Multiboxers everywhere

there were groups farming herbs together of normal people. why punish those who wish to gather herbs with their friends? multitap is a good concept,. a bused by multiscumers

If you wants to allow people to multibox that’s fine just disable the thing so they won’t do the same thing that the main account does that’s just rude and unfair to the none multiboxers.

Just now another encounter with a multiboxbot. 10~15 hunters instagibbing everything that spawns (including a questmob).

This has to stop.

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This is no consolation but I’m from a smaller realm and we get our share of your Draenor multiboxers and bots too.
As for opinions… I’m firmly in a camp called “either disallow this dodgy pseudo-bot nonsense that’s impossible without external automation programs or at least change how nodes work”.
As for the endless multiboxer tirade of “but we lower herb prices, kiss our feet heathen”… On that topic I’m in camp “No amount of herb bots from Draenor will ever lower the herb prices on Quel’thalas, stop pretending you don’t know how sharding works when you routinely abuse it”.

Also please stop making a new thread about it every time. There are about 10 or so already, it’s starting to classify as spam. Even if everyone agrees with the message.

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They pay good money to Blizzard! LEAVE them ALONE! :angry:

Or do you want the game to become more skewed to furries and weebs, because that’s what you’re wishing for, monkey’s paw, my duderino.

wod be time to add player houseing to wow capital cityes with own mine and herb diff with garrison is u can self select what matrial the nods will be of all the matrials in game once u pick one u cant change unless u build new node and a node last for ever. why not trow in the house a bank npc and AH npc aswell.

this way all mutiboxer will just stay inside there own house farming and not bother anyone els and poblom will be fixed.

It’s not the despawning of the herbs that is the problem though. Yes, if a single player picks them up I don’t get to pick them up aswell, if I’m too slow, BUT the other player only got 1 herb that he puts on the AH while the multiboxer gets 5.

People are not concerned about people picking their nodes. People are concerned that the AH gets flooded by herbs and thus herbs are worth nothing.

Since he gets 5 times the herb per node he actually needs the same amount of nodes (= same amount of time) to pay for the subscriptions. And after he paid for the subscriptions he makes 5 times the amount of gold as the player that’s not multiboxing.

More herbs picked = lesser herb prices, whether or not the multiboxer destroys the prices actively or not, the prices will be lower the more multiboxers there are.

And yes, prices always fall during the end of the expansion, but that actually says nothing about multiboxing. You can’t say multiboxing has no effect on the economy, just because prices fall at the end of every expansion. There’s absolutely no corellation. Multiboxers are there at the start and the at end of expansions.


Yes we are. When it takes 45 minutes to pick up 30 zin anthid, there is no way we can make our of potions and flasks. The situation is now maybe a bit better, but i had some hours farming with only 50. A multi boxer is depleting a node in less than 1 second. Where are my other 29 seconds?


If you have a paladin simply stand on the spawn point and use your Consecration ability.

As the mobs spawn you will tag them and the druids will kill them quickly for you.

There’s a spot in voldun where a druid multiboxer hangs out farming as you describe and I have been going there every now and then when I’m bored to pick up a little gold and items on and off for a few days now. It’s not a lot of gold but it’s quite satisfying to right click and collect the things and hear the sound of collecting stuff.

Once you get bored of doing that go and do something else.

Multiboxing is fun.

If a multiboxer is taking your resource nodes away then you should choose a different route.

If you can’t do that then talk to them. Tell them that you are having a hard time collecting resources and they are making it impossible for you and they that are ruining the server economy by flooding the market with cheap resources preventing you from being able to sell for gold or gather for your own use and forcing you to spend your gold on the auction house. If you get tired of typing all of that out perhaps having something pre-prepared that you can copy and paste to every multiboxer that you meet. Just make sure you start off with some pleasentries, such as hello, how are you, that kind of thing.

Just ask nicely ? how hard can it be ?

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Get the Sliver and go to town on them.

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It doesn’t matter if they are bots or real players, both are disrupting the game too much by now.
In the past multi boxers could be tolerated simply because there weren’t many of them around, and seeing one with lot of accounts was even more rare. But now it has grown so common that they are having a severe impact on entire servers and zones.

I think they all know by now what kind of impact they have on the game, they just don’t care since they are too selfish for that. MY FUN>Everyone else.


Basically the same what you’re doing here. Prioritizing your fun over other people lol.

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I believe multiboxers are indeed a plague in this game. I don’t think it was as bad in previous expansions, but I curse myself every day for picking Herbing/Alchemy in BFA. I thought I’d be responsible and make my own flasks & pots for raids and dungeons. I thought that maybe I’d also be able to make some money selling flasks and mats. Boy, was I wrong. I hardly got to do any of that.
Farming for herbs? Yeah, try figuring out the ideal 2-3 hour period in the middle of the morning when the node traffic would be somewhat bearable while the boxers are catching their Zs. AH prices plummet every few days so the little work you can spare to sell is barely worth the amount of time you spent making it. Wherever you turn there are moonkins everywhere. Wanted to do some WQs, level up your rep for your BiS essences, level up in genera and god forbid farm for your own matsl? Too bad.

Meanwhile, normal players are reduced to farming herbs in parties to battle multiboxers.

Pretty much sums up my experience.


No, I’m not wrecking server economies and preventing people to gather materials for personal use. The “we all do it if we can” is always a bs argument.


It’s been proven over and over that multi-boxing is as damaging to the game as botting and those two ways of mass farming are pretty much the same.
The only difference is that botting is almost fully automated and multi-boxing is semi-automated.
That said the damage to the game is on the same level and maybe multi-boxing is ahead of botting because it legitimizes mass gold farming which then can be used for RMT services.

Seriously, do you all think that all those 8-10 ACC’s trains are farming tens of millions of gold per month for themselves? XD


Can’t play my druid anymore, because I keep getting angry whispers when I’m doing world quests. “Let me guess you’re one of them? -.- Reply or reported”.
Super nice… I’m not blaming anyone but the multiboxers and bots. The disruption caused has to be pretty massive for an entire playerbase to start actively witchhunting druids just to see if they can find bots or yell at multiboxers.

Multiboxing has no reason to exist, and it doesn’t have a positive impact on anything in the game. All excuses multiboxers come up with just boil down to “it’s fun for me when I can overpower everyone else with my wallet” or “I get my fun from taking away other people’s fun”, in some way shape or form.

I’m prepared for the multiboxers’ anger, I do not care. I deserve to be able to play my alt in peace and do one pitiful world quest in Nazmir without being hunted down by people whose game you destroy. Don’t bother tagging me, nagging me or anything of the sort, I’m not up for debating this one. I’m fed up, and so is the rest of the playerbase.


This! It’s really nice honor farm :smiley: