Multiboxing botters in Nazjatar

Not against the rules to multibox, they pay blizz for the accounts so they don’t care. (I don’t like it either but nothing will be done so don’t lose sleep over it is what I mean.) ^^

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It’s so hard to get the herbs there now. I used to be able to farm about 200 of them just for raiding but now I just cba trying as it’s a waste of time.


Everyone knows why this is “allowed” It is because multiboxers are 1 player that brings them a lot of money and this is the only reason. They say that it doesn’t have any real impact or negative sides for other players and that they aren’t doing anything that is illegal. Though most of this is wrong. All of these multiboxers flying around as druids farming a ton of herbs constantly is something that will have an impact on the economy / auction in the game, they clearly using extra things to help them control all of them, it is bad for the already bad world pvp and more things. But then again, its 1 person brining in a lot of money, blizzard loves money more than anything which they have shown so many times, they are willing to sacrifice anything, for more money.


Or that there’s little difference of you playing with your family or me playing with my ‘ego’.

Money average MB invests to the game is likely marginal. If Blizzard wants money they have nough whales buying silly ‘con tickets’ and red dots.

I am quite certain I have never done anything negative against anyone, but ‘campers’ in wPvP. Was always nice to kill off the ones torturing tiny levels. They one shot lowbies, I one shot them on max level. Order was good.

Now as for ‘negative way’ as official response, then when i started and asked Blizzy people, i got more direct comments. I did let them even revise my methodology of controlling my minions.

And I do NOT herb - my life is too short for running around zone like this.

Blizzard has always been greed > morals, nothing can be done

Blizzard don’t want multi boxers. If you look at it from a financial angle multiboxers are inferior. All they have in their favour is that they will have more than one copy of the game and more than one sub, but there is still just one person sitting there all merchandise, mounts blizzcon tickets etc x1. Blizzard do not like multiboxers or encourage them, I can’t say what the reasons are but to claim its for financial reasons doesn’t stand up when you look into it a little deeper.

if Blizzard didn’t like multiboxers, there wouldn’t be any


I will try to explain:

Imagine the you are the owner of a private members club that charges a signup fee and monthly membership fees. You put adverts up in the club and you sell information about your members to advertisers. The club has 5 members, 1 of the members pays 3 times as much as the other 4 in membership fees, the benefit they get from this is to have 3 times as much space to sit down and to store their belongings whilst inside the club. At the club there are activities that the members can do, both by themselves and with each other, and they can buy things. You’ve been doing some research and you’ve come to the conclusion that you want your members to form relationships with one another for group activities and also to invite their friends, because you will make more money if they do that.

So, superficially it makes sense that someone would think that you like that there is a member who pays 3 times as much as the others do in membership fees, and yes, it’s not bad for you that you get 3 times as much in membership fees from them. However, they will only be able to spend as a single person, see adverts as a single person, and also if they leave you lose membership fees x3. You would prefer 3 people rather than 1 that pays 3 times as much to get in.

Does that make sense?

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It’s not about preferring one type of customer over the other, 50 dollars from 3 people or a single person is still 50 dollars, by your logic multiple people spend more money than a single person with multiple accounts in the long run. It’s irrelevant because that’s not the problem here. The problem here is a guy that gets away with quasi-monopolizing the herb market because he needs to fund his 15 accounts as well as funding whatever else he has going on the side

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You don’t need to multibox to quasi-monopolize the herb market. You don’t need to quasi-monopolize the herb market to fund multiboxing. You can do either of these two things without doing the other, and you can get away with both.

I have in past bought cheap herbs from AH (, sent them to 5 different alts (to avoid detection of doing it) and sold them with 300% profit.

hey i needed to fund buying BfA, ok !

Whilst multiboxing recently in Nazjatar and I was flying around from place to place doing quests when I saw a nice juicy clump of zin’anthid and there was a creature next to it so I went down and started killing the creature, all of a sudden a bunch of druids shows up and picks the heb and it vanishes while I’m still fighting the creature.

Gosh! I thought to myself. So I wasn’t too bothered when that happened, but seeing it reminded me of this thread so here I am. Anyway, a short time later I spotted another clump of zin’anthid and went down to get it, when all of a sudden the druids appeared from nowhere and I realised that they were going for it so I decided not to bother and as I flew a short distance away I saw another clump of zin’anthid and was about to go for that, but the druids showed up really quickly and I just decided not to bother.

So now I have experienced first hand what it is like to be going for a herb and to have it taken from me by another player who is most likely multiboxing. On top of that I was multiboxing too.

I have to say, I’m not bothered. I can understand that there is a slight feeling of loss that the herb I wanted to gather is no longer there. But I think it’s good that things like this can happen, it makes the game less boring. Although, I wasn’t in nazjatar to specifically get herbs, I was more concerned with prismatic mana pearls. I imagine that if my main objective had been to gather herbs I might feel slightly different about it. However, I think that you need to calm down about this, it really is a good thing that another player can come along and do that, try to look on the bright side of things. Later in my session I had similar experiences in uldum with villagers that needed to be saved for a quest, but there were so many other players in the area that all had to do the same thing that it took longer for me to save the villagers than it otherwise would have taken. There was even someone in chat complaining about it. I have to say I actually enjoyed myself even though I was being deprived of villagers to save.

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If you are not controlling each individual character you are botting and the only reason they allow it is cos of the cash they make off of the accounts.


But when their are a few of these groups roaming it takes an hour to get as much as you would in 5 minutes. It is not fair. Especially at peak times.


I always found it very funny when Blizz explains their stance towards multi boxing as ‘We’re ok with it as there is one person actually playing one of the characters and it’s not hurting the game or other players…’.

I guess multiboxers mass flooding the AH with mats has no effect on the game in their eyes…

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never saw russians i see plenty from draenor and ravencrest tho, u wanna characterize them racially?

Why do people immediately jump in here and defend?

We all know it’s bull

Whether it’s Legal or not.

What, if you see someone stabbing a baby you’d overlook it if it said it was legal on paper?


If people find it fun and it doesn’t particularly bother or impact me in ways that are purposely grieving I am glad they are enjoying themselves.
I have been one-shot for attacking these even, still, the game is inherently unfair at times and if I was really inclined, I could multibox myself, it is not an exclusive club, anybody can do it and it’s not as expensive or demanding as people assume.

It has little direct impact, if they was constantly ganking and killing quest givers this would be a different matter - they rarely do, your average player is generally worse in that regard lol

The only reason it is so abundant is because it is the best way to make gold and is self sustaining - this will undoubtedly be nerfed I think but I’m willing to wager multiboxing will remain.

People will always be upset if they feel at a disadvantage, they are in some ways but not completely, most just don’t want to go to such efforts to bridge the gap.

Ah yes, these twisted rl examples. Just don’t even try, this one was horrific.


No you are botting when the process is automated
Multiboxing is not automated gameplay, it’s just input being broadcasted to multiple processes, this is in no way shape or form automation.
It comes closer to batching if anything