Multiboxers breaking the game

ice vans site has like 4 pages of info of multiboxing :stuck_out_tongue:
includes staff interjuves even.


basically, a stand still farm can be done like this:

Note that you only have to press the -1- and same button the entire time.

Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (remapped from key x to key y, to loot)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (remapped from key x to key y, to loot)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (remapped from key x to key t, to use instant group heal etc)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (target and dps macro)
Keypress x (remapped from key x to key spacebar, prevents going AFK)

etc etc etc

Addon: warns when bags are full = mount up and sell

etc etc etc

only limited by creativity really.

U have a 111 twink balnce druid spamming Sunfire then afther u killed animals u spam

a trowable skin knife instent skin dont need to waste time to walk up to copres of a dead animal to loot or skin it :smiley:

Defeating a multiboxer when the numbers are equal is pretty easy though.
Should still not be allowed.


is very handy.

Its a shame they didnt update it for lvl 120.

You cant use it on creatures above lvl 113.

i can gather more matrials per hour on my 1 level 111 twink then 5 120 multiboxing druids :smiley:
so why even bother multiboxing ?

oh my god!

I want one of those!

Maybe I already have it.

Thank you!

If you played legion stormheim story you definitely do.

how about i tell u have to force a other player to pvp ?


People doesnt only multibox to farm.
Its to play the game and overcome challenges you cant do as a single player + for fun, ofcourse.

And while you might be able to beat a new multiboxer in materials earned, you wont beat a veteran :wink:

Me and my GF ended up against this multiboxer in Ashran a few weeks ago. 24 + 1 random guy on Alliance side.

People literally melted before us, they get targeted by all of them at the same time. Healers had a really bad time staying alive.

Pretty hard to co-ordinate 25 random people against a multiboxer who can drop anyone he likes almost instantly. It’s also very difficult to say ‘Target this particular guy’ when 24 of them have very similar names, since you can’t add raid targets to enemy players.

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Make a character called Space Godzilla and he will stand no chance.

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The thing about multiboxers is that if he pops an ability on his controlling char they all pop it, so they all force their defensive CD even if they don’t need it.
You just need proper AoE damage, like destro lock with bane or an arms warrior.

In prepatch of shadowlands a mutiboxer can basicly 1 shoot u even ur same faction and VM Off :stuck_out_tongue:


this isnt correct.

While its possible to create a “straight broadcast” (all games presses the same key) = you can set it up so that for example:

When main game presses “1”: use “dps castsequence macro” on game 1

When main game presses “1”: remap from “1” to key “2” on game 2 = use “healing main character castsequence macro”

When main game presses “1”: remap from “1” to key “2” on game 3 = use “aoe healing castsequence macro”



you are only limited by your imagination really…

Only absolute new players blow their cds at the same time.
You can easily “stagger” these if need be / use multiple keys and track everything (which spells and who has on cd etc, using f.ex custom weak auras).

Well in that case multiboxers have very poor imagination then

Its not that they have poor imagination: when they come across content where this easy method doesnt work, then they will have to change their setup to overcome it.

Cant really fault new players for not bothering to set it up, if they dont need to (some may also not be aware that its possible to setup / tweak).

Where should I stand?


i played some rated 10man rated bgs before. I dont think ive laughed so hard before: me and my characters moved straight across the field and then the other team kinda stopped and was baffled, then we all stopped at the midle of the field. They stood there and watched me awhile, then 1 guy attacked me alone, which i promptly “one shotted”. Then there was a small break, you could basically hear them discussing on “discord etc”. Then they suddenly spreaded out and surrounded me from all sides, then jumped in using all kinds of cc’s, fear etc and i very soon died.
I laughed so hard i couldnt almost breath.