Multiboxers in SoD

So lately there are several dozens of multiboxers running all over the place again.

Wasn’t the mirroring software banned? It is as bad as it was in classic and I see no talk of it.

I see 10 or 20 hunter multiboxers running wild every single day.


Multiboxing is allowed, so no problem with that.

However, broadcasting keys is not allowed. But don’t just report a player for multiboxing - report him for botting if he indeed is automating game play by multicasting keys to multiple clients.

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Well of course they are broadcasting, is there another way that he can manage 20 hunters to press the same buttons exactly at the same time?

Well they wont do anything. everybody know that this type of playstyle req for multibox. And multibox is still allowed. Because they pay more money. So from blizz perspective no1 care you died that guy, they care 5x montly sub.

If you have multiple accounts set up and have them split over x amount of screens it’s possible to make window tabbing macros and assign them to like mouse scroll wheel and move between screens very fast. All they really have to do is make assist macros and bind them to the same key and just keep spamming it whilst tabbing between windows. It’s not going to be instant, but if you can tab between 8-10 screens a second whilst spamming the assist macros it would probably look like it’s being controlled by a single program.

Doing this isn’t against the rules and it would be very hard to actually prove someone is multiboxing with automated software controlling all accounts at the same time.


tbh does it really matter, games tainted af of GKDP, if anything sounds like a way to play the game without being infected with gold buyers money.

Yeah, 20 chimera shots within 0.1 seconds I’m pretty sure they were alt tabbing on every single screen while running and putting traps all over the place.

Right, you multiboxing by any chance

Would you say the same for flyhacking and botting?

Nah I don’t but I have 3 accounts I just click between the screens and can do all of them pretty fast with a few basic macros.

I was looking for an easier way to do it and seen videos of people with like 10 accounts open on a screen using somekind of mouse over method which they didn’t even need to tab between the screens.

I’m pretty sure there’s methods out there that multiboxers use to keep themselves within the rules that people don’t even know about. Of course they could also be using actual software & found a way to say under the radar without it getting flagged.

I know a quite bit about how it works, tabbing or hovering over a small screen with mouse is much harder to pull off in open world pvp, especially in ashenvale if you are a multiboxer and you decide to dive into an enemy raid.

What I see around is absolutely perfectly managed 20 characters that completely simultaneously use their abilities, have no delay between any character and sending all 20 pets at the exact same time and pulling them the same way. There is not even a 0.1 delay between their abilities.

I have used/seen quite a bit of ISboxer back in the day and I know this software when I see it.

They probably use it anyway, risking a ban, because they are sure they can get away with it since not a single game master exists in the game. And about mass reports they probably think like “I’m gonna get mass reported anyway whether I use ISboxer or not, so lets do it” and they probably just use it regardless.

Dont think their quite on tbe same level really.

I just think if your gonna let gkdp taint the game, why bother with the rest lol, basically a welcome mats for bots to pour in endlessly.

Both are against ToS so should be taken take of.

GDKPs being in the game is bad, but its not that we should give up everything and let people violate the rules as they please because they exist.

The reason they use hunters is the pets do all the work set to aggressive

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Becuase Multiboxing is allowed as soon as you dont use a 3rd party program and with so many made up stories about everything on the forums so next time record it and have some proof on what you are talking about. We cant just take your word for it.

You don’t have to believe me, you have no significance whatsoever.

Well, mostly the reason is how hunter pets (wind serpents) can oneshot anything in range and delete them in a single global.

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I sometimes boost myself playing more than one account.

You can find ways to make it quicker these days without the key broadcasting, mouse over window enabling can be turned on and I can reduce the delay between your first click etc.

20 hunters could actually just be him controlling 1

With 19 on follow with pets on aggressive to be honest.

I use 3 and just have 2 account with a macro that has assist, pet attack and auto attack.

Then just control the main one. It’s just a bit of added damage for solo content

It would just be better to see it and analyze it, something you feel like they did the shots 0.1 after eachother might just be an overreaction from you. Why do I say that? Becuase its kinda simple to set up things on one screen and just have your mouse over their windows you can just put your mouse over all of the windows preatty quick and press their keybindning.

Or they use a 3rd party program, but without proof, we cant really analize it like I said (:

They need to remove the aggressive stance from the pet - that would help some.

Nah but thanks

This just shows how people are actually clueless and have no idea how to setup proper boxing. I box 5 hunters and it takes me 0.3 sec to activate all windows on all people. I woudl prolly take me 0.5 seconds to activate 10 windows.

How? By using brain and brain cells, that most people seems to have no idea? Tab? hello, you ever heard of mouse over scroll down and up? cascaded windows???

You can legit activate 20,30 windows within 1,2 seconds ify ou’re good. You just shrink the windows down and scroll down via mouse. Voila, your brain cells actually work!


Your parents must be proud of you