Multiboxers everywhere

I don’t find they are manageable at all. I spend my time switching between WM on and off trying to find a shard with the least druids in Nazjatar so I might actually get to make my own pots and flasks.

They are a plague.


Not entirely sure - it’s about multiboxers / bots disrupting other players gameplay.
Been hitting 120 lately on this toon and a zone quest chain was almost impossible to finish since it was essential for the story and the spot where I was supposed to kill 20 Sethrak in Vol’dun was swarmed with bots / mb’s.

Multiple groups of 20-30 moonkins, stationed on top of each other so it’s hard to target them and report. Almost impossible to finish the quest, the only reason I was able to was cuz one mob spawn was a bit far away from them and one of them had to run to it to get aggro so I had to wait on it’s spawn to zap it with FS before he was nuked from the orbit by them.

It’s ridiculous - they’re everywhere.


Not just draenor, every other high populated servers full of them.

Since herb prices dropped cos the end of bfa is near, they go to fast respawn mobs to farm there.

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A lot of them have a flock of druids where they are on various servers. Maximum profits.

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Amazing idea!

This reminds me when the Wintergrasp was about to start back in wotlk. Sometimes a funny mage decided to make a portal to ancient dalaran the same second the portal for wg appeared. :smiley:

It wasn’t me.


so what can it be done to stop this ? it has to stop before it starts braking servers and overload servers to crash so we cant play the game. :frowning:

As a boxer myself I think it’s wrong 10 Druids can wipe out everything and they drive the ah prices crazy low. Limitations need to be in place… make nodes personal or restrict accounts.

Don’t allow boxers in any form of pvp - including warmode.

Go send Ion a message if you want action


Multiboxers are the problem, whether they are bots or not.


Then you are actually griefing them then… they are not breaking any rules as they stand at the moment. Don’t get yourself reported by a boxer.

I see them everywhere in Nazjatar but thats about the extent of it for me, other than that the only other people I’d like to see banned are in Grim batol/dungeons farming on low level characters for raw gold (?) from the minute i get up to the minute i go to bed (and probably while im sleeping too.)

same here… I most often see 5 balance druids than normal player. I really have no idea why this is allowed. Its bad and also its not fair for economy as well. This seems like a f2p Chinese game


It’s halfway there already with the token.


I can’t too difficult of a language to comprehend the same with French.

Not griefing me? They’re voiding the zone of resources making it near impossible to be self reliant… your defense of MB’ers is nauseating.

So until Blizzard does something to curb their gross abuse of multi tapping, screw MB’ers. It has completely gotten out of hand in BfA, and I want to see it rectified before Shadowlands hits…


Please read my earlier post:

What I said remains… they are not breaking any rules right now, even though I would like to see change myself.

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It’s been around since WoW began… they won’t remove it. I would hope they will make some changes though.

I’m talking about their impact with the multi-tap of resource nodes…

So am I. As it stands now it’s crazy one person can empty every node they touch.

Personal nodes could fix this.

I find it incredibly appalling that Blizzard have not addressed this AT ALL.


You know why though don’t you.

Removing the token would be such an easy fix.