Multiboxers breaking the game

Just had another sht with him, blizzard we know you love money, yet we paid u as well!!!

Keep running into this bastard every bloody time I queue for an Ashran. Why the hell hasn’t he been banned yet? This is DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOUR!!!

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Met him aswell couple times in Ashran tonight again and in Battle for Nazjatar aswell, hes expanding his territory!

This is true. You will get a blue answer if you ask some unimportant things, but in this issue you will get nothing. In german forums are lot threads according to this and other guys too.
We have a large thread about pvpvendors, a large thread about upcoming probably legacyloot changes - no answers in blue.
But if you ask why a former mvp writes in green unstead in white… here you go.

This mechagodzila is in every ashran, its my favorite epic BG and i can’t do it anymore because he’s always there!

How can this be allowed? I wouldn’t complain if it was happening in open world. But in random BGs… how the hell can this be considered “working as intended”??
Anyone tried opening a ticket about this?

There is no section related to this where you can open a ticket. If you select ‘report a player’ under tickets, it will just tell you to report them in-game.

Amazing how it has been going on for months and he’s been disrupting the games of thousands of players and still not even a bloody statement on it.

I can’t do one of the things I enjoy doing in the game because of this scumbag.

Until 1 button push does 10 actions i wont be convinced how this is acceptable.

If 10 button push do 10 actions, it would be fair.

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I’m hoping Blizzard will do some sort of stealth node fix that will make gathering worse for multiboxers, something which will allow for those gathering on single characters have a chance still.

I multibox 3 accounts to farm garrosh shoulders but I think it’s ridiculous to multibox pvp whether it is 2 accounts or 40. It ruins what pvp is supposed to be when it’s already in a bad state… ><

Edit: when being attacked in world pvp on my 3 characters i noticed we cannot /follow a unit engaged in pvp, so it was impossible for me to use my 3 characters to defend myself since the 2 alts couldn’t follow the target (which I understant and consider fair). But maybe it can give ideas on how to defeat that guy in a BG? I honestly have no idea how he can pvp like this.

I am convinced he is using third party programs which are not allowed since he is multiboxing with two different classes. And even if he is not, he should still be banned for the disruptive behavior he causes.

They won’t ban people doing this just because they pay. I think they shouldn’t ban but make it impossible to queue for anything with more than one character per Bnet account. That would solve the issue.

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It takes an entire raid to battle one player, no problems detected. /s

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@ Drekthera I have made ticket, no reply yet tho…
@ Kornag Actually there is, it’s called Zone disruption.

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Hes spamming fireworks on 24 characters been actually doing it for months now the same guy

one more time the same mfuxer, blizzard loves money more than fairness for all

I’d like to know how he does it. I can’t say I admire this person, but it would be interesting to learn about the techniques.

I have never knowingly encountered the phenomena that is described in this thread, but I am very curious about after seeing it mentioned so many times on this forum. Does the individual make youtube videos of their activities? Do they stream on twitch?

I was watching a twitch video on demand the other day of a streamer who multiboxes 5 druids in pvp, he was in arathi basin. He defeated ten players at the lumber mill with his five druids! It was awesome. He had one of them as a bear and the others as boomkins. He was using the hive mind mount to move them from place to place as a group. One thing I noticed was that he would leave the boomkins far from the flag but within range of it and then fight at the flag with the bear. I imagine that he was synchronising the camera on the boomkins and using click to move in order to get them to go to the same spot, from there he would get them all to move in opposite directions so that they were spread out a bit. I can’t remember his name, but I have followed him on twitch. It’s quite facinating that people still find ways to multibox in pvp even after the obstacles that have been put up.

We have similar cases like this on german serverpools. Big groups of DK-multiboxers who raid Boralus and kill everyone at sight or disrupt battlegrounds.
Sadly nothing’s been done so far. With MB becoming much more bigger since the start of the expansion, I’m quite worried for the future.
At this point I’m thinking whether I should start boxing too. I mean… you have a huge advantage over “normal” players, you’re swimming in gold after you’ve paid your monthly tokens which don’t take long to farm as MB and you never have to worry again about whether you keep your WM off or on because your army obliterates every person you come across.
Economy has been f’d up for many months now and I don’t want to fight against MB-dominance in the auction house anymore when I could have it much easier… it’s sad what this matter has become.

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Multiboxing can be very rewarding.

In my opinion the main advantage and disadvantage that you gain over a non multiboxing player is that you control all of the characters, this is an advantage because you can make all of the characters do what you want them to do, the disadvantage is that they are limited in what they can do by your ability to control them. Contrast this with a team of players each controlling one character, the advantage that they have is that each one of them can devote complete attention to what their character is doing and devote all of their energy to controlling that character, a disadvantage that they face is regarding communication, they do not have one mind and one purpose, so if they are not communicating and cooperating effectively they may be weaker than they otherwise would be, I’m not saying that communication is everything, just that it can provide a huge advantage, but let’s not forget that there are many different types of communication, and even though you may not be talking to your team members, if you are familiar with common tactics and pay attention to what other’s in the group is doing, you will be able to be in the right place at the right time and do the right thing. With regards to obtaining gold and the chance of obtaining items, a single player controlling multiple characters has a clear advantage over a single player controlling a single character, although that advantage is not free, not only does it cost more money to obtain it, it costs more effort to maintain it.

Not all multiboxers are the same. Some have just two characters, others have a whole raid. Not all multiboxers do so in pvp. I’ve tried it a few times, about 10 years ago before /follow was disabled, I was absolutely useless at it, I found that it was not at all easy and decided not to do it because it was unfair to the other people on the team. So now in the present times, /follow has been disabled, yet people still find ways to multibox in pvp and to be successful at it.

I would say to you, don’t jump into multiboxing thinking that you will gain an advantage, because I think that you will find that you do not gain an advantage. What you will have is a bunch of characters that you need to find ways to control and use them effectively, and to do so is very challenging. Controlling one character is actually quite difficult and takes some time to achieve, so imagine controlling more than one, you need to know them very well and you need to be aware of what they are doing. I’m not meaning to claim to be an expert on multiboxing and how to do it, I’m only speaking from my experience of it, which is limited to controlling a five character team. I don’t know what it’s like for people controlling a whole raid, I imagine that it’s more difficult, since I have noticed that controlling less than five characters is much easier for myself.

So I say to you, multiboxing is not likely to give you the advantage over other players that you perceive and will instead present you with a huge challenge, which depending on how you handle it, can reward you with intense satisfaction or intense disappointment, and anything in between those two extremes.

So what would I prefer? Controlling my five characters or having four people to play with who will all do the things I want to do. Hmmm, well, I tend to think that having four people to play with is better. The game is actually designed with this in mind. So when you find a group of other players and play with them, you are at that moment experiencing a huge advantage over a normal player who plays alone. The advantage that you gain is more than what a multiboxer has, the challenge you would face is more to do with social interaction, do you want to be in charge and get others to follow your leadership? Do you want to follow the leadership of another person? I guess these things are not all black and white though, there are lots of types of group structures I suppose. The mutliboxer group structure is one where there is one person with complete control, with the difficulty of applying that control, where as the non multiboxer group structure will be more diverse and flexible.

I disagree with the assertion that multiboxers have an advantage over non multiboxing players.

Only if you prefer to spend all your game time grinding or farming ore/herbs

Been in 2 ashrans with him in it, how this stupid bs is allowed is beyond me. How much longer can these people run around ruining stuff.