Multiboxers breaking the game

You implied that it has been here since the start and that implies that it is ok? How is that a terrible analogy?

Very constructive counter-argument. Bravo :clown_face:.

Comparing wallhacking to multiboxing? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve seen it all now tbh. Even people who don’t like multiboxing probably find this funny.

I’m comparing cheating to cheating. One is allowed and the other isn’t.

Go continue talking about pizzas, maybe someone will take you seriously over there.

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Cheating in games implies you don’t follow the rule book. The rule book has been followed so it’s not cheating.

You can say you don’t like the rule, fair enough. However to not understand the difference is hilarious. Clearly foaming out the mouth in a rage atm :rofl: Use some more clown emojis please.

I could go some pizza just now btw.





gerund or present participle: cheating

act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.

Use some more :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: emojis please, really highlights your logic and facts. :clown_face:

Dishonestly? nothing dishonest about it is there? It’s not hidden. So your logic is if you play an OP spec you’re cheating? Same thought process as you.

Thing is I actually agree with you about multiboxing in pvp. However my issue is the far out claims your later posts make with false information.

Highlight the false information please.

And please explain to me how multiboxing with 40 characters in instanced bgs where you press 1 button and 1 shot anyone is fair.

Tell me how fair it is for one person to hoard the nodes of a whole zone for themselves please.

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Blaming multiboxers for lag when the same effect happens with normal players, clearly a game issue. Calling people cheaters who are following Blizzards rules. Not understand how multiboxing works, It’s perfecly doable to play multiple classes.

And of course the worst one, Comparing multiboxing to wallhacks.

As I said, I actually agree with your Ashran issue, Valid point, But stop raging and swearing at people. You clearly need to look into how things work on the side of multiboxing as you don’t know.

Also can you start reading my posts? I told you I don’t find that part fair either. I’ve said it 4-5 times.

  • Blaming multiboxers for lag when the same effect happens with normal players, game issue.

The same effect does not happen with normal players. If you ever played Ashran vs normal players and vs a multiboxer you would know.

  • Calling people cheaters who are following Blizzards rules.

I call them cheaters because they have an unfair advantage over a normal player.

  • Not understand how multiboxing works, It’s perfecly doable to play multiple classes.

  • You clearly need to look into how things work on the side of multiboxing as you don’t know

I perfectly understand how multiboxing works. Every player that plays the game sends data to the server and back to it. When a multiboxer presses 1 button they send that to the server and back. If he controls 40 characters, he sends it 40 times, exactly at the same time, causing massive latency issues.

I am currently at my last year at university, studying AI and have developed games and multiple websites that send data to servers. I have an idea on how these things work, thank you very much.

  • And of course the worst one, Comparing multiboxing to wallhacks.

As I stated before, I am comparing cheaters to cheaters, and how one is allowed and the other isn’t. I never said multiboxing works the same way as wallhacks.

  • Also can you start reading my posts?

I have read and responded to each part of your post.

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Exactly why I said MB doesnt bother some people I’m not here to attack you, just offering my opinion on where I stand with the disruptive kinds of MB.

I don’t really care about multiboxers I’ve never felt they are a problem but I do think the add nothing to the game either so it would be best if Blizzard just didnt allow them.

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