Multiboxers everywhere

Can u stop writing that this has been like this since wow begun? I see that written by u often, i have been around for that many yrs and no it has NOT been this bad. U can keep trying to defend this crap but fact is, its getting out of hand, and its disgusting, and stop about griefing pls, its the multiboxers who are doing that making it impossible for others to nicely play, or quest or herb. It is time Blizzard stops it in this form, again i was just doing a wq on an alt in Suramar where u have to kill 3 bosses so u have to be at that spot and there are about 20 birds and 2 monks with the taunt having a ball on that spot. Sick and tired of it tbh, and yes u can have your opinion, we all can but stop writing it has always been like this, that is a lie.


Just seen ASHRAN with full team of multiboxing guy.


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You mean these “BLIZZARD CENSORING SENSIBLE” stuff here?

AND such things ?

No wonder no one goes on this forums total disgust.
Mods can not say anything beyond " OO NICE/LOVELY thing/Nice stuff" since disgusting.

I am here for arguments and feedback,making fun of people since this is more fun than actual game.


Why i should read that crap when it is almost like prison.
Kids in kindergarden can say more xD

Holystyle, if you have nothing to contribute to the topic of multiboxing and farming, please leave this thread.


OMG Holystyle is back with it’s useless and aggressive posts. Just as I thought the forums had been nice and quiet lately.

(Apologies for off topic - really hoped this one had had a lifetime ban!)

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It got bad when the token was introduced. I have been boxing since TBC.

Make 10 druids farm everything in sight and they make enough to pay subs with gold and tons of profit on the top to spend on any Blizzard digital service or game.

If people can get free stuff and their pc can handle it then they will.

Blizzard created this mess.

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I consider multiboxing with 3 accounts. Not for herbing or crushing any market. But for mount farming, running old instances, xmogs etc… You know. Having fun with a new aspect of the game.

But when I see 2-3 MB’ers drying out nodes in nazjatar every time I go there I get p!$$3d. I still hope Blizzard will fix this by making ore and herb nodes personal again. One herb=one herber, not ten herbers.
I haven’t been around in Suramar, WoD or other zones recently. Maybe I should go there tonight and watch the botters…

Even if you did pick herbs that would be fine. The issues are:

  • Nodes vanish after 10 uses
  • The token
  • 10 boxers

I saw a druid multiboxer today picking herbs and it was in Alliance teretory while i was on my ally druid and it was a hordie druid there was the multiboxer.

doing pvp in bg’s was a nightmare these past days.

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They give blizzard more sub and expansion money.

So screw the rest of us. as long as we don’t mass leave the game because of them, our opinion doesn’t matter.

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Just force mutliboxers to have to control each player individually. One button should equate ONE action in total. Not one action per character. It baffles me how this is not considered botting and game automation.


Multiboxers should only get a charge (around 1-5+ depending on herb node and rank) per node.

Its one * player. So they should not gain more than like 5 anchor per node even if they multibox. And im talking about the whole gang of multiboxing characters, not per character.

Or let every * node have one charge like vanilla.


They pay more so they get to do what they want , this is Blizzard’s motto. All about the money. Doesnt matter if it ruins the experience for hundreds or thousands of “single subscription” users.

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Why is this so prophetic and current yet sad? I hate the npcdroids

Punish normal players for the multiscum? How about force movement (knock back) so they lose the /follow

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They used to be pretty rare but have become far more common this expansion, I’ve noticed a significant increase since they announced the brutosaur was going to get removed, I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole crap was engineered by Blizzard (tin foil hat, I know)

Needless to say I’ve had enough of seeing them all over the damn place, instantly deleting anything they come across, I want to farm my own herbs, I don’t want to buy them.

How is that punishing normal players? Personal nodes at least let you get something, I could be flying around for 30 mins to an hour and barely have enough herbs to justify the time wasted, if they follow FFXIV or GW2s approach it wouldn’t be a problem.

I would insert that’s the most evil thing meme gif in here, but it seems that Blizzard cares more about me posting a meme gif then they actually do about botting and multiboxing?