Mousewheel on touchpad is too sensitive after the pre-expansion patch on macOS

Zooming map / minimap, scrolling mail pages / characters list – any kind of zooming or scrolling is way too sensitive after The War Withing pre-expansion patch.

Slight scroll down immediately takes me to the end of the list. Can’t unzoom map to 100% zoom level because last action is registered like a few zoom ups and downs and bounce back. Can’t use keybinds for scroll up or scroll down because any usage of them is registered like a hundreds of scrolls now.

Mousewheel sensivity always was a little uncomfortable, but now it’s completely off. Any help? :smiling_face_with_tear:



SAME HERE need a fix


I don’t know if it’s the same problem but in the pre-patch I had an extremely sensitive mouse but in in-game settings -options-controls there is a new option where it is possible to disable the mouse control by WoW and leave the windows setting.

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I assume it is Enable Mouse Sensitivity checkbox. Looks like it could fix sensitive mouse but not the mouse wheel. No effect from checking or uncheking, thought :confused:

Also tried followings with 1 or 0 values but nothing has change either.
/console rawMouseEnable 0
/script SetCVar(“rawMouseEnable”, 0);

I have the same problem, and it’s terrible!
If I zoom in for half a second, it delays until it has zoomed all the way into first person. If I scroll up or down on menus, it jumps back to where it started.

I think it could be tied to “Scale to fit below built-in camera,” because when I open my full world map, there’s empty space above it etc. and everything is just weird (but turning it off doesn’t help either).

This genuinely concerns me because it was the exact same way since day 1 in beta.

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Yeah scrolling the character selector or trying to control in game zoom with touchpad is now very hard basically too sensitive like the lightest touch does 3-4 “scrolls” for camera zoom in/out

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This actually is much worse than it seems. There are lots of scrollbars across the game. For example pets and mounts lists. And chat. All these things are messed up.

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Since it also affects zooming in it is genuinely a gamebreaking bug/change for me. Can call me dramatic, but it wastes so much of my time, and the unpresize zooming puts me at a major disadvantage in almost every context. And even most importantly: It’s annoying!


another one here! PLS FIX
playing on MacBook, problem started after pre-expansion update.


Ive contacted a gm, here’s their reply:

I recommend doing a full WOW interface reset by following these steps below:
1-Completely exit World of Warcraft.
2-Uninstall any add-on managers to make sure they don’t re-add your removed add-ons.
3-In the Blizzard desktop application, click Options (the cogwheel next to Play button) and select Show in Explorer (Windows®) or Reveal in Finder (Mac®).
4-Open the World of Warcraft® folder.
5-Open the folder for the game version you’re troubleshooting (retail, classic_era, or classic)
6-Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld.
7-Re-launch World of Warcraft so the changes can take effect.

Advanced Troubleshooting:
If you continue to have errors, an add-on or macro may have changed a console variable. You can reset this by typing the following command into your in-game chat box and pressing enter. You may receive a permission error, but the command will still work.
/console cvar_default

I’ve tried all of the above and obviously it didn’t help, so I strongly suspect it’s an actual in-client bug received with the pre-patch, however blizzard support will as usual keep gaslighting us, until we press “issue resolved button”

Edit: Ah, also I’ve sent the link to this forum page with my ticket and obviously gm didn’t even open it according to their reply


The problem is that it’s the scrolling function that’s over sensitive, also I’ve not found the same checkbox on Mac


So here’s a little update from another GM

"Thanks for reaching back out and I understand your concerns here with the issues you and many others are facing on MacOS at the moment since the latest WoW update.

So, unfortunately we as Customer Support aren’t able to directly help resolve this, but I will be passing this information on internally to hopefully get this looked at sooner, please do continue to have yourself or anyone else you know Bug Report this or post on those threads you linked on the forum to get the Developers attention.

Until then all I can ask for you to wait and hopefully we can have this fixed soon."

So hopefully it will be resolved soon, the only thing left to do is wait and share this forum link on social media to attract more attention from the developers.

Here’s a link to MacOs tech support blizzard forum page with the same problem

For some reason I “don’t have a char over lvl 10” to post on there, maybe cuz it’s US, but still those are ppl facing the same problem as we are


Wha, thanks for the support thing and the link. Can’t post the either. Must be because no active subscription in US region. But still can give them likes on their messages.

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Hey all,

This appears to have been reported to our developers, however we do not have more information than that for the moment I’m afraid.

Has anyone tried this?

What macOS and device are you currently on?

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I tried this and it doesn’t change anything.
I’m on a 2021 Macbook Pro , most recent update installed.

When I simply place both fingers on the mouse pad when “Keybindings” is open, it instantly registers as “Mouse Wheel Up” even when I don’t move my fingers. This is not an issue in other games, and was not a problem in Dragonflight. Hopefully this helps.

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Thank you for your thread, I have the same problem with my mouse scroll wheel sensitivity since TWW. Also, it keeps jumping up and down when scrolling and the zoom in and out is way too fast, which makes playing almost impossible. pls help.

Setup: iMac late 2013, macOS Catalina

lol I know, a bit outdated macOS, but as long as it works :wink:

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Any updates? The bug still seems unfixed and the expansion is live now – I won’t buy it, until this is fixed, because it just isn’t fun to play like this.

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I’m at a major disadvantage in one of the dungeons because of this problem, so this goes beyond a minor inconvenience. I wish this was a higher priority.

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I mentioned my last mouse was faulty so I got myself a new one and if I try to scroll up the combat log, it keeps bouncing back up every few turns of going UP while trying to see the contents near the top of window.

I’m not in combat so there are no new lines being generated and I always wait for the green line to cross the box before scrolling (indicates loading, or catching up an you are unable to pause it for a moment).

Minimap as well, but less frequent. Usually it happens with the first 2 initial zoom in actions which are very subtle and the moment I cross into the third zoom in click/scroll - it will sometimes tilt - zoom out and back to previous state.

Since the mouse is new and scroll is still rigid there is no problem with character selection window. Vendors with multiple pages seem fine too.



To expand on the problem, page up and down keyboard buttons don’t work well either.

They completely skip through several lines of the text box, as if they push and inconsistently move through a different number of lines in either direction every other time. Sometimes I won’t even notice someone speaking unless I click button travel a single line to meticulously scan the chat.

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