Multiboxers breaking the game

Latency has nothing to do with computer hardware. If you hover over your latency in-game, you can see there are two, WORLD and HOME. The one that gets affected is WORLD. You clearly have no idea how any of this works.

Just because the devs say it’s not cheating doesn’t mean it’s not cheating. The player has an unfair advantage against other players, and that is cheating.


I mean, the guy goes in BG’s with like 24 toons though, that would be hella disruptive though.

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Maybe, but according to Blizzard it’s ok.

Well then maybe Blizzard needs to start playing their own game.


I keep facing this Mechagodzil guy every single Ashran i get into.

He manipulates toys and the soul-trader pet (which can’t be summoned inside bgs) to lag us out, you can’t do anything.

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Multiboxer in Epic Battleground (See screens) - #3 by Garaidh-magtheridon we played together last game , look post of my friend

Yesterday I saw my first one. A bunch of boomies farming the pigs near Betsy in Drustvar

Yeah, the WoW devs unfortunately don’t really DGAF about cheating.

It’s strange, because some of the other Blizzard teams are very strict about it. The Overwatch and Starcraft developers even forbid playing with 21:9 monitors (which are now fairly common pieces of gaming hardware) because they think it give players an unfair advantage. But 1 guy using 3rd party scripting software to concurrently control 24 WoW accounts at once, thereby being practically invincible in some BGs and disrupting other player’s enjoyment of the game? Yeah, that’s fine for the WoW devs. :crazy_face:


You talk so much and say so little. You are either a liar or don’t play the game if you don’t ever encounter any multiboxers.

Blizzard devs being underpaid has nothing to do with any of this. Do you think the devs just wake up one day and go, “I don’t feel like doing X today at work, so I won’t do it.”?
Every person working gets their instructions from above. The devs only do what is instructed of them to do by their superiors. What the hell does being underpaid have anything to do with Blizzard choosing to allow cheaters to run rampant?

Normaly i actually enjoy watching these multiboxers with 20+ characters.
Once i faced an unholy deathknight who controlled 20-24 characters in a bg, along with their pet. And when they popped army of the dead all hell broke loose.
Facing him every now and then was just a fun twist in the endless loosing bg matches. Actually won a few against him and sometimes he lost controll of them all.

But nowadays all the druid MB has kinda ruined the reputation of it.

whattttttttttttttttt? dude…u trollign or srs?

i love playing ona totaly dead sever more loot for me …

Thank you, you have totally my support, I am fed up with that guy who abuses other players in ASHRAN with TWENTIES of accounts of DK and SHAMAN, yes, he does pay for them, yet we PAID as well, and we are paying Blizzard not for BEING BULLIED, when you see ALL OF US ARE HIDING in our base, you will understand why I call it a bully, this guy could one shot anyone and kill the boss in less than 1 minute, coz the bg became his OWN PLAYGROUND, I will definitely rethink if I should continue with game, coz I am furious tonight that I came across this same multiboxer 3 times in a row and this game became bitter.


This stupid cheater is doing ashran bg every single night is impossibile to play agaisnt him, when he pop 24 army of death and all his possibile totem for his shaman fps drop to 0, plz check this guy and ban him, is not funny wasting time playing like this…One thing is multiboxing herbs, but ruining the bg experience is just shame, plz take action


Facing him every night. Faced him again just now. Ashran is now literally unplayable. I can’t do my Nemesis quests anymore. I am literally soft locked from doing my quests by a bloody multiboxer.

“Multiboxers don’t cheat or cause disruptive behavior”. Good job on not banning these clowns Blizzard.



sorry, I was playing the same bg with the author and we are talking about the same multiboxer with 24 DK and shammy, 3 sessions in a row, and it sucks.


of course they are, they are ONE PERSON pretending to be Multiple


Point is that this multibox is making everyone lagging so hard its almost impossible to win it… And he is clearly ABUSING the mechanic.


Check this screens, always him, every single night…


definitely cheating on efficiency and frequency!