On Draenor, they’re everywhere. Every spot is taken over my a multi-boxer balance druid farming skins, tailoring mats or greens.
I can’t do anything with them around.
They’re there from morning till night. They never sleep and never stop.
They’re manageable when herbing, mining, but even then they can overwhelm the zone, because they leave nothing behind for you.
I’m sick of seeing them everywhere.
So what’s your experience.
On AM i see them all over the place now too, lots from Tarren Mill btw. Getting sick and tired of them, they hinder a lot of lower level players who cant finish up quests at certain spots, especially on Suramar.
These are not bots, they are multiboxes!!! How can you?
Now close the draenor portal!
Badum tsh
Its somewhere mentioned in ToS or I misread - disrupting zone or taking over zone against tos.
Most multi boxers do that - it’s like whatever ToS
Multiboxers/Bots are litterally taking over and it’s disrupting the zone(s) for many players to a point where you can’t finish your quests as a lower level.
It’s frustrating to say the least. Almost having flashbacks to the underground miners we had back in WotLK…
The problem is not multiboxers. It’s multiboxxing bots.
They too bots!
I was see every time multiboxer as moonkies stand and spam shot over mobs and grab items.
It’s so lazy for them. Ban them!
Pls go back in your tent with your useless argument.
This thread is about gathering materials and how multiboxers take over zones, making you unable to gather any.
Multi-boxers are a bane on this game.
But they also provide money to Blizzard for each account, probably why they wont be banned.
Thing is, there is no possible way to control 10 accounts, perfectly in sync without a third party tool, so anyone multi-boxing with more than 2-3 accounts, should be banned for using these tools, that goes against the ToS as far as I’m aware.
Trolled a Multiboxing Druid in Nazjatar with the Unstable Portal Emitter toy, deployed it ontop of a Zin’achid node and most of their characters clicked on it being sent to random zones. 
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Can we ban Paze? He is damn annyoing multiboxer plan
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Most multiboxers use software that allows them to control the characters simultaneously and that is also against the ToS but they don’t care. Neither does Blizz, so it’s okay.
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Paze, You’re the worst kind of troll because it’s so obvious.
Just noticed you edited your response. Mulitboxer doing a raid or a dungeon on their own doesn’t affect the gameplay of another player.
multiboxing and farming does.
Please leave this thread.
i am no Troll
i edit posts alot becourse my english is bad … more like terrible
Then add reasonable arguments that are on topic instead of derailing it.
I agree they are annoying. Most of the time herbs in Nazjatar dissapear before you can get to them. I think it’s selfish to not leave anything for others. Like ppl who went out to buy all the toiletpaper in stores during the crisis…
A bit harsh there the previous sentences were enough to make a point this one is a bit far.