Mouse not working since 8.3

hello my right click not working right in combat / arenas play melle and its terror when i moving tru holding right click on mouse and sometimes mouse ignore that holding and just ignore it …i tried everything reinstal drivers restart ui delete addons update addons delete catche interface reset options …not working … mouse was buying in september - razer trinity , in other games it working ok

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I got same issue after 8.3. I use just 2 months old g502 se.

There is possibility that you have hidden addon windows on your screen, when your mouse hovers over them it won’t act normally, it will try to interact with them ignoring your attmept to free look,

I mean it could be also that in a recent windows update the mouse settings were changed, so you may want to check out this article for some steps to try:

You may also want to check that you haven’t accidentally bound Right click to some other keybind in the keybindings.

I have tryed everything i can. I asked this issue from my guild mates, and they have this issue also. I have tested this on other games and mouse works well without problem. Only wow and especially in dungeons/bgs this problem comes

And you’ve definitely tested this without ANY addons installed and the base User Interface?

As Decayin said, it could be that you’re all using the same Addon causing the same issue, and you (and your friends) are the only people reporting this currently I am suspecting a client side issue.

It could be a Weakaura you’ve installed for example that only activates when you’re in an Arena/BG zone.

One other thing to try is to uninstall the Razer Software you have installed currently and see if that helps. Should that not can you please try reinstalling the game and test it without any Addons being installed.

Is there any fix for this? I have even reinstalled whole game and with no addons installed this still happens
Wow is the only game i have issues with my mouse.

Okay if you’ve tried all the steps above can you do the following things for me:

  1. Reset your Game Settings
  2. Reset your Keybindings. Open the main menu ingame > Keybindings > in the bottom left click on Reset to Default

Retest how things are working in the game for you. If the issue persists, please upload your system files to and reply with the links to the files using the preformatted text option to encapsulate the links.

I tryed to do it, but pastebin requires pro user to be able to link files in there.

Hi there Blackcockoo,

You can just copy-paste the text from the file, rather than using the direct file upload. Also you may want to have a look at the thread over here: Mouse jumping/centering FIX.

It doesn’t exactly match the problem as described by Pharah in the original post, but it’s a pretty solid list for any kind of mouse issues, in addition to the links that were posted earlier in this thread already.

I have this problem on and off for quite some time and the threads about it go back couple of years. It’s always only mouse in WoW, it works perfectly fine in every other program.

There are more than 20 different fixes all over the web, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. I’m loosing track of what I’ve already tried. Sometimes it makes it even worse, it’s unbearable.

Sometimes it goes away without me doing anything. Before the reset this week it was working perfectly. Then suddenly on wednesday it works worse than ever before. And nothing on my computer or in my addon list changed!

My problem is, I turn my camera with mouse’s right click. My mouse is loosing contact in game (like there’s something interfering with the click on the middle of the screen) which makes my character stop turning and makes me unable to move with any kind of consistency. I makes me crazy and not want to play anymore, because all the fixes just flat out don’t work or work only for a bit, then go back to what it was like before.

You guys have ofc tried another mouse i hope, cos i have swapped numerous razer and Logirech mouse due to the buttons actually getting worn out.
(I am talking about the little micro-switches inside the mouse).

When this happens with the mouse hardware, it is exactly like you describe, and that is when mouseturning, suddenly it will stop, and you have to re-click the mouse button to continue. Extremely annoying, but well.

I ran into the same issue twice and I remember quitting the game during legion for the same issue. I use a razer lancehead atm and I tried with another mouse which is not razer so i don’t believe it to be a razer related issue anyway.

What I have tried so far :

  • Relauching the game with no adds-ons
  • UI reset by renaming Cache, Interface & WTF folder and prefixing them by Old
  • UI reset by completely deleting those folders (lost all macros & ui config :slight_smile:)

=> Nothing did work

So overall I pretty much agree with Ruineth : this issue needs a serious fix or at the very least some reference thread or article by Blizzard enumerating all possible fixes rather than answering every single thread written by any players.

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Hey, I’ve also had the exact same issue. If anyone finds a solution please post. I will also keep looking

I had this issue, but after i turned Azerorth AutoPilot off i dont have any problems at all. I’ve tested it turning it on and off and every time is on the bug comes back. I guess it has to do something with the addon.

I also had this issue, removing old details weakauras works for me.

I had to disable an addon which was not updated to 9.0.1. In my case it was “Azerorth AutoPilot” that cause this issue. It’s like an invisible window and when you click it nothing happens…

I tried retail today since having the shadowlands patch installed & my mouse it said was not being detected - read loads of forums & in the end decided to disable all my addons - the mouse then worked fine. After re-enabling them one at a time i discovered it was the atlasloot addons that was causing my issues so have now disabled that & mouse now works fine

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Disabling Atlas Loot fixed the issue.

Glad to hear disabling addons have helped in many of these cases. As this thread is a bit dated at this point I’ll close it here though to avoid confusion. There is a newer one for reports after the Shadowlands pre-patch here: