Multiboxing as a standard in wow?

Hello :slight_smile:
just saw a multiboxer with 25 Accounts :slight_smile:
that was such a good feeling :slight_smile:
i think he got no advantages over other players, especially not by grinding gold.
i think he is just doing this because it looks funny.
maybe we all should do that? cmon guys, its just ~300€ each month.
he got such a great name “mechagodzila” in 25 different spellings.
i will dream about him =)

PS: oh i forgot to mention: he just solo raided dazaralor. he killed just every player. that was cool. what one player can do if he is just rich in RL =)


Use better bait…this is 4/10 at best.


Remove his name or face consequences.

Also though theres like a million of these threads as much as I agree with you, we have enough.

there should be way more


Yes, if you can’t fight them, better to join them.

Multiboxers are bad for the game and the fact that they are tolerated doesn’t make them better


That one player’s army of multiboxers is making the forums quite a lot recently, seems to be having an impact on BGs and other content.

It is quite common to see flocks of druids in Nazjatar mass farming herbs but I still think regular one account at a time is the norm.

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Does mechagodzila have a youtube account, is this person a streamer, do they have a patreon or an onlyfans?

They seem to be gathering some fame recently.

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Freaking disgusting…


I know why not start a guild or a community called “Godzilla” and use it to serve mechagodzilla with some much deserved justice?

@ Punyelf
The issue is not the multiboxing itself, It’s about abusing the game mechanics with 30+ DeathKnights to summon hundreds of zombies all at the same time to make the server and the game client unstable, laggy, and unplayable. On top of that he is using fireworks and other unnecessary visual effects to make it even worse. This clearly indicates that he is doing it on purpose. He knows the lag he is causing and he is actively trying to make it worse. When we meet him, many of my allies will disconnect from the battleground due to the lag or their game client will crash outright.

The deliberate actions of this player fall 100% under Zone Disruption which is against the rules.


Tbh they should just put cap on max accounts u can use at one time lets say 5(including lead acc)
This way:
-it wont lag so much
-less influence on prices

The became broken because of these m*ks

What is it that causes the lag? Is it because a single machine is controlling many characters or is it the graphics they produce with their behaviour? and if so is, it possible to mitigate this by turning graphics settings to lowest?

they overload zones,seen soooo many server lags in nazj…

u know what lag is? :rofl:


Its all started when blizz introduced wow tokens + multi tap nodes.

Before that, only some people had the luxury to maintain 5+ accounts.

Nowdays if you have no life and can play hours/day, you can maintain 10+ accounts for free.


I think I do.

Is it when you are playing and your frame rate goes really low even though you have a very powerful machine? I often get this is massive battlegrounds like alterac valley, I remember years ago it never used to happen and I was on a slower machine back then, so I’m not sure what’s different now but it often makes those huge epic battles that I loved so much back in the day into a low framerate unplayable mess.

Please clarify what lag is, sorry if I’m mistaking it for something else.

lag is related to your connection not fps,and with too many characters in zone,servers are so overloaded that i have lags even with 40 ping

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so what is the noticeable result of lag? Is it not fps dropping?

when you experience lag what do you see on the screen, how do you know that you are experiencing lag?

It’s server lag. You activate an ability and it fires off in 2-3 seconds.