Multiboxers everywhere

We need the flowers and gold for our own flasks, prepots, invis potions, lightfood potions, mana potions, health potions, war scrolls, fish feasts and buff food.

This is not true. Blizzard can still control the personal nodes and in theory nothing should change income wise.

This is a terrible idea.

Nah, it’s not that easy to set up 10-30 PCs. You have to have the space for them, the cooling of the room itself. My room has 2 PCs in it, and in the afternoon I have to crank up the AC just to keep the room liveable. PCs emit a lot of heat. Then there’s the electricity costs of running 10 PCs. Also the inconvinience of setting them up. You can totally use one keyboard and mouse on multiple PCs, but a lot of the automation that multiboxers do works only if the clients run on the same PC. You may end up in a position where on top of having to buy 9 more PCs, find the room for them, their monitors, find ways of cooling 10 PCs and your room with them, now you have to control much more of each WoW instance.

Even if you hook all 10 PCs to the same monitor, which I don’t think is possible, it’ll still be a bit of a hassle to switch between different WoW instances, too… so yeah, I predict making nodes farmable only once, like it is in so many MMOs will kill many of the problems caused by multiboxers. It just won’t be worth it.

The main problem with “real” nodes is flying. There’s others - like one faction being able to control resources, but that is a good thing.

The problem, for me, isn’t that someone gathers a herb and I don’t. The problem is that someone pays $150 a month so I am unable to gather herbs, you know.

I think that using any third-party program whatsoever to benefit from a game should never be allowed. Obviously Blizzard enjoys the income of 5 subscriptions per person.


I’m confused how it can make it worse than several flocks of druids going round zones mass farm depleting it.

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did wod crash economy when we had own herb farm in garrisons ? No …


That would only solve part of the issue. But it’d make the AH prices drop even further. That would be a complete disaster.

Yeah I’m not seeing how it would make it worse. I think I’m just missing something.

Because then it’d be multiboxers + other people farming nodes and flooding the AH with so many raw mats that it’d make them worthless.

But it’s to break multiboxing. They wont be able to see the same spawns on their flocks.

I used to make money out of leatherworking and herb gathering.
It was always my only income in this game, for I am not skilled to camp AH or look for ‘good deal’. I also can’t force myself to farm something for hours either.

I despise Multiboxers to say the least. They have ruined my only decent way of earning coin in this game…
…and not just that, they make WoW look like some bad and cheap MMO which is swarmed by ‘bots’.

I really wish they did something about this…


Yes, it’d break multiboxing, but at the same time increase node supply hugely, so the prices will drop big.

But then it’d create another issue, which is the value of mats going down to oblivion because there would be an infinite supply of them due to everyone being able to farm them without competition.

I honestly don’t get it, if you get x number of spawns in different places per person it’s a million times better than a few multiboxers depleting all the nodes to flood various markets on the realms they are based on.


They can always revert the system to how it was.
When one player picks a herb, it goes away.
It would increase the prices again and it would stop multiboxers, as there would be nothing to pick after first pick.
Maybe that would solve the issue…


It’s basically the same thing. The only difference would be that the multiboxers wouldn the be able to screw other people over, but the flood of mats in the AH would still tank the pieces down so much that it’d make it impossible to earn any serious profit with raw farming.

That’d have to be done then. One herb per node, one mineral per node.

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The current problem is created by having 1 flower needed for everthing, in an area that is not current anymore, what makes all herbers shard together instead of spread over multiple shards.
It was not really a problem before nazjatar, and during nazja/mecha you were also able to get your own flowers.

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I don’t see it, I’m sorry. At present I’m heavily penalised trying to herb as a non boxer. I struggle to find nodes that aren’t mass depleted by multiboxers. All my flasks and potions require the one herb the boxers target which can only be farmed in one zone.

If they changed the sytem tomorrow, multiboxers could not deplete zones and mass farm the way they do and flood the market. Individuals would be limited to the x number of herb nodes in the zone.

The system would remove the flooding of the AH because multiboxing would be a lot harder to do.


Can you explain how? Because the way I see it, if you have an x number of nodes (like it is now), then if you make them personal, you’d basically remove all competition for the nodes, which means that the zones would just become your personal garrison that you farm for your personal herbs. Or am I missing something here?

How exactly would this prevent the flooding of the AH with mats, when you’d simply replace one guy with multiple alts with several guys with one character, which in terms of the economy would literally change nothing?