Multiboxers everywhere

Multiply that by the number of people gathering and you’d get a lot bigger number than the supply today, unless the number of multiboxer accounts is bigger(which I don’t believe is the case).

When nodes can only be looted once, it doesn’t matter if someone is multiboxing or not. It will be fair. With personal nodes, the issue of multiboxing will be worse - even greater incentive to run more accounts. Now, you can loot a node like 10 times. With personal nodes… you can loot a node as many times as you want. The limiting factor becomes not the node itself, but the diminishing returns on profit from running multiple accounts. So the people who complain they can’t farm herbs right now will be at an even bigger disadvantage. The average player will be in a position where doing professions will not be worth the time investment. It’ll be cheaper to buy things from the AH.

I wasn’t referring to the tap once part but despite other games successfully having individual node spawns others seem to think it wouldn’t work in WoW.


This is why I was saying that Multiboxing is also based on automation and it’s at least semi-automated so it should be banned like botting is because both things are based on automation.
Ofc. Blizzard is using some utterly dumb rhetorics and broken semantics to make excuses and justify money printing.

Money making trough crafting is petty much useless because you will gain much more gold per hour if you just AoE farm dungeons for raw gold or mats to craft items which then you can vendor. The economy is just broken right now.


If bizzard says so it is so no buts.
Their game their rules.

Orly? Then why despite what Blizzard says many things in the game got changed?
Blizzard was many time wrong about many things and history literally proves that what Blizzard says is often modified by what players want or don’t want.

Like on Blizzcon they once sed.
U think you do but u dont ?

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How about you stop wasting people’s time with stupid responses that avoid the point of the conversation and bring nothing substantial to the discussion.

It can work, but not while multiboxing is allowed. As long as MB is allowed, it will only work insofar as to ensure that you can get herbs by gathering them yourself and not by buying them. However, I’d argue with individual nodes and multiboxing, it doesn’t make sense for a player to pick herbalism at all. Just pick 2 crafting professions, it’ll be a much better investment. Because we already have people multiboxing 100+ accounts. Where someone can now pick just 10 herbs from a node, they’ll be able to pick 100+ with individual nodes. No player will be making any money selling herbs, in fact it will probably be a waste of time to farm herbs on your own.

Personally I’m not a fan of non-real world nodes, but you’re right - they can work. Not with multiboxers around, because they’ll benefit multiboxers even more.

we all have the freedom of speetch.

Report for what? For pointing out that you lack substantial arguments and that you avoid the point on purpose to troll the discussion?
Good luck with playing the victim card.

Btw, if anything you should be reported for spam because you have a habit of making posts in the discussion, and then when you get confronted about what you said you just keep modifying posts or deleting them.

ur the one who’s rude.
I am not trolling . My english is just bad how is that trolling ?

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Then who are you for starting a conversation with me and then when your arguments got rebutted you accused me of harassment? :slight_smile:

This ridiculous statement is proof of your trolling.

becourse ur targeting me ? S0 i take it as a treat
atlest iam trying to fix this poblom in a frendly way. :frowning:

How I’m targeting you if you started talking to me and I’m just responding to your arguments? LOL :laughing:

No, you are not fixing anything. You are just defending multiboxing and make stupid jokes when you don’t know what to say when your argument gets rebutted.

I used to be a multiboxer my self. All what peoples do is hate me and yell at me in game. :frowning:
i dont even collect herbs i just skin stuff and farm bosses .

If you are looking for sympathy you won’t get it because you did something which was damaging to other player’s experience in the game so you deserve what people give you.

i can see 2 possible fixes to the problem with multi-boxers/botters(don’t know if they are botters or boxers and i don’t really care it is a problem that needs fixed nothing else)
make it so multiboxxing is not allowed(it is a fix to the problem does not mean it is the best option but it fixes the problem)

make nodes single use

the sittuation is like 1 step forward 2 step back.

that is not what is talked about im talking about the herbs problem and how to fix it NOTHING else and disallowing multiboxing would fix that no matter how you twist or turn it, that problem would be fixed