Multiboxers breaking the game

Yes they make resources cheap Hooray!

So cheap infact that gathering for normal players is literally useless, because you will never make any noteworthy gold whatsoever from anything that isnt raw/AH flipping ever again!



In prepatch hits live i will be selling level 50 (120) Legenderyes in AH. :stuck_out_tongue:
Easy gold.

I’ve come across that Mechagodzila. Pathetic creature makes the game unplayable. And with his multibox ability spam basically lags everyone out.

It’s a shame Blizzard allows these pathetic creeps to operate. Perhaps we need to find ways to grief them out of existence?

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I’ve discovered recently while levelling Wow has actually become World of Boomkins. Everywhere you go 5 boomkin multiboxers botting, spamming sunfire and starfall. 4am in Silithus? boomkins, Hellheim? boomkins, hell even in the current BfA zones you can see it sometimes.

All the tools are there to help botters, aoe looting, shared looting, dynamic respawns, spells without facing requirements. Hell they even botted mounting up to sell.

Now eventually Blizzard will probably get around to banning them but not after they’ve already wrecked the economy even more and made levelling a pain in the butt (instant mob respawns and tagging whereever they are).

This is what players trying the new player experience are going to encounter. If I was a new player and saw this everywhere I’d just quit immediately.

Blizzard have always been one step behind when it comes to keeping on top of wow cheaters, botters and exploiters, isn’t it about time that changed?


who farms BFA zones ? the legion zone skins are the once what will sell best in prepatch.

I agree, the game is noticeably more laggy when he is around, probably due to the number of scripting algorithms he is using.

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There are plenty of ways of dealing with resource prices if there’s not enough being gathered. In BFA terms, Hydro/Tidalcores could be tradable for resources at a vendor, nodes could give more yield, recipes could require less, or even (and this is my favourite) retire the dated notion of needing to pick between gathering and crafting professions - let us have 2 “artisan” slots and one “gatherer” slot.

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All good ideas, none of those will ever make it ingame though.
Blizzard loves their characterbound crating-materials and their reliance on Twinks for farming.
Anything that gets you to spend more time ingame.

The only reason Multiboxers exist is to farm huge amounts of gold though resource collecting or boosting. That gold is also not to “buy” a Long Boi or WoW tokens for game-time. He/she is already running multiple accounts and paying multiple subscriptions to be able to do this. The money they spent on that could have been used to buy WoW tokens and traded for gold.

That gold is being sold for real money RMT in the real world, the same thing the Gallywix community was doing. Blizzard if you want to find and stop RMT start by looking at the multiboxers.


Don’t agree, I’d say a minority of Multiboxers would perform RMT, but sure some do.

Regardless of what the reason is, there should never be more than 3 accounts playing at the same time, on an IP. Like in what situation does that happen.


Ofcourse do the game devs know about his setup and playstyle. If he was cheating somehow, he would have been banned ages ago. You cant play 24 accounts without being investigated (often!).

The removal of /follow in pvp removed a lot of botters, and the multiboxers got affected aswell as a sideffect. You dont need /follow to multibox though in pvp, but its a lot lot lot lot lot lot harder.

I got some pvp experience, i used to “solo” two battlegrounds back in the days. Rush, kill boss, /win.

its impossible to bot like you described and not being banned very quickly.

Regarding multiboxers who are farming:

you cant leave your pc anymore (f.ex using a looong cable and press the keyboard keys sitting somewhere else in the house, or watch a video on another screen): if a gm manually (or automatic tests are started, based on reports, i assume) runs varies “bot tests” on you, you need to be there and respond like a normal player would. Or else they will have no choice but to assume you are using f.ex an external setup warden doesnt detect + is “away from screen” (but keypresses continues) (even if you were indeed sitting right infront of the screen).

They then ban you right there and then. This entire process can take as little as 10 min or so.

And yes, it doesnt matter if your accounts are 2 weeks old or you have played since the game came out. Are you sending keypresses and neglect to the tests = you are considered “away from the screen” =
most likely using a bot = banned.

You need to be veeeeery attentive on each and every gamewindow these days. I wouldnt dare to do any standstill mobfarming, unless you can watch each game extremely closely.

Lastly: you wont ever be contacted by a gm or sent a /whisper (you arent forced to reply to tells from random strangers anyway): its impossible to know if you are being tested or not… unless you are actually watching the screen. They can be quite subtle in fact, especially if you have several games you need to keep a look at.

Ive personally experienced around 7 (edit:now 8!) different kinds of “tests” to see if im actually behind the keyboard. If you detect them in time, its ok, if not, the game in question closes and when you try to relog, its banned. And trust me, if you all of a sudden get busy watching the highlight of a movie, you too could be banned. The reason im able to say this, is that i detected the tests, tried to react, but few secs later got banned.

Have to be very carefull and fully awake. Cant slack.

After around 8 years of farming experience, im pretty sure i know the ins and out of what is allowed and not.

Well that is good to know they aren’t bots, although I would not be suprised if someone had devised a way to alert them if they are a being tested so they can AFK farm.

But that doesn’t change the fact this kinda multiboxing has become commonplace, 5 boomkin parties are all over and they are ruining the experience for other players.

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The IP limit would be really hard to enforce in light of the setup of ISPs currently. When you connect to your ISP your computer is assigned a “private” IP on their “private” IP network. The “private” IP traffic is then funneled trough a firewall that hooks up to the internet with a “public” IP and that is what Blizzard would see on their side for your connection. That means that everyone that get funneled through the same firewall has the same “public” IP. You literally have thousands of people with the same “public” IP connecting to Blizzard at the same time.

Even if the client registers your PC’s IP and send that back it is still part of the “private” IP ranges and would most likely be 192.168.0.something, 172.16.0.something or 10.0.0.something and there will be millions of those. Your PC’s “private” IP is assigned by you WiFi router in your house and from there it goes to your ISP that assigns a “private” IP to the router on their “private” IP network.

IP limit is very easy to bypass with VPNs anyway

Still back in MOP u was avable to see blue replays on Multiboxing threads but nomore.


There are botters out there who also use legal multiboxing software (and more…) and pretend to be a legit multiboxer.

You just need to report (rightclick a player and report them for cheating: they will then be investigated, if you suspect possible cheating).

If any wrong doing is detected, said player will be banned.

One or the other though.

Multiboxers at least help regular players, stocking the auction house in consumable materials and dropping their price to something reasonable.

Blizzard is slashing old raid gold farming by 60-80% so my HFC solo will no longer bring in 3,5k, it will barely bring 1000g, if that, propably even less. I don’t want a single prepot to cost 300g AND having no means to quickly get that gold.

No multiboxers and nerfed gold across the board is basically forcing people to go gathering and farm their own pots. On top of all that busywork crap we already will need to do. No thanks, i’d rather uninstall this game than do this.


while its very easy to setup a “stand still farm”, you cant be AFK… you need the keyboard… obviously: but you can be “away from screen”: you can relax and press the buttons on the keyboard and watch tv somewhere else: but doing this now, gets you banned extremely fast (as you miss the subtle and non subtle “bot tests” = you have to see the screens clearly to avoid getting banned).


Here are some devs replies from 2007 (nothing notable really has changed since)

and, they recently updated the support page: