Multiboxers everywhere

Liar. You’re worst and trolling fox multiboxer

Can we go back to multiboxers, instead of a single player Paze, who doesn’t know how arguments and conversations work ?

Thanks to multiboxers you can not get your own materials, making you spending gold.


Then tell us why you are in support of Multiboxing? If you can’t contribute, then you have no business here.


I want to fix this poblom just like you aswell.

Reminds me about that one machinima that nixxiom made.

share pls.

this Suramar gold farmer bots has to stop. I use to do Nightborne RP in Suramar now u cant do it becourse Bots ruening the RP events.

Isn’t most of Surumar unfriendly?

not for nightborne u even start in Surumar at level 20 inside nighthold in own timeline all are frendly and your automaticly Exalted. If ur a other race u can use the discase and they neutral.

yes but the lvl 110 zone is, no?

yes there they are hostile in there but they dont bother u if ur 120 :smiley:

If we don’t stop the bots and the multiboxers then this will be our future.


Everyone pretends the multi boxing is such a big problem. But is it really? Or is the problem multi-boxers farming resource nodes?

In that case they only need to revert how the nodes work so only 1 player can use it.

Multi-boxers can still multi-box all they want, I really don’t see why multi-boxing itself would be a problem. But they won’t have such a big impact on the economy.

But why am I even posting this?

There will just be another topic tomorrow with the same discussion. And then they day after again. I’m getting so tired of it.

Atleast collect all the concerns, ideas etc. in a single topic. Im pretty sure it will be way easier to be heard that way than to create a new topic with the same replies day after day after day.


Can u pls learn a difference between multiboxers and bots?
Most of those chars in low lvl zones are moving around separated in same patterns so they are just bots,multiboxers follow one char.

Most of them pay sub by gold,its just activision doesnt want to invest money to fight them

Buying the subscription in gold actually gives more money to blizzard since someone had to spend 20 euros to buy a token (vs the 13 euros of a subscription)


I dont care about the difference between multiboxers or bots tbh, and also to me its not about nodes, i get sick and tired of them period, everyone their own opinion and that is what was asked in this thread right? I get sick and tired of them being all over the place, especially when questing with alts.


It’s impossible to control more than 5+ characters without some sort of replication/automization/botting tool.


I want to agree, but I’m not tech savvy.

Pretty much all multiboxers uses something which replicate one input to all the clients. Some even use external software macros that commands formations their characters shall have.

Both of these things goes against blizzard’s own rule about one click, one action. Yet these people pay extra so they don’t get banned.

Also there is an addon they use which circumvent the barriers blizzard have put in place against one button macros that you can spam to to use all buffs or just do a rotation without interrupts due to cooldowns.