Multiboxers breaking the game

I would love to see Multiboxing be banned and gone forever from the game. Or at least in such ridiculous amounts. But…

Every multibox account = money.

So Blizzard will never listen to reason. Because Money = King. Customers (who aren’t multiboxing) = not important.

What kind of boxer am I? Do tell me.

A lot of these cheatboxers just pay with in-game gold they get by abusing every bloody node in the game that yields gold. And even for those :clown_face:s that pay with real money, they are still the minority.

In the long run WoW won’t benefit from this as it will drive players like me away from the game, and go play something else where cheating is not allowed.

Get these :clown_face:s banned.

A filthy cheater that needs a ban.

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Is that all you’ve got really?

I pay my subs with real money, have a disabled child, so I 3 box for fun as I can’t join any groups - have done since TBC.

I am not breaking any rules, I don’t bot.

It is allowed so why would they ban me?


Using your disabled child as an excuse to multibox lmao.

Just because it’s not against the rules, doesn’t mean it’s not cheating.

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I don’t need an excuse because I am doing nothing wrong, you however…

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Then why even mention you have a disabled child? For sympathy?

And tell me what I have done wrong, go on.

It was clear what they meant? They mentioned it to explain why they have limited time, Also they don’t need an excuse, An excuse implies that you’ve done something wrong, They’re following the rules. You think people need to answer to you?

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I don’t care what her excuse is, mentioning your disabled child for sympathy or as an excuse is vile.

This thread is about multiboxing, not your personal life problems.

Talk about taking a post out of context…

Complaining about off topic and then making 3 posts about her mentioning a disabled child, makes sense.

It was pefectly on topic, She mentioned she multiboxes 3 accounts to save time as she needs to look after someone disabled, It’s within context of the topic, your posts on the otherhand aren’t.

My beautiful daughter isn’t a life problem to me. She at least knows how to speak to people respectfully.

Saving time is not an excuse to multibox. I don’t care if it’s allowed by Blizzard, me and many others still consider it cheating.

I don’t go on Overwatch and start wallhacking to climb the ladder fast because I don’t have enough time.

You should - it’s their game, their rules. You agreed to them in the Terms of service agreement you agreed to when you signed up to WoW.

That would be bannable… multiboxing isn’t hacking.

And what’s your point? That everything in the game is fine because it’s their game and their rules? That I shouldn’t voice my opinion about what’s wrong in the game and instead go make useless forum posts about pizzas?

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I’m with you Kornag.

For some people these multiboxers dont bother them, for others it’s such a pain.

Of course it doesn’t bother her, she’s a multiboxer herself, how can she see the problem?

Keeping your complaints contructive without resorting to insults would be a good start.

Do you really think Blizzard will listen to you?

Multiboxing has been in the game since the start of WoW.

I agree people shouldn’t be 10 boxing, emptying nodes and causing trouble in pvp.

I have zero impact on you by minding my own business in game. I’m not an ah goblin, I don’t have much time & I don’t run around farming gold.


Not all multiboxers go out causing trouble for others.

Again, what’s your point that multiboxing has been here since the start? Slavery has been with humanity since the start as well, does that mean it was ok?

As long as multiboxing exists, there will always be those that empty nodes and ruin PvP. I don’t see why they shouldn’t be banned just for your convenience.

Terrible analogy.

Think we are done here. I will continue to enjoy my boxing as I have for the past 12 years. :wave:

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