Multiboxers breaking the game

I am become ever increasingly curious about the person that you refer to. If I queue for Ashran am I likely to encounter them? I would like to see for myself what everyone has been talking about

What times of day would you recommend in order to make a sighting? Do I need to use a character from a particular server or set of servers?

Well, it looks like most of them do. I remember those times when MB was just a niche playstyle with a small number of dedicated guys who wanted to have some fun challenge. It wasn’t something that gave users a big advantage and I saw them rarely.
Now most of the boxers I see look just the same as farmbots and there are a lot of them. On some days they are in almost every current zone and you need to close your eyes to not see them.

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Everytime I queued in the evening, I’ve always had the displeasure of playing against this scum. I’m not queuing anymore because it’s literally a waste of time. I’ve also encountered CHEATboxers with less accounts in other battlegrounds. Bastards preventing me from playing battlegrounds.

Ban all the CHEATboxers.

Yes, my point was that you enjoy doing normal content that is not really profitable, mb is not really for you. You need to grind a lot(mb or not) if you intend to pay your sub with tokens.

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Are you a multiboxer? I multibox regularly and I am not making lots of gold. Please explain what I need to do.

Thank you. I will queue this evening for Ashran. Do I need to be on horde in order to play against this individual?

No, i’m not yet. But basically the same things you’d do if you’re not a multiboxer and farm gold. Farm leather/ore/herbs, craft, sell on AH. But at the end of the expansion don’t expect to make tons of gold anyway.

Prices now low because end of xpac. You need to wait next xpac release. New xpac mats will weight tons of gold. Best time to get rich.

Cant wait to see the grounded druid caravans lul.

After all these years I’ve never really been to keen on druids. I will give them a try when shadowlands comes out, not at the start, maybe near the middle. Do you know how many raids shadowlands will have?

Yes, the bastard’s alliance.

How many? My guess there will be 4 big raids, + 1 small with 2-3 bosses. One xpac lifetime around 2 years.

Seems to be getting out of hand now

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Burn him all!!!

Wasn’t it against the ToS to MB in bg/ebg?

Blue please.

Its not Blizzard anymore. Its a corporate group called activision. I think that what the problem is. Old fart shirt and ties who never gamed in their lives, chosing to allow it so they get their beloved ££££££££££££££

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Like in the new afterlives video, where the like goat man wanted to get the last plant, and it dissapears? he then just goes [redacted] Multiboxers!!!

Mouse broadcasting movement by holding the both mouse buttons down is my guess.

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Multiboxing has been in the game since the start.

The issue is with the token and it being able to be used to add balance to buy any game or service by Blizzard. Blizz should sell the gold direct to players, and all subs should be paid with real money via a sub.

On top of that each node is only 10 tap before it vanishes, making the rarer herb be in such a small zone wasn’t good either. Zin should have had a rare chance to drop from any BFA herb.

I hate multiboxers but maybe they keep this game alive :stuck_out_tongue: Activision wont bother and will shut down WoW if then dont get some extra multiboxers subs money.

Right so because of :clown_face:boxers like you, we remove subs being paid by in-game gold. Very good solution :clown_face:.

Ban all cheatboxers.

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