, if nothing, you can always boost IEs and freehold :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d still boost, but there’re 2 issues.

  1. cant advertise in LFG as my next “punishement” is 80ish days, and advertising in trade chat means i dont get to play the game.

  2. blizzard is throwing free loot for almost 0 effort to people so people who want boost are wayyyyyyyy less.

hopefully 8.2 comes here asap i get my cutting edges and i can keep making gold.

Yes early on my main income was from fishing but now herb/mining/fishing has gone down the drain :disappointed_relieved:


Not rly tbh

You are just one of the few users here in this forum that i would rather have a conversation with a brickwall instead.

because you dont like not being able to continue your point of view when people prove you wrong with facts?

well, such players as that, and as you appear to be, are no loss as you will never be of any use trying to find ways to help improve the game.

so it will be beneficial to me and players that want the game to get back to glory days, if you do go talk to the walls, cause you appear to be talking s**t in the last few posts i’ve seen you make.


No, no you’re not.
If you’re casual, then that word has lost its meaning completely.


it is based on the average player. If the average player want it, its a long/very long term goal depending on the mount.

For players who WoW is about squatting on the AH, all the vendor mounts combined is pocket change

you can make few hundred thousands a day if you use them tight :joy:

yes I am. lol
I dont really invest much time into the game, i got gf, go out, few hobbies and 2 jobs. play other games and what not
Im just more efficient with my time.

If this is about the Mechagon mounts costing half a million each, thats not really a lot of money in todays economy.
Most players who play the economy actively and even passively to some extent rack up hundreds of thousands of gold doing nothing.

A 500k mount today isn’t really that much rarer than epic riding in vanilla or flying in BC.

Are you serious?
Have you missed the last expansion (and from what I have heard WoD)?

You have a totally different experience then.
Playing PvE on your personal comfort level is expensive (flasks, food, pots, runes and maybe some other stuff).
If you put you time into making gold and pass on those activities, yes, making gold isn’t that difficult. However I think players complaining about high prices would rather quit than focus on making gold as some core aspect and if you gain gold slowly, a million is a lot of gold.

On a different note, how much of your gold is from BfA and how much of your gold is from previous expansions (some players in 7 and 8 figures I know told me they slowly decrease their amount of gold in BfA).

While you miss one hour, is that enough to cover travel time to work, lunch break, perhaps breakfast, dinner and personal hygiene? For most people 6 hours of sleep is not enough (I think average recommended sleep is a little over 7 hours a day).
I think having 5 hours a day for WoW is way above the average player (I consider myself a player, who invests a lot of time into WoW and I do probably 4 * ~4 hours during the week and very varying on the weekends).

Why the escalation?
Who said, they want gold equality whatever amount of time they invest?

If you do not even sell on the auction house, you won’t make huge jumps in terms of gold.
You can generate a good amount of gold via worldquests, emmisaries and vendoring of items, but not even close to the amount of what people are willing to invest for items on the AH and therefore possible profit for everyone selling on the AH.

Wanting every mount is not something Blizzard should try to balance around either.
If you want every mount you are far of from on average player but in a different way than boosters, AH traders, high end raiders, gladiators, …
This is not average and if you want every mount and some are locked behind gold - earn the gold (earn more than the average joe who will maybe buy one more expensive and a few cheaper mounts, but misses out on several other ones).

Definitely not.
On my realm on horde side I won’t find players buying the boost (therefore I can not be payed via gold). It is a pretty empty realm and people playing here are doing it because they are not in a hurry for mythic raiding, high M+ or something similar.
I like my realm but it is not the realm to go if you want to make fast gold, therefore fast gold is not an option for me and I don’t mind it.


Not really. I asked Ion about the gold economy in the last WoW Q&A, and he kind of commented on it, basically saying that items like the brontosaur mount and such exist to provide the rich players with a goal to strive toward.

For reference:

/played at current level. What does it say?

I cant even remember when was the last time i was so ready to facepalm irl while having a ‘convo’ with a random from the other side of the screen.

Really ,i gotta leave you for now
There are so many things i gotta reply back to you which is pointless like i said.

Bookmark me and check if im not giving suggestions or if im not replying seriously.
Cba talk with you more really


ill check when I home, this char is all I play (not counting 5< hours i spent on other chars) so should be easy to calculate.

what’s your /played?

but the moment that blizz made collection tabs, people felt the need to fill them BECAUSE they are there. prior to collection tabs, people only wanted 1-2 mounts that they LIKED. now they want them cause they’re currently greyed out.

blizz know what they were doing by making collection tabs. dont get me wrong, they are handy as f**k, but they will make people strive to “complete” them. be it mounts, pets, toys or transmog.

Thats why i said around both for gaming and sleep.
Maybe i will sleep 6 hours and play 5 , maybe i will sleep 8 and play 3

Its an average plan.
Not to mention im working on my father’s corporation and the headquartes is on the next block of my appartment.
I can literally be there in 2 mins if i walk , 1 min with motorbike.

I also said 8 hours since thats the average worktime for most , i can leave office in 2 hours or stay 10 hours if needed.

I dunno how much time you need for personal hygiene.
I can release my ‘‘inner demon’’ at WC in 12 secs with timer. Really.
Brush my teeth in 2 mins.
Feed & pet my cat for 1 hour .
Eat my protein and breakfast in 10 mins before i go to work.

In other words , i can sacrifice a lot from sleep and work.
Sleep is for weak anyway.

But the scedule is total random since everyone is having a different way of living

The ridiculous cost is quite obviously aimed at increasing WoW token sales , Quite obvious also Blizzards goal and aim with BFA is do as little work as possible but get as much revenue return as possible, sad times, originally the PTR cost was 50k, which meant One WoW token could buy 3(on EU), now with the price hike and current Token sales price You’d get one mount per token, that’s just greedy.


I hope this trend with mounts for extreme amounts of gold stops next expansion.
Nearly every way of making gold depends on the millions other people made during WoD and Legion, but I can’t imagine this will last very long by the tiny amounts of gold you make nowadays by just playing the game.


Casual filth here… I have over 400 mounts collected according to the tab. I know some of them are store-mounts, but the rest have been obtained over the years through extremely casual gameplay.

There SHOULD be expensive stuff in the game to aim for. Take epic flying in TBC. That 5k really was an arm and a leg back then and it took me a fair bit to get enough money for that - one one char.
I didn’t get the Mammoth or the Yak until WoD came along - I can afford the spider-mount now if I want it, and if I put in abit of effort, Longboi should also be within reach - with time.

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~30 days. ~720 hours. I think it averages out to ~3 hours per day.
I’m not casual.

what about all your other characters? or is that it?

My first main beloved HPala …
267 days , 22 hours , 40 minutes , 10 seconds

Consider me as casual tho